Status: Enjoy.

I'm Only Human

I'm Only Human

How should I start this? With a hello? Or the so unoriginal “here is where it began”? Na, I’ll just start and you will just have to keep up kiddies.

Do I regret it? No, why would I? I am a nobody to some many people and that is where they failed. They just assumed that I wouldn’t do anything and that I would just disappear and I did but I think they wanted me to sleep with the fishy. It was very mobster of them.

My name is Spike, I have no story. I grew up in foster care and only had 3 people to watch my back and now even I can’t turn to them but that is a story for another time. You know, I was that kid who could sort you out with anything, drugs, drink or even things you didn’t think you could get. I should have known that my special skills would get me in trouble, I could blend so well into a crowd but I also could convince a complete stranger to stab someone for the fun of it. I am no witch or vampire; they aren’t in this part of the story.

I got into hypnotising people when I was kid, I use to have horrible dreams and I would wake up screaming, I was even told that I asked people to kill me because the dreams were so bad but I don’t remember because they thought the best thing to do was to make me forget. Who knew those dreams would become a reality.

I’m telling you this because why not? Why do I have to hide? Why should I be a fucking nobody anymore? She told me to be honest, her words exactly were “Spike, the world is full of lies and that is what made the world shit. Be honest, and then no one can ruin you”. Of course she grinned at me; her grins always made me think she had a secret and sadly I was right. You couldn’t really lie to her and if you did then you would feel a great guilt; I just always thought it was because she was so honest with you and always gave you a chance no matter how you fucked up. Who knew she was the one who would fuck everyone over? Cause all the problems, I still miss her though and I feel guilty if I don’t think about her at least once a day... Man, what the fuck is wrong with me? Why did I do this? Why did I let it go so far?