assassins creed Ezio And Altair

assassins creed Ezio And Altair part 3

Ezio walks into the city with Altair fallowing just behind him Ezio uses his Eagle vision to see the targets he head Explained all of the details to Altair Ezio says" there is our target... Altair says" I see why you needed my help know he sees high templars...(others noght High templars were black armor and are more dangerous then normal templars assassins will normally avoid fighting this templar at all coues but if they're in the way the will fight them every carefully)... Ezio says" That man Nomily has 4 High Templars with him so we must be careful... Altair says" I Only See Two I Can
Try to lure them away... Ezio says" Not it's Too Risky Even if they do chase you if they each you then you're done for they will not chase you trust me I have tried... Altair says" ok then how are we going to kill him we might half to kill The high templars... Ezio says" Yes we might half to come on Fallow my lead Altair... Altair Hasatas To Fallow him But dos after a moment... Ezio throws money at the ground causing a lot off people to crowd around the area this one one of Ezio's distractions he gets behind the tow high templars using his dual hidden blades he stabs them in the back of the neck... the man yells and tries to run he runs star into Altair ho jumps at him stabbing him in the neck with his hidden blade... everyone that sow what happened runs and yells... Ezio walks over to Altair and up to the dead man he closes the man's eyes and says" Requiescat Inpache (Rast in Pice) he drags the father throw the blood and tucks it away he here more coming and says" its time to go he starts to run... Altair follows him onto the rooftops climbing as fast as he can... Archers start to shoot at then... Ezio says" shit he doges one arrow... Altair dos the same but he his hit in the back of the shoulder by an archer he didn't let the pain stop him from running... Ezio jumps across the roof to another one nearly missing... Altair jumps across Ezio grabs his hand and pulls him up and they start to run again... Ezio jumps landing into a pile of hay... Altair dos the same thing they lay still hearing the templates getting closer... the Templar leader yells" FIND THEM LOOK EVERY WERE!... One of the Templars uses a pitchfork to pook at the hay... Altair hisses quietly in pain at the pitchfork hits him but he uses his close to wiping it off the blood when the templar pulls it away... The Templars look in other places then they give up... Ezio slowly peeps out from the hay he steps out and asks you ok?... Altair steps out of the hay pile and says" ya that pitchfork hit me thou and arrow its stuck in my shoulder... Ezio says"let's get home I can help you with your wounds there can you walk on your own?... Altair says" yes this is nothing trust me I have head wors then this he follows him back to the hideout... Ezio tells one of the assassins to get him clean water and tried and Madison... the assassin dos and asks" is this everything you need?... Ezio says" yes shadow thank you please leave us be let the others know what's going on... Shadow leaves... Ezio says"I am going to half to pull the arrow out Altair it's going to hurt... Altair says" just to it Ezio the pain will get worse if it doesn't get pulled out... Ezio says ok he grabs the base of the arrow and pulled heard it comes out... Altair yells" Ala dammit! he holds the rest of his pain in not wanting to show weakness... Ezio cleans the wound with the water then he sows it closed... Altair bits his lip drawing blood he didn't care as long as he didn't show any sign of pain... Ezio says" know the other wound he lifts Altair's shirt to see were the pitchfork head hit him he says this wound isn't as bad as I thought it was he cleans it and bandages it the gently pulls Altairs shirt down and says" rest Altair it will heal... Altair lets out a pained breath as he lays down Altair asks" Ezio you sad something you that man you requs reque... Ezio says" Requiescat Inpache?... Altair says" yes that what does it mean?... Ezio says it means to rest in peace...
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{Eagle}...{assassin}...{assassinated}......(loyal)...(Daughter)... (Requiescat Inpache Rast in Pice)...(archers)