You Don't Know a Thing About My Sins

Chapter 2

I woke up to a welcoming sunlight through my window. I glanced at my clock next to my bed, it read 7:05. School didn't start until 8:00, and it was only a short walking distance away. So, I groaned and rolled over, trying to take advantage of this precious sleeping time.

I soon began to dream about a boy, he looked really pretty for a guy. He was farely skinny, tall, brown hair ---
"HELEN!!!!!!!" I jerked awake, hearing my name being terrifyingly screamed.
"I hope your ass is up!!!!" My mom screamed.
I groaned and replied, "Yes! I am up!" I groaned once more and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom to do everyday human things, you know, bathroom, shower, hair drying, you get it. I went to my room afterward to decide what to wear, straighten my hair, and apply my make up. I decided to wear an old batted Green Day tee with faded skinny jeans with my "casual" beat up green converse. I grabbed my backpack and headed down the stairs. I grabbed a cereal bar out of the pantry and head off to school.

I noticed no cars in the driveway, so I guessed my parents left for "work" early again. I swear, I bet you anything Mom works at a whorehouse and Dad works for a porn website. It would totally explain all of the video cameras in the rooms and the extremely lacey thongs in the laundry.

I finally arrived at school. I walk inside to try and find my locker through the impossible maze I go through everyday. I manage to squeeze through everyone and get to my locker.

"Helen!!" I hear my name being called by the one and only Spencer. Spencer was my best friend, and well, only friend too. Spencer jumps happily to me.

Spencer has wavy jet black hair with two streaks of dark indigo blue. She always has her hair in pigtails. her hair was medium length. She has electric blue eyes, like Hugh Laurie from House. Her skin was the type where it was pale, but not too pale. She was pretty skinny too, that is because of her fast metabolism. She was, beautiful. Well, to me at least. As me me. I had black hair as well, just plain black, no artificial rainbow colors with fake coon tails or extensions. My hair was also just a tad bit longer then Spencer's. I make it straight everyday. I had boring hazel eyes unlike Kelly Clarkson's. I wasn't as skinny as Spencer, I had more "meat" but not too much though, i suppose i was just average. I wasn't chubby like a prep, or anorexic looking like a cheerleader.

"Hey Spencer," I said, waving and smiling at her.
"oh my god! did you hear about that new kid?"
I shook my head.
" Oh, well, I heard he was HOTT."
I laughed at her. Spencer always had something with good looking men.
"I wonder what he has for first period..." She trailed off. It wasn't really a question.
I turned around on the heel of my shoes with all of my things in hand. I held out my arm for Spencer to hook onto and brightly said. " well then! Shall we take an adventure to the mystical domains of first period and see if our student lays before thou?"
Spencer sighed and rolled her eyes, "Oh god."

Spencer and I walked through first period right when the final bell rang. We headed to our usual back-of-the-room seats next to the window.

"Alright! Alright! Class! Settle down!" the teacher bellowed. Her name was Mrs. Erdeljon. She was evil, old, and pregnant looking, with short hair with amazingly fake highlights with white hair. She had glasses and ugly clothes from the 80's and 90's. She also said "mmkay" or "kay" after every sentence.
"Today, we are going to do a lab abou-" Mrs. Preghead was interrupted by a student that walked in.

I could not believe my dear eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
cliff hanger.. sort of.
I told you this one would be longer man!
(If i made any stupid mistakes, let me know, I'm too careless to look the chapter over....)

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