Back Into Your Arms

Chapter 65

Omniscient P.O.V

The place really wasn’t far away, they arrived in the matter of minutes.

“Thank you” John thanked the driver and paid him. The driver took the money and shook his head. He usually didn’t accept to drive people such short distances but Mel had convinced him.

John looked back at Mel who was just waiting there, swaying from side to side to the music coming from the place. The alcohol had finally made its ways into Mel’s bloodstream, and there was no going back. John too felt a little tipsy himself, he wasn’t usually a wine drinker, but he had made an exception for Mel. She had looked too cute standing there with the bottles in hand when he had opened the door.

“I’m not going to lie, I always wanted to go dancing when I lived here”

“That miserable fool Alex never took you?”


“Then how did you know he knew places to go dancing?”

“I didn’t” she snorted.


“I just wanted to make him jealous, and I know he knows the city well, and as you can see, he did. He probably took his lover here”

Mel said looking over to the entrance of the place. It didn’t pain her anymore that Alex had cheated, it was a wonderful feeling for her to finally feel over him. She looked at John standing there and smiled. He was hers.

“C’mon, let’s go in!”

They made their way over and the security guard was asking some kids in front of them for their I.D’s.

“Oh c’mon man, we just want to dance, we promise we won’t drink, we don’t even want to” the guy explained to the security guard. The security guard just shook his head.

John noticed the situation and was reminded of himself. He had once tried doing that and failed.

“Look, there are people waiting behind you” the guard told them.
Mel looked over at John and with her eyes tried to tell him to help, he understood her immediately.

“This is a restaurant with a bar, can they really not go in at all?”

“They can, with their guardians” the security guard huffed.

“I’ll make myself responsible of them”

Mel looked over at the teens whose eyes were now glowing with hope as they looked over to the security guard waiting for his answer.

“Look John”

“Dude! Please, they just want to dance, I promise my girlfriend and I will be responsible of them”

Mel looked at John confused. The security guard knew his name, it appears they knew each other well.

“If I get fired-”

“We’ll hire you to be our security guard for our next tour”

“Fine. But the teens must walk out with you guys”

“Thank you” the teens said to John and the security guard, they all walked in together.

“That was really kind of you what you did for us out there, I’m Nick” the kid introduced himself to John.

“John, and it’s no problem, we were there once”

“This is my girlfriend Malory”

“This is my girlfriend Melody”

Both couples laughed.

“You kids have fun, when you guys want to leave call us over” Mel said to them as she grabbed onto John’s hand and led him to the dance floor.

“What is this?” John asked Mel as the Latin music began to play.


“But I don’t know how to dance this”

A couple next to them overheard them.

“Just look at us and follow our lead” the lady suggested.
You could tell by the way they were dressed that they were clear professionals.

Mel laughed at how stiff John was.

“Move the hips!” the lady yelled growing frustrated.

“I’M MOVING THEM!” John complained as he tried. It took a couple of songs, but before they knew it, they had kind of gotten the basics down.

The DJ then started to play Bachata.

“This one is really easy” the lady’s partner explained to John. He taught John the simple steps and Mel followed.

“This is way easier” she whispered to him and wiped some sweat from his forehead.

“I have no clue what this song is saying but it sounds romantic” he whispered to her.

“What happened to the Spanish you learned in Mrs. Ramirez’s class?”

He looked at her confused.

“How do you know that?”

She looked at him confused too and then realized what had just happened.

“You were in her class for two years, you never did her homework…I’m not sure when this came back to me but I remember”

“Well, to answer that question for you, I really should have done my homework”

The DJ then began to shift into more modern pop music, which brought a whole different crowd to the dance floor. John and Mel made their way over to the bar.

“More?” John asked Mel.

“Whiskey” she whispered into his ear.



He knew it was a bad idea, so instead her ordered one only. He drank enough and then let Mel have the rest.

“You don’t trust me!”

“I care too much”

They made their way back to the dancefloor and continued dancing, they saw the young couple dancing and they couldn’t help but smile.

“Oh, that young love” Mel swooned, her speech slurring.

“WE were probably around their age when we were dating, yet look at us now, so old”

“SO, SO OLD!” she laughed.

“We should go”


They made their way over to the teens.

“Time to go home”

They were sad but grateful they had even had the chance. They looked at their guardians who were no longer sober and couldn’t help but laugh.

“We’ll walk you guys out” Malory said holding onto Mel and Nick standing next to John making sure they were alright.

“Should we call you guys an Uber?” Malory asked them. John shook his head.

“Hell no, call us a taxi”

“A taxi?” Malory asked with a hint of laughter in her voice.

“Yup, I don’t trust none of that Uber and Lyft BS”

“Alrighty, we’ll try”

Melody was getting sleepier and sleepier by the second. She was holding onto John like a sleepy child.

“Look bro, no taxi wants to stop” Nick explained to John.

“Wait, call this number” he said handing Nick a business card he had in his back pocket from the orange roses taxi guy.

“Last try before we call an Uber”

“Fine” John surrendered and waited for Nick to finish making the phone call. To Nick’s surprise the guy answered and agreed.

“I need to get Malory home, the guy said he should be here soon”

“Thank you Nicko, you’re the best, I wish you two a beautiful future” John said to Nick as he messed up Nick’s hair. Nick just smiled and laughed.

“We’ll never forget you guys”

“We won’t either”

It wasn’t long after that the taxi man arrived.

“You guys sure look wasted”
He laughed as he observed them, he knew they were going to deny it but they looked a bit past tipsy.

“Nope, not quite there yet”

“Just get in” the taxi driver laughed.

They got in and Mel took off her shoes.

“You know Johno, you’re just so freaking handsome, like honestly I just can’t” she said admiring and touching his face.

John couldn’t help but smile.


“But you know, I was thinkin…I think we’re just these souls being carried by the wind, and for the second time in our lifetime, they just got kind of tangled again, you know what I’m saying?”

John honestly had no clue.

“Mixed up souls?”

She nodded and lowered the window, she put her hand out feeling the cold wind.

“Yeah, like, I mean, I think it was special that we met again, our mixed-up souls got tangled in the wind, I just hope they won’t untangle and drift apart” she said beginning to put the window back up.

“They won’t” he replied firmly.

“Promise me that?”

“I can promise you that I will stick around”

“I won’t be alone anymore?”

“No, WE won’t be alone again”