Status: work-in-progress

The Family Business


Dean Winchester has escaped.

I jerked up out of bed. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. The voice had sounded so... menacing. I ran my hands over my face before reaching for my phone to call my best friend.

"Babe," My fiancé, Grant, groaned as he rolled over to wrap his arms around my waist. "Your phone screen is so bright."

"I know, I'm sorry. I've just gotta make a call--" I was interrupted as Serenity's ringtone played through the room. "Speak of the devil, Serenity is calling. I'll be right back." Grant nodded as he buried his face in his pillow and fell right back asleep. I quickly answered her phone as I stepped out of bed and left the room. "Hey."

"I need you to meet me for coffee." Serenity sounded panicked as the words rushed out.

"It's almost three in the morning, Ser." I ran my fingers through my long red hair.

"I know... but it's important."

"What's wrong?"

"McDonald's down the road from your apartment. I'm almost there." Serenity hung up quickly and I rolled my tired hazel eyes. I walked back into the bedroom and grabbed some clothes from the oak dresser and shook Grant awake for a moment.

"Hey, Grant. I'll be right back, babe. Best friend emergency."

"Okay be careful, I love you." His reply was muffled from the pillow before he began snoring again. I kissed his cheek and ran out to my car.


"I hope you know that you're buying." I said to my blonde best friend as I walked into the empty fast food chain.

"I already ordered for you" Serenity shrugged as the slightly annoyed employee set two coffees on the counter. "Thanks" Serenity slipped the girl a five-dollar bill as a small tip for helping us so early in the morning.

"Okay so why am I out at nearly half past three in the morning? Also, why did you drive all the way out here? I mean, I'm glad to see you, don't get me wrong, but I could have met you halfway." Serenity and I had been best friends since before kindergarten, and since we were both in college, we decided anything over an hours' drive was much too far. It worked out, though. Serenity was taking online courses, so it made it easy for her to live so close to me. We didn't want to live too close, since we lived next door to each other our whole lives. Literally.

"I know, but I had this dream... anyway, I just got in my car and started to drive. So, I called you when I was almost here."

"Are you okay? The dream must have really done a number on you if you needed to drive nearly an hour away..." Serenity hesitated before answering.

"You swear not to think I'm crazy?" Felicity nodded and Serenity took in a deep breath. "I heard a voice. It was soft, and kind, but also so... angry. He was saying who this guy, Dean Winchester--"

"Escaped?" I was relieved to know I wasn't the only one hearing this message. But the voice in my dreams definitely wasn't soft and kind.

"What? No. He keeps repeating how he's been saved from some cage by a man named Castiel."

"No, they've been saying how Castiel broke him out. They're pissed!"

"You think I'm crazy... I knew you would. I shouldn't have said anything." Serenity started gathering her bag and coffee to leave.

"I swear I don't think you're crazy. How else would I have known about Dean escaping, or being saved or whatever? It's almost like I'm hearing what you are, but the evil version."

"Maybe it's because you were born on Halloween." Serenity joked. "Okay, but why are we even hearing about Dean Winchester in the first place?"

"I don't know, but I've been getting the same message in my head for almost a week now." I sighed and ran my fingers through my tangled hair. I should have brushed it before I left. "We could check out the library. See what we can find on him. They should open in a few hours. We could go back to my place and get some sleep before we--you brought your laptop."

"Well the only thing I could find on any 'Dean Winchester' is a man wanted for murder in St. Louis."

"Murder? No wonder they're pissed he escaped!" I joked.

"Maybe he was falsely accused? Or maybe they caught the wrong guy?"

"Really? How many guys do you think share the last name with a gun?”

“Well why would someone be so happy that he got out of… wherever he got out of? Because he didn't really do it.”

“Maybe they found some new evidence stacked against him, and that's why they're pissed he escaped.”

“I don't know, Felicity. This is all really creepy… why would we hear this if this was all about a jail sentence?”

“I don't know… it's like we have police radios in our heads…” I got a shiver as I took a sip of my coffee. “But if he's wanted, that means he was never caught.” I checked the time on my phone. “Oh shit… I should go. Grant is going to wake up soon and wonder where I went.” I shoved my phone into my purse and drank the rest of my coffee. “I'll keep looking stuff up on Dean Winchester when I get back to the apartment. You go home and get some sleep. You look awful, and I say that with love.”

“Yeah, yeah. Alright.” Serenity nodded and shut her laptop. “Let me know when you get home.”

“You, too.”

Serenity's POV

I picked up my phone from the passenger's seat as it buzzed. “Hey, Felicity. Made it home?” I answered.

“Yeah. I'm looking for the spare key. I forgot to grab my apartment key as I left.” Felicity groaned.

“Is it not on your key ring with your car key?”

“Man, we've only been in this apartment for a month and it's just slipped my mind to put it on my key ring—found it!” She sighed in relief. “Grant moves it every damn week. He's worried someone will know where it is and break in.”

“Your husband-to-be is insane.” I laughed. I always liked Grant. He was good to my best friend, and always supported her. He was a genuinely nice guy, and he looked at her as though she held the stars in her eyes. It made me sick how happy they were, but only because I always wanted someone to look at me that way. “Hey, were there any really bad winds in the past week?” I asked as I came across and odd sight.

“Not that I know of… why?” I heard the keys jingling in the background.

“Some trees out here are blown down...” I slowed my car to a stop and got out of the car, shoving my keys in my pocket. My car was old, so it was easy to lock the keys in so I had to always make sure I had them in my pocket. “they're blown down in a circle...” I slowly walked closer to the blown over trees.

“Ser, I love you, but get back in your car. You're giving all of us white people a bad name. This is why we die in horror movies.” I rolled my eyes as she spoke.

“Okay… you're right. I should go back to the car.” I gulped.

“What? What is it?”

“Remember that unmarked grave that showed up here a few months ago?”

“I'm scared to see where this is going.”

“Well, the trees are blown down in a circle… around the grave. They're uprooted and--” I cut my words short as the ground budged. “Oh, my god.” A hand popped out of the ground and I let out a scream and ran towards my car. “Oh, my god. Oh, my god.” I panted as I reached my car

“Serenity!? What's going on!?”

“A… a hand...” I tried to catch my breath. “A hand came out of the ground and--”

“Very funny, Serenity.” I could hear the eye roll in her voice.

“I'm not joking, Felicity!” I yelled. “There's gotta be a movie or something supposed to be filming here. Right? That is literally the only explanation.”

“I don't think so, Serenity.” My best friend's voice was shaking. “You need to get home. Now.”

“Okay. Okay, I'll go home.” I reached into my pocket for my keys, but there were gone. “Oh god. My keys are gone.”


“My keys are gone!” I began to panic as I ran my hand through my messy blonde hair. I noticed something moving and I quickly hid behind my car. “Zombie guy is emerging from the trees…” I whispered. “He's… he's kind of cute.”

“Focus, Ser.”

“Right.” I nodded as I moved closer to him. The better look I got the quicker I realized who it was. “Oh my God… Felicity this is Dean. This is Dean Winchester.”


“Seriously! He looks just like the guy on those wanted posters!”

“Serenity, please just go home. He's obviously psychotic. He literally just popped out of the ground. Get in the car. Go home.”

“Shh! I think he can hear you.” I hushed her as I ducked behind a bush. I peeked over as his head turned in my direction. He shook his head and began moving towards the nearby gas station. “Shit… Mr. Hemphill works there...”


“I have to go.” I hung up and threw my phone in the back seat of my car through the open window. My eyes caught sight of my keys on the ground. I picked them up and shoved them in my pocket before I followed Dean to the gas station.

“Hello?” He called as he knocked on the door and waited for an answer. After a few seconds, he busted in the window and unlocked the door from the inside before walking in. I ran up to one of the windows and watched as he grabbed a water bottle from the cooler and downed almost all of it. He moved around the shop quickly, grabbing everything he needed; food, beer, and water.

“I should go in there and stop him...” I thought out loud as he checked out the magazines. Dean looked around and stuffed a copy of Busty Asian Beauties into his bag. “Pervert...” He moved on to the cash register and as he took out the cash, the electronics surrounding him took turns turning on and off. He quickly grabbed the salt from one of the shelves and began to line the window opposite of me.

“I am Castiel. I am the one who gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition.”

Dean covered his ears and the windows began to bust one at a time. I quickly ducked as my window busted and glass shattered over my back. “Oh, my god.” I whispered and stood back up as Dean ran out of the gas station and to the pay phone.

“Come on, Sammy.” He muttered shortly before slamming the phone down. He quickly paid for another call and dialed someone named Bobby. Twice. He sighed as he hung up the second time after an even shorter phone call and eyed my car.

“Oh no.” I knew what was coming, and I was not going to get him take my car, no matter how much of a piece of crap it was. “Dean!” I yelled and ran after him as he got into my car. I heard the engine start just before he took off and I pushed myself to run faster. “Dean!” The car was out of sight and I kicked the dirt. “Son of a bitch!” I took a deep breath and walked over to the payphone. “I really hope I memorized her number.” I prayed and took a quarter out of my pocket and dialed.

“Hello?” Felicity answered.

“Oh, thank God.” I sighed in relief. “Hey, it's Serenity. I need you to pick me up… Dean Winchester stole my car.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I know the first chapter is super long, but hopefully the others won't be. So far the next two chapters are no where near as long. I really hope you guys like it!
