Pen Pals


Bucky had been awake in Wakanda for a few months and the depression had set in the scientists in the labs he was in now, were much gentler and kind to him than the hydra ones he was used too he’d still have his total freak out moments where he’d lose his mind and attack the scientists, but he was always quickly sedated.

“Are you still moping around Mister Barnes?” One of the scientists asked he had become quite close to the man but he wasn’t friends.

“I’m going insane with cabin fever but, I don’t want to go out. I’m still wanted.” Bucky said hoarsely. His eyes drew down and sighed a little.

“Why don’t you try a pen pal, or an internet buddy.” The male suggested to the other; Bucky looked over at him curiously.

“A Pen Pal? Like writing letters to people, you don’t know and mailing them out? Isn’t that dangerous?” Bucky asked curiously; The doctor nodded towards the former soldier.

“It can be if you tell them information that is classified but, honestly you can be just about anybody in the world.”

Bucky thought about that idea and nodded. “How do I get a pen pal?”

“I’ll find you one and give you the information to send a letter.” He nodded towards the soldier; That almost got a small smile out of Bucky. He rubbed his neck and walked off to the room he had here now.

Later in the evening Bucky was awoken by the scientist walking in with a piece of paper and a notebook, some pens and an envelope. “I’ve got you the address on this piece of paper, the name the person goes by, and a notebook of papers, some pens in different colors and an envelope, bring it to me once you’re ready to send it and I’ll send it out for you.”

Bucky took all the items offered to him looking over the address. “This is in Brooklyn…” He said looking at the zip code.

“That is right, I figured you want to talk to someone from home, make you feel better, Mr. Barnes.” He said smiling small towards the super soldier.

“Thank you…” Bucky muttered and stared at the piece of paper before grabbing the book moving to the little desk he had in the room. This room was nicer than what he had with hydra, the chamber or the prison cells. Much more friendly, light colors, a window, an actual bed and a little desk. Bucky chose not to have a TV but just a radio so he could listen to music.

” I’m never good at starting these things,
I don’t exactly know what to say. I’m not the strongest writer. I’m sorry if you can’t read my writing. It will get better I hope... My name is James. I’m from Brooklyn but I’m currently living in Wakanda. I miss home and I hear you’re from my old neighborhood. I hope to hear back from you.

That was all for his first little letter. A small one just something that he could send to spark up a conversation. James. That’s who he wanted to be again. James Barnes. No longer winter. No longer a weapon for hydra. He wanted to reclaim the life they had stolen. His friends and family all died years ago. His closest friend was M.I.A because of him. Because of Saving him…

The man who originally wanted him dead for ‘killing’ his father was now his allied. Helping him out with his scientists and a safe place for Bucky to live during this transformation time in his life. The last time he had seen or spoken to Steve was right before he was put into the freezer again.

The only reason he was awake now was because they wanted to run some tests on him to see if they could use any of their science to remove those trigger words from the soldier’s memory. That was all Bucky wanted, those words gone…

All he wanted in life was to be able to not fear being in public and being triggered. He didn’t want to be a toy for people like Zemo who had the book. That damned owner’s manual on The Winter Soldier. Just plain old James Buchanan Barnes.
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chapter 1 is up. I'm so excited for this.