Pink Hair, Dead Eyes

i'm not a fool, i'm just lifeless, too

A big pink bubble pops in Randi Rose’s face, part of it sticking to her nose. It causes her and Tommy both to smile and laugh which is nice because that doesn’t happen often.

Some action movie is playing on the TV in front of them, a shirtless girl in daisy-dukes seducing the main character. Randi is paying attention to it, but Tommy isn’t. He’s only staring at her and she can sense it.

Before she can tell him off for it, he says, “You’re beautiful, you know that?”

The girl looks at him and cocks her head. A faint red blush is tainting his cheeks.

“Stop,” she tells him.

“No,” Tommy straightens up. Her legs are on top of his and she begins to move, but he steadies them so that she can’t. He wants to trap her. He wants her to really hear. “You act like you don’t know it and at first I thought it was an act to seem, like, modest or some shit, but now I think you really just don’t believe it.”

Randi just chews her gum and blinks at him.

“I think it’s ‘cause you think you’re broken or whatever, but even if you are, you…” he trails off and laughs in spite of himself. “Christ, I don’t know why I’m even telling you this.”

“Then don’t.”

“I like you. I really do. I care about you, Randi. I want you.”

“I don’t want to belong to anybody,” she snaps.

Tommy makes a little noise of disbelief. “That’s not what I’m saying. I wouldn’t claim you like that. You’re not my territory. You belong to the world, babe. Everyone should be able to appreciate you.” She rolls her eyes. “But should you ever want something more, something deeper than just dancing and fucking, I’m gonna be here.”

“You’ve been here for a while already. You’ll get tired of waiting.”

Tommy smirks and shrugs his broad shoulders. “We’ll see.”

“Like you said, though,” her light eyes meet his. “I belong to the world. I’m too fucked up for this intimate shit. My forte is dancing and staying distant.”

“I’ve picked up on that, actually,” the man grins, showing crooked teeth.

“But just so you know, my name is Iris.”


“My real name, it’s Iris. You think my parents named me Randi Rose?”

“No, I just…” he was a little surprised, but also felt kind of special.

“Shut up and watch the movie.”

She delighted in him shutting his mouth abruptly. His hand traced up her leg softly. It felt nice. Maybe belonging to someone again could feel nice, too. Maybe one day.
♠ ♠ ♠
title credit to The Weeknd's 'Belong to the World'

this was short and sweet, but i liked writing it. something to get the creative juices flowing.