
Chapter 2

A crowd of strangely dressed people, both adults and small children in various colored robes, milled around a platform, anxiously waiting for a train to arrive. Among the crowd, a small girl with a plait of frizzy chestnut hair and curious blue eyes stood on her tip-toes, swinging the hand that was tethered to her father’s.

“What time is it?” She asked in a squeaky voice. Her parents glanced at each other with amusement.

“About two minutes since the last answer,” her father answered, not bothering to look at his pocket watch again.

Suddenly, with a billow of smoke, the scarlet train rounded the corner and pulled up to the platform. The girl squealed as the doors of the train opened and students poured out. Training her eyes on the crowd, she finally spotted a mess of black hair and slid her hand out of her father’s grip. Before he had a chance to react, the little girl sped off, bounding toward her brother. Her parents called after her but she didn’t stop until she barreled straight into James.

“Jamie!” She shrieked, wrapping her arms around his middle. He chuckled and squeezed until she had her fill and stepped back.

“I missed you too, Sagey,” he said, ruffling her already disheveled hair. She swatted his hand away, grinning.

“You’ve been away for so long. Mum and dad are this way-oh!” She squeaked in surprise once she noticed the three boys clustered around James. He turned and shared an amused smile with the closest before starting introductions.

“Sage, these are my mates; Sirius, Remus, and Peter. Guys, this is my baby sister.” Her inquisitive gaze hardened as she turned back to her brother.

“I am not a baby,” she pouted, face turning red as her arms crossed over her chest.

“There you are,” her mother’s exasperated voice came from behind her. “How many times do I have to tell you not to run off?”

“Don’t worry, Mum. I’ll make sure she’s safe.” James said, stepping forward to give his parents hugs. Sage stood to one side as James introduced his friends, starting hard at the one called Sirius. The older boy noticed her stare and raised an eyebrow.

“Yes?” He questioned as her fading blush roared back to life at being caught.

“Your hair is really shiny,” She mumbled, looking down at her shuffling feet as the group laughed. She glanced up to see Sirius throw a wink her way, causing butterflies to erupt in her stomach. She stuck her tongue out at him and moved to stand by her father, placing her tiny hand in his and looking around at the crowd.

Everywhere, parents embraced their children, friends said goodbyes and promised to owl over the summer. Everyone seemed happy for the summer break to start but Sage Potter couldn’t help but yearn for holidays to end. Next September, it would be her turn at Hogwarts, the best school for witchcraft and wizardry in the world. She had already heard so much from James, who, despite being busy, made sure to owl her every week. She heard of the moving portraits; of the tricky staircases looking to trap people with their vanishing steps; of the pearly ghosts; and of course, of Peeves, the mischievous poltergeist. Every letter made her miss her brother more and more and she was so incredibly excited to join him in his shenanigans.

Her thoughts were disrupted by the arrival of Remus’ and Peter’s parents. After a few words to her parents, they agreed to send their sons to the Potter Estate for a week in the summer and left with their children. Finally, it was just the Potters and Sirius.

“Do you see your parents, Sirius?” Mrs. Potter asked, looking at the boy. His ears turned slightly pink as he shuffled on his feet.

“No ma’am, not yet. They’ll be here in a moment, I’m sure. I can manage until then.” Sirius said with a false air of dignity and nonchalant. Mrs. Potter narrowed her eyes and Sage knew that expression meant trouble. Sage looked from her mother to Sirius to James, who met her glance and shook his head slightly. Sage took that as a warning to keep her gob shut or things would get worse.

“Nonsense, we’ll wait with you. After all, we have to speak about this summer.” Mr. Potter said firmly, referring to the plans they already made with the other boys. Minutes ticked by filled with Mrs. Potter asking the boys about Hogwarts and their responses and Sage became restless. She rocked back and forth on her heels, looking for Sirius’ parents. Why aren’t they here yet? Didn’t they miss their son?

Finally, after the platform was mostly empty, Sirius caught sight of something and immediately went silent, shoulders straightening and chin high. Sage peered around her father’s robes to see a dignified, strict-looking woman walking toward the group. As the woman grew closer, Mr. Potter’s hand squeezed Sage’s for just a moment and Sage was immediately put on edge. Her parents had gone rigid and James came to stand beside her, taking her other hand gently.

“Hello, Mother,” Sirius spoke quietly. The woman looked at the family of four and smiled coldly.

“Who are your friends, Sirius?” Sirius’ mother looked at each of the Potters in turn. As her eyes landed on Sage, she felt a shiver start at her feet. James let go of her hand, slinging an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into him.

“Ah, you must be Mrs. Black. Fleamont Potter, ma’am,” Mr. Potter said, stepping forward with his hand outstretched. She placed her bony fingers into his grasp and he kissed her knuckles, as was the polite greeting of the time. “This is my wife, Euphemia and our children, James and Sage. It seems as if our boys have become very good friends. In fact, we were just talking about having Sirius over for the last week of holidays. We would be happy to see him off to Hogwarts, of course.”

“Of course.” Mrs. Black said with a strange inflection. She looked to her son, who stared defiantly, face impassive. “We shall see. Lovely meeting you but we must be off. Come, Sirius.” With that, she turned, beckoning her son forward. Sirius sighed and grabbed the handle of his trunk before turning to James and Sage.

“Well, see ya.” He gave a tight smile.

“Owl me. We’ll make sure you get to come.” James said, extending his arm to pat his friend on the shoulder.

“It’ll be the best summer ever!” Sage said brightly. Sirius turned his eyes to her and gave her a real, albeit small, smile. As she watched Sirius struggle to catch up to his mother, she turned to James. “I don’t like her.”

“I don’t either,” James sighed, staring after his friend. He turned to his sister and removed his arm from her shoulders. “I’m starving.”

“Well, we’ll be off then.” Mrs. Potter said, smiling brightly. She grabbed James around the neck, placing a loving kiss on the top of his head. As the family walked forward, Sage caught one last glance at Sirius. He seemed to be staring longingly at the group. She smiled and waved. He returned the gesture before disappearing through the barrier.
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So, I'm going to admit right now that it's going to take a while for me to get on any kind of regular updating schedule. Life is stressful and adulting is hard. But hopefully the story is good enough for people to stick with me! Reviews would be much appreciated!