
'I Need To Talk To You'

You entered the small cafe and immediately noticed a guy staring at you from a corner booth.
This wasn’t a stare where you just glance at someone. This was a ‘i know you’ kind of stare. Rather than spend too much time on it you quickly ordered your food and sat at a nearby table tapping your foot impatiently.

There was a time when you had the most understanding of souls but it had turned hard just like the world. No one cared if you were sorry or if you didn’t mean to do a certain thing. Nowadays you either stayed to the shadows or you got killed.
After a while the guy in the corner was still looking your way and you were glancing in his direction so much now that the next time you did it he had the audacity to wave at you.
A smile pulled at your lips in disbelief.
You pulled the note book from your bag and opened it out onto a page marked with a piece of paper. You’d been searching for other mutants for as long as you can remember. There used to be so many but now… now you were lucky if you saw one in a week.
You rubbed your eyes and stared at the series of scribbled out places you’d looked. Mexico was the next one not yet having a line through it but you were becoming less sure there was anyone here by the day.
You’d be able to sense them.

Replacing the piece of paper you closed the book and shoved it deep into your bag before looking up and seeing the guy from the corner had gone. A waiter came over with your food to go and you almost jumped when a voice from behind you spoke.
'You alone?’ You half turned and silently laughed when you saw what you expected. The guy from the corner booth.
'I am but I driving up to meet someone’ you stood and felt him do the same. Today was not the time for people like this. You hadn’t slept again because of that stupid nightmare that plagued your dreams. 'They’re expecting me soon’ you smiled and headed for the door.

‘May I say yo-’
'Listen I’d rather you didn’t’ you insisted and walked out the door. You hoped that would be that and the jerk wouldn’t bother you anymore but the world wasn’t like it used to be.
He caught up to you before you’d even made it to your car.
'I’m gonna say it anyway. You are one beautiful creature. Seriously I’m a big fan’
'A bit of advice dude-’
'Oh how rude of me. Its Donald, Donald Pierce. Please to meet you’ he leaned against the hood of your car and looked you up and down before returning to your eyes. You sighed and tired to smiled.
'Well Donald next time you wanna use that line on someone remember ladies don’t really like being called creatures’ you opened your car door only for him to slam it shut again.
'But you’re different right? Because you are a creature’ he slide his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose and stared at you.
Theres never a sure way to tell if someones a mutant of not but right at that second you were sure this guy knew everything about you.
'I heard you can do a trick that makes you look like an angel’.
He did know. That was never a good sign.

'I have no idea what you’re talking about. Leave me alone’
'I think its probably best if you just show me’ he grabbed my arm with a robotic one and grinned when he noticed your stare. 'In a way I’m just like you’
'In that case you definitely have the wrong person. You’re crazy’ you shrugged him off which was probably the worst thing you could have done because the grip on your arm would have hurt an average person nevermind how you were able to get him off either.
'Well like I said Isabelle I’m a big fan’ he stepped away from the car and you jumped inside slamming the door and locking them all. 'Have a nice trip’ you swallowed the vile taste in your throat and put the car in drive whilst reaching for your phone from the glove compartment when it started ringing.
'You have got to be shitting me’ you pushed the green button and held it to your ear. 'I don’t hear from you for 3 years and the day I do I have some robotic armed jackass telling me hes a big fan of me whilst looking at me like I was a piece of goddamn candy’
'So Donald paid you a visit huh?’
'Ahh so you do know him. I don’t want to get dragged into your shit Logan I’m ti-’
'I need to talk to you… in person’ you stuttered to a stop and parked the car on the side of the road.
'Why Logan? Is it Charles?’ You swallowed the lump in your throat.
'No… hes fine. Look just come to the ________ hotel. Las Vegas. As soon as possible’ you closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose.
'Ok… I’ll be there as soon as I can’ you put the phone down and turned the car back on before flooring it down a street.