‹ Prequel: Accept this confession

Lies Will Come Back to Haunt You

Certain 'Till Death Do Us Part

“Maggie! Where is my dinner?!” James screamed from the family room. James and Maggie had been married four months and he made her drop out her senior year to be together.

Maggie grabbed the silver tray and took a deep breath before stepping into the family room. She entered the room to find her husband slouched in the recliner chair, blaring the television. She quickly handed him the tray and turned around to leave.

“Not a kiss?” he asked.

“I just forgot, sorry,” Maggie replied and spun around to face James. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips. She made a small disgusted sound.

“What was that?” James sneered.

“A kiss,” Maggie replied.

“With a grunt! Do you hate me, Maggie?” She closed her eyes and imagined him as though Ben were sitting there.

“No, Ben I love you!”

“Ben?” Maggie’s opened her eyes quickly.

“Ben’s not here.”

“No, you said Ben!”


“‘No, Ben I love you’ is what you said!” Before Maggie had time to respond James struck her with the silver tray. She fell to the ground, trembling. She had done these things before. Her fantasies always got her in trouble.

“Now, who do you love?” James asked condescendingly.

“You,” Maggie whispered.


“You! I love you!” Maggie shouted.

“I know darling. Now, go in and make me some new food.”

“Yes, sir,” she replied and got up and walked back into the kitchen.

“You and Ben will never be,” James said.

“I know. I know that now,” she whispered.

“Oh and one more thing. If it weren’t for me you’d still be locked up in that asylum.”

“I know, darling. You, uh, saved me.”

“Good thing you know,” James responded.

Maggie began remaking his dinner. He was drunk, well James half was anyway. The demon was the evil one. She needed to kill him and she needed Ben. Maggie Fritz could not live like this!
♠ ♠ ♠
Again read the Franking Iero prequel first!!! I hate to explain again...again.....and ag-oh Gerard!

Okay well hope you liked it Gerard is looking for me!