Why Would You Want to Adopt Me?

I've Got All This Ringing in my Ears

I awoke in a daze. I couldn't really remember what happened for a few minutes. Then i remembered every detail. I looked to my right. Leslie was sitting next to my bed. She jumped when she noticed that i was finally awake.

"What the hell were you thinking! I could have lost you forever! And to think that this young man was going to adopt you." She pointed at the door way.

I gasped. I had seen this man many times before. But not in person of course. His face was taped all over my walls. Along with his other band mates.

"holy shit...." I mumbled. (I tend to mumble a lot)

Patrick Stump stood in the door way. He smiled shyly.

Leslie cleared her throat. "So I suppose the adoption is off?"

Patrick looked shocked, "What makes you think that?"

He was speaking as if nothing just happened. And for just that one sentence, Patrick Stump earned my undying respect.

I smiled a little.

"Oh," Leslie said, "Um, I suppose I'll just leave you two alone to get to know each other."

Leslie left the room. I was still a little in shock. I was in a room alone with Patrick Stump, who just happened to save my life.

"So Payton, tell me about yourself."

"Uh... well... I like music, to read, play my guitar-"

Patrick stopped me in mid-sentence. "OH! You play?
For how long?"

"I guess since i was 5. I kinda taught myself. Leslie couldn't really afford lessons."

"Awesome. So...uh... Do you want me to adopt you? uh...i mean...oh crap....."

I looked up at him. I wasn't really sure what to say. This was getting kinda awkward.

I quickly thought of something, "Well i mean if you want to, I don't really mind at all."

Patrick smiled. "Ok, so when do you want to move in?"

I shrugged. "As soon as possible i guess, anything to get me out of this shit-hole I call a home."

"OK. Well i guess you should go ahead and pack your things. Do you want to go ahead and leave tonight?"

"Yeah, if Leslie will let me."

"OK, I'll leave you to pack your things."

Patrick left the room, leaving me only with my thoughts. I pulled out my back- pack and shoved clothes, books, and other things. I carefully packed my guitar into its case. Folded up my posters, and placed them into a separate bag.

I never realized how little I had until I had packed everything. My room was now completely empty. It looked kind of sad. I frowned. And slowly left my room, for the last time in my life.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Leslie and Patrick going over last minute details. I walked out the front door. Not bothering to say good-bye to the other kids. It would be too hard to see all their sad faces.

A few minutes passed, and Leslie and Patrick walked outside.

"Well, are you ready to go?" Leslie looked as if she was going to cry.

I had known her all my life. I was never going to see her again. So why didn't i feel sad?
I grabbed my back pack and my other bags. I took one look at Leslie and walked toward Patrick's car. I put my things in the back seat, and sat up in the front.

I took one last look at the house as Patrick backed out of the drive way.
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