Status: In Progress

Sorbet Best Served Warm

Let It Be Me

"Who?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Little Shelly," my male colleague answered. "Her mother reported her disappearance this morning. We sent her off, as usual without supervision."

"And who in the world-"

"We couldn't help it. Little Shelly's mother is a single mother. Her parents divorced some years back and she works till late night. She hadn't realise her daughter wasn't home the whole night," another colleague continued. The colleagues are all trying to avoid the responsibilities. Little Shelly is an independent girl. She is also the kindest of the other children.

"We found this at the park just a few blocks away. Does this belong to the child?" an investigator cut the chatters and took with him a tablet on his hand.

One of us nodded and fell onto her knees, sobbing. The few other colleagues tried to comfort her.

"Is she kidnapped?" I asked despite the ruckus. I felt a few people shot glares at my unlikely question. The investigator avoided my eyes and faked a few coughs.

"There isn't sign of struggles or tires mark anywhere near where this tablet was found," he answered unwillingly. "We wouldn't conclude it as kidnapping-"

"A child has gone missing," I replied. "I suggest it's better to look at this as a kidnapping case for a start. A minute waste could mean great danger to the child."

"Miss, we know what we're doing. We have everything under control-"

"No, you don't. You're just naive."

The investigator was clearly taken aback by my words.

"I suggest you investigate the crime scene a little more carefully."

The investigator twisted his lips to a dissatisfaction before turning his back to me. I watched as the polices swarm the place in hope to gather evidences. Clearly they've made a mistake here. I only hoped that little Shelly would be safe.

I hope that even if she was kidnapped, her kidnappers won't be them.