I Don't Want to Live Forever

Week One

Leaning against the desk she sighed. Layla had no idea why she left her quiet little emergency room in Springfield. This place was crazy, she hadn’t sat down all day and couldn’t remember the last time she had taken a drink of anything. April came up to the desk beside her and chuckled.
“You going to make it?”
Layla opened her eyes and looked over at April with a sigh, “I’m trying. I just keep thinking, 45 more minutes, 45 more minutes.”
April smiled and patted her on the shoulder, “you got this girl!” She turned and grabbed the last two charts off the desk, “you take one, I take one? Last patients of the shift?”
April looked at each chart for a second and then handed her one.
“I’ll give you the easy one, gunshot on a cop.”
“You’re a saint, next shift I owe you coffee.”
“I’m holding you to that!”
Layla and April both forced themselves off the desk and headed in their respective directions. On her way to Bay 5 she crossed paths with Halstead, realizing they were both heading into the same room.
“Last patient of the shift?” Layla looked up at Will.
“Last patient of the shift, saved the best for last.” Will looked down at her with an exasperated smirk.
She looked up at him with a confused look and shook his head, pulling back the door and heading into the room.
“Hank, not often we see you on this side of the glass.” Will greeted the man sitting on the gurney.
“Not my favourite side of the glass to be on.”
“Well, how about I give it a look and then get you out of here?”
“That’s what I’ve been waiting for for the past two hours Halstead.”
Will came over to the wall Layla was currently leaning on and grabbed himself a pair of gloves, smirking sarcastically at her.
“Me and Layla here wanted to save you as our coveted last patient of the shift, feel honoured Sarg.” Will sat down and started looking at the wound on the man currently identified as Hank’s arm. “Well, doesn’t look like it’s going to need stitches. Maybe toss a little glue in it, bandage you up and call it a day.” He stood up, pulling his gloves off and looked at Layla. “I think I’ll leave you to that.” Smiling, he headed towards the doorway passing her and whispered, “good luck.”
She stared at the back of his head as he walked out of the bay, wondering what the hell he meant by that. Shaking her head she started over to the cart in the corner of the room grabbing what she was going to need to fix this “Sarg” up.
“So, Layla was it?”
“Layla, yeah. And what do I call you, stick with Sarg or do I get to call you Hank?”
She walked over and sat down in front of him on a stool setting her supplies down on the table beside them.
He looked her over, a small smirk forming on his face that he was trying to hide as he did so. “You can call me Hank.”
“Well Hank, it’s nice to meet you. Now how about we fix that arm up and we can both go home?”
She went to work on the older mans arm, noting how he kept it flexed slightly the entire time and smirked to herself.
“I haven’t seen you around here before Layla.”
She looked up at him quickly before focusing her attention back on his arm. She wouldn’t deny it, his rough voice saying her name could probably make her do anything he wanted, but she was going to do her best to hide that.
“New, just moved down here from Springfield.”
“Springfield wasn’t for you anymore?”
“Just wanted a change, but this might have been too big of a change… I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve sat down all day.” She chuckled and looked up at him through her hair.
“Maybe you’ll find something that will make you want to stay.”
Wrapping the final twist on the gauze bandage she had applied to his bicep, she secured it with a couple pieces of tape and pushed herself back on her stool, refusing to look at him or she knew she would blush.
“Well Hank, there you go. All patched up.”
He looked down at his arm and nodded before standing up and putting his button down back on.
“Good news is we both get to go home now.”
“Finally,” she sighed, grabbing the last of her mess and throwing it in the garbage.
Hank shrugged on his coat before starting towards the door, before he made it he turned to look at Layla. “See ya around Layla.”
Flashing a small smirk, he turned back around and headed through the door. Grabbing the chart off the table she headed back out to the desk to write her notes. Leaning up against it she felt another body beside hers and looked over to see Will.
“Sorry about doing that to you on your first week.”
“Doing what?” She continued writing in her chart.
“Sicking you to the wolf.”
“The wolf?,” she looked up at him confused, “that guy?”
“Great cop, but sometimes doesn’t have much of a personality.”
“Yeeeah,” she focused back on her chart.
“You mean he didn’t bite your head off?”
“Nope. Not at all. Even told me he’d see me around.”
“He’d ‘see you around’? Wow. Don’t let the other girls know that, you’ll get stuck with him every time he’s here.” With that Will pushed up off the desk, “well, end of shift. Have a good night Layla.”
“You too Will.” She continued writing on her chart, but the whole time was confused by the difference between the Hank Will talked about and the one that was her patient.
Snapping her out of her thoughts was April coming up beside her, slamming her hands down on the desk.
“We’re done! Drinks? I’m buying the first round for you surviving your first week here so you can’t say no.”
“Never going to say no to free booze, but please tell me we’re not going in these?” She looked down at her scrubs.
“Oh hell no girl, we’re definitely going home to change. I’ll text you the address and meet you there in an hour?”
“You’ve got yourself a deal!” 
“Yay!” April started towards the break room, “one hour! Be there! Look hot!”
Layla chuckled at her new co-worker and closed the chart setting on the finished pile and grabbed her coat and purse from under the desk wondering what on earth she was getting herself into.
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Hey guys! New story, let me know what you think :)