Status: Active

Eyes of Winter


Annie sat out in the back yard reading an old romance novel she'd found in a box in the basement but was quickly growing bored. With a sigh, she laid the book down and stood, looking around for something to occupy her time with.

Walking around the edge of the yard, she found a trail in the brush, leading down into the valley behind the cabin.

She followed the trail down until she came to a large pond. A large weeping willow grew along the bank, it's wispy branches trailing in the water. It was like a tiny paradise.

Annie walked out onto the small dock and stared out at the water. Moss and ferns grew everywhere along the bank.

"What are you doing out here?"

Annie spun around with a shriek, stumbling back. Her ankle rolled and she tumbled into the pond.

She came up to the surface with a gasp looking around wildly. "Bucky! You scared the shit out of me!" She cried.

He stood on the dock with his arms crossed, smiling down at her. "Sorry princess, couldn't resist." He knelt down and held his hand out to her.

"This water is freezing!" Glaring at him, she took his hand and yanked him into the water. He came up gracefully, not surprised in the least.

"The cold doesn't bother me. Are you satisfied?" He asked.

"For now." She snapped.

He hauled himself up on the dock and sat down. "C'mon." He said, offering her his hand once more.

She grabbed his metal hand and he lifted her with ease onto the dock. She sat down next to him, wringing her hair out.

"I didn't even know you were out here." She said.

"It's what I'm good at." He replied.

"How are you not freezing?" She asked, pulling her knees to her chest.

He smirked. "I told you. The cold doesn't bother me."

"Why not?"

"They kept me in Siberia." He said. "Cryo freeze."

Annie picked a clover, twirling it between her thumb and forefinger. "Is that what they did to you?"

Bucky stared out at the water. "Only when they didn't need me."

"Did it hurt?"

He glanced at her. "Which part?"

"All of it."

"The cryo freeze only hurt the first or second time."

"And your arm?"

He watched the cat tails sway in the breeze. He could hear the voices in his head and closed his eyes.

"Bucky NO!"

"You are to be the new fist of HYDRA..."

He exhaled through his nose. "They found me in the mountains. I don't remember what happened...but I remember the pain. They gave me this." He said, clenching his metal fist. He could hear his own screams echoing in his head.

"Why did they freeze you?"

"Easier to keep control. And it significantly slowed the aging process. If what was in that museum was actually true, I'm about a hundred years old."

"I'm sorry..." She said.

"Sorry that I'm old enough to be your great grandfather?" He cast her a sideways smile.

She smiled. "No, for all the crap you had to go through."

He shook his head, shrugging. "It's not your fault."

"Have you thought about reaching out to Steve?"


Annie scoffed. "Bucky, he's a good guy. He could help us. You read that stuff in the museum. You two have a history that goes all the way back to the second world war." Annie decided to leave out the fact that she'd only met Steve Rogers two or three times.

"He could be the enemy. They could be waiting for me to reach out and then before you know it, I'm back to being hydra's puppet. I'm not willing to risk it." He replied.

"You don't know that-"

"You're right I don't know that! I don't know anything except what they did to me and what happened last month. Everything else is dark. No picture. All I get are little pieces and by the time I realize what they are, they're gone. I don't know him like you do, Annie. I'm sorry. The only person I trust right now, is you."

"But you pulled him out of the water-"

"I didn't want to kill him in front of you." He snapped.

She decided to change the subject. "How long were you working for my father?" She asked quietly.

"I don't know. Before you were born." He crossed his arms.

"Do you even know when I was born?"

"August fourth 1992." He replied.


He looked at her, almost pleading. "Come on Annie. I was trained to remember what they wanted me to, and forced to forget what they didn't."

Annie traced her bottom lip with the clover, watching as the willow branches trailed in the water. "How long were you watching me?"

He looked at her. "What?"

"How long were you watching me?" She repeated.

He scratched his chin. "Several months." He glanced at her again. "I never-"

"Never what?"

He cleared his throat. "Saw you exposed or anything."

"You mean naked?" She smirked.

He coughed and stood. "Yea."


He looked at her again, eyes slightly widened. "Why didn't I see you naked?"

"God! No! That's not what I meant." She laughed, blushing slightly. "Why were you watching me?"

"Because he told me to." He helped her to her feet.

"You mean my dad?"

"Yeah. Let's get back to the cabin."


Later that afternoon, Annie sat on the couch watching the news as Bucky sat at the kitchen table, eating a sandwich.

A knock at the door had him reaching for the gun he kept hidden under the table.

"Bucky!" She whispered.

He quickly crossed the room to the door and peered through the window. His head fell back and he looked at the ceiling, putting the gun in the waistband of his jeans. "It's Edna."

He was about to open the door when Annie jumped up, pushing him away. "Your arm!" She whispered loudly.

He glanced down and looked back up quickly. He'd forgotten he was wearing a white tank top. Annie pushed him away again and he disappeared down the hallway.

She opened the door with a smile. "Hi Edna!"

Edna smiled and held up her basket of hair tools. "Sorry I'm late, John had another doctor's appointment that took longer than expected." She stepped inside.

"Oh no Edna, you're doing us a favor. Thanks so much. We just can't go out when he's in a mood." Annie replied, closing the door.

Both women turned when they heard footsteps. Bucky, now wearing a black long sleeved shirt and black glove on his left hand, smiled sheepishly. "Hi Edna."

"James, how are you dear? Ready to get started?"

He nodded. "Sure."

"Let's go out back. That way we don't make a mess in the house." Bucky glanced at Annie.

"I'm going to get the kitchen cleaned up, you two go ahead." She said, grabbing a dish towel.

Edna had Bucky sit in the patio chair and draped an old sheet around him. "Looks like it's been a while since your last hair cut."

"You could say that." He replied.

She sprayed his hair with water and began to comb through it. "How are you doing, James? With your ptsd?"

Bucky was hesitant to respond, still not entirely trusting of the old woman. "I get by."

"Have you thought about getting help?" She began to clip away with the scissors.

He shook his head, receiving a thump with a comb. "Don't move your head unless you want to lose an ear or go bald." Edna snapped.

Bucky exhaled through his nose. "I don't need any help."

Edna scoffed. "That's what John said. Everyone needs help at some point. And there's no shame in asking for it. You're not superman. When John came home, he refused to talk about it and it nearly destroyed our marriage. I don't want to see that happen to you two." She continued cutting. "Look there."

Edna pointed to the kitchen window with her comb. Bucky watched as Annie washed the dishes, staring down intently. Her hair was pulled halfway up, held in place by a small clip. Her bangs were pushed to one side but still managed to fall in her eyes. "That girl in there loves you. She worries about you. And she's doing whatever she can to make sure you're happy. Don't let your stubbornness ruin your chance at happiness."

Bucky looked away the second Annie looked up. "Yes ma'am."

"All done!" She pulled the sheet off and brushed a few strands off his neck. "You have some thick hair."

He stood before she could brush off his left shoulder, afraid she'd hit his arm. "Thanks for the haircut."

She smiled up at him as she discarded the clippings. "Anytime dear. Remember what we discussed."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "I will. Can I ask you for a favor?"


Annie looked up from the book she was reading and smiled as Edna and Bucky walked in. "Oh my gosh, it looks great!"

Bucky gave her a tight lipped smile and shoved his hands in his pockets. His freshly cut hair was combed back, a few stray strands falling forward.

"Edna it looks amazing!" Annie said, standing up.

Edna smiled. "It better look amazing or all those years I spent as a hair dresser were wasted."

"It looks great, Edna. Thanks." Bucky said, looking in the mirror.

"Think nothing of it. I'm making a pot of stew for dinner tomorrow. John wanted me to ask if you wanted to come over and join us."

Annie and Bucky looked at one another. Bucky shrugged. "What time should we be there?"

Edna smiled, opening the front door. "We'll see you around seven."


The sun was still shining when Annie and Bucky arrived at Edna and John's home. The walk had been pleasant enough, though Annie had done most of the talking. Bucky had spent the entire walk scanning their surroundings for any suspicious activity.

Edna opened the door with a smile, draping the dish rag over her shoulder. "Glad you could make it!" She gave Annie a hug. "Dinner will be ready in half an hour. April, you can help me finish. James, I'm under direct orders to send you to the garage with these." She handed him two frosty beers.

He nodded his head. "Yes ma'am." He winked at Annie before retreating to the garage.

Annie closed the screen door and walked into the kitchen. "It smells amazing, Edna. What can I help you do?"

"I need the vegetables cut for the salad." She tossed her a white and yellow polka dot apron.


Bucky entered the dimly lit garage. John was sitting on the ground scratching his head. He looked up when Bucky's elbow hit a set of chains hanging from the ceiling.

"James! Good to see you!" The old man smiled.

Bucky smiled and handed him a beer. "Nice bike." He twisted the cap off and took a swig of his own beer.

"Eh, nice on a good day. 1955 Road Rocket." John replied. "Having some trouble with the transmission slipping out of gear."

Bucky nodded, taking another gulp of his drink. "Which gear?"

"First. Or was it the second? Hell, it's been so long since I've ridden it that I can't remember. You any good with bikes?"

Bucky shrugged. "I've had some experience with European models."

James smiled and tossed him the keys. Bucky caught them without difficulty and looked at him with a raised brow.

"Take her for a quick spin."

"Uh wouldn't you rather-"

John laughed. "I can barely see to drive the scooter at the grocery store. Edna would have my ass if I tried to. You've got youth on your side. Take it for a run around the property. Then you can tell me which gear it's slipping on."

Bucky's lips turned up slightly at the corners. "Alright."


"So how's everything going up at the cabin?" Edna asked, sprinkling some spice into the stew.

Annie stood at the table, slicing carrots. "It's good. Just trying to find a routine."

"Are you getting plenty of rest?"

"I am, but I don't think he is. He stays up all night." She dumped the carrots in the bowl and began chopping the cucumbers.

"Doing what?" Edna pulled the plates from the cabinet.

"Honestly I don't know. He goes out a lot."

"He goes out?"

Annie smiled at the disbelief in her voice. "Not out out. He keeps to the property. Says he's keeping watch."

"Ah. I see. Reliving his war days. It's a hard habit for them to break. John went through the same thing."

Annie sighed. "Then he falls asleep at random times during the day. It's almost like I'm living alone."

"Oh sweetie, it will right itself eventually. It took a while but-" her sentence was cut off by the loud sound of an engine rumbling to life. "What in the world!"

Edna and Annie rushed to the screen door. They watched as Bucky rode towards the road on the motorcycle.

"Well, looks like someone has a shared interest. John's been looking for someone to help him with that heap for years."

Annie watched with a flutter in her chest as Bucky rode expertly up the road and back again several times. "I never knew he could ride." She said quietly, though she didn't know why she was surprised.


Bucky rode the motorcycle back into the shop. His adrenaline was pumping.

"You ride like a pro James!" John exclaimed, handing him his beer.

Bucky gave him a slight smile before taking a drink. "You were right. The transmission's slipping out of gear mainly between first and second." He and John knelt next to the bike.

"Well Damn." John said, lighting a cigarette.

"We should check the clutch cables, see if the tension is correct."

John smiled at him. "Seems like you know your stuff."

Bucky was about to respond but was cut off by Edna calling for them.

John sighed. "After dinner then."


Dinner was spent mainly with John and Bucky trying to figure out the issues with the motorcycle. Edna and Annie chimed in sporadically.

Annie stirred her stew absently, listening to the two men carry on. It was the first time she'd seen Bucky so animated about something that wasn't a gun. She found herself smiling slightly as she sipped the stew.

"So have the two of you thought about having children?" Edna asked casually.

Annie spit some of the stew out and Bucky froze mid bite. They met each other's gaze from across the table.

His lip twitched with the threat of a smile as Annie's cheeks flushed a shade of pink he'd never seen.

"Good God Edna!" John said, setting his glass of tea down.

"What? It's a perfectly reasonable question." Edna replied.

"Um..Well we..." Annie struggled to find an appropriate response.

"April doesn't think I'm ready for that yet." Bucky replied, nudging her foot with his own.

Annie cleared her throat and wiped her mouth. "I really think a lot of psychological and emotional issues that he needs to work out before we even consider the thought of...of a..." She struggled, nudging him back.

"A baby." Bucky finished.

There was an awkward silence and they all suddenly became very interested in the food. Dinner was consumed very quickly from that point. When it was done, they sat around making small talk once more.

Annie watched a silent conversation occur between Edna and John. She glanced at Bucky to find him staring at her and gave him a small smile.

Edna stood abruptly. "Oh I almost forgot!" She hurried down the hallway.

Bucky chuckled and John shook his head slowly.

Annie stood, gathering the dishes. "You boys finished?" Bucky and John nodded, handing their plates over. Annie walked into the kitchen, placing the dishes in the sink carefully.

When she returned, a large box sat on the table. Bucky sat back in his chair, arm draped across the back of the vacant chair beside him.

"What's this?" She asked.

Edna was beaming, resting her hands on John's shoulders. "It's for you! Open it!"

Annie's brow furrowed as she pulled the twine free. "For me? Why?"

"Just open it." Bucky replied.

She bit her bottom lip as she lifted the lid. She gasped once she saw the familiar hard case. "" She looked up quickly, tears filling her eyes. "Was this you?"

Bucky nodded, watching as she pulled the violin out of its protective case. "An early birthday present."

Annie ran her fingers lightly down the shiny finger board, plucking the strings gently. She looked up at him again. "It's beautiful Bu-James. Thank you."

"James asked me to pick it up for you from the music shop down town, he said that you're a lovely musician." Edna said.

Annie smiled. "It's the one constant thing in my life..." She picked up the violin and bow and played a few chords, tuning it as she went along. Then she began to slowly play 'Nearer My God to Thee'.

Bucky watched as her eyes closed and her fingers began to glide over the strings. She worked the bow with grace, pushing and pulling. Tears glistened on her long eyelashes.

He felt an odd sense of calm as he watched her. When the song was over, she opened her eyes, meeting his gaze once more.

Edna and John clapped. "April that was just lovely!" Edna gushed, giving her a hug.

John leaned over to Bucky. "Your gal is talented."

Bucky watched her talking to Edna. "Yes she is." He replied quietly, never taking his eyes off her.


"Goodnight you two!" Edna said.

"Goodnight! Thank you so much for dinner!" Annie said, flashing a shy smile at Bucky as he held open the door for her.

"Are you sure you don't need a ride home?" John asked.

"Oh we're fine! Don't worry about us!" Annie replied.

The older couple bid their farewells to them and Bucky closed the door gently.

It was well past dark by the time they set out in the direction of their cabin, walking in silence for a bit, Bucky carrying the violin.

"Thank you...for the present." She said quietly.

The crickets chirped loudly as they passed through the woods to the cabin. She glanced at him, thinking he hadn't heard her, but he was staring right at her.

"I didn't know how good you were."

She chuckled, shoving her hands in her pockets. "You spied on me for how long?"

His lips twitched upwards into a shy smile. "I mean, I knew you were good, but that was kinda breathtaking." It was true, he thought. Watching her play the violin made him feel like he shouldn't have been watching, almost as if he were watching her get dressed. The way she played was...intimate. "It was beautiful."

She felt her cheeks flush scarlet, not knowing what to say. "Aww shucks Bucky." She replied, playfully kicking at the tall grass as they walked. "Looks like you have some talent yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"I saw you on the motorcycle." He looked down and smiled slightly. "You were good." She said.

"I was just helping John figure out what was wrong with it." He said.

"Well did you?"

He looked over at her. "Did I what?"

"Figure it out?"

He ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back. "Uh yeah, actually. Something to do with the transmission. I told him I'd come by in a few days." He shrugged. "See if we can't get it running right."

"I think that's a great idea. It'll give you something to do aside from lurking."

He helped her up the steep gravel driveway. "I don't lurk."

"Oh you lurk. You just don't realize you're doing it." She said entering the cabin with him.

He handed her the violin once the door was locked. Annie closed her eyes as she yawned shamelessly, following him down the hallway.

He took his jacket off. "You should get some sleep. I'm going to do a check of the perimeter."

"You mean lurk." She set her violin on the dresser.

He walked into his room. "One day you'll be grateful for my lurking." He replied, tucking a gun into the waistband of his jeans.

She leaned against the door frame to her room, watching him. His hair was slicked back and his face was covered in stubble. He stepped out of his room and began to walk towards the living room.

"Hey-" she reached out and touched his arm. He looked down at her hand, then back at her. She froze for a moment, suddenly nervous. With a small sigh, she stood up on her tip toes and planted a quick kiss on his cheek.

He moved his face towards her almost involuntarily but she stepped back. He noticed how she wrung the bottom of her shirt nervously. "Thank you for tonight."

He pressed his lips together and nodded. "You're welcome doll."


Bucky walked his normal route around the property, taking care to walk in a way that would prevent a trail from forming. He checked every direction for any sense of danger.

It had been almost four months since the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. and everyday that passed gave Bucky a glimmer of hope that they weren't going to be found. But reality always trumped hope and he couldn't be too careful. He wasn't even sure what they were going to do long term.

He carefully checked the meticulously placed makeshift alarms attached to various trees around the property. Several traps had been dug and covered. He checked them to be sure no animals had had the misfortune of falling victim to curiosity.

Once everything had been checked, he climbed up into the large Sycamore tree that overlooked the backyard and scanned the premises with his binoculars. The tree gave him a direct view of the cabin-and Annie's room.

She was in her bed, he could only assume, sleeping. He lowered the binoculars and made himself comfortable. This was his seat every night until the morning.


Annie woke the next morning to knocking at her door. She groaned and stepped out of bed, pulling the door open with a yank.


"Get dressed and meet me in the backyard in ten minutes." Bucky said, walking back to the kitchen.


She stepped outside, shielding her eyes from the bright morning sun. Bucky appeared from the trail leading to the pond.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing." He replied.

"Then why did you pull me out of bed so early?"

"I'm going to teach you how to properly defend yourself."

She looked at him with a quirked brow. "Did something happen?"

"No, but I don't want to risk it. If I'm not around-"

"Why wouldn't you be around?"

He sighed. "Would you just listen to me?"

She crossed her arms. "Fine. Sorry."

He proceeded to explain to her the easiest ways to escape the cabin. "In case you ever have to escape."

"Why would I need to? Have you seen something?" She asked, alarmed.

"No, calm down. It's just a precaution." Bucky replied, stepping behind her. "Now, do everything I say." His breath was hot on her skin, tickling her neck and sending a shiver down her spine.


Annie yelped as she was thrown to the ground, his arm wrapped around her throat.

"I just killed you, again." Bucky said.

With an frustrated cry, Annie pushed herself up. "This is ridiculous, Bucky!"

"You think that now, but when the time comes to run, you'll be glad that I've taught you this."

"Do you hear yourself?" She asked. He was about to answer when she held her hand up. "Hypothetical question. You sound crazy. When the time comes to run? Don't you mean if?"

Bucky sighed and rubbed his face. "Annie, you don't know these people like I do. It might seem like they've given up, but they never do."

"Then why bother with all of this if they're just going to find us? Why bother hiding?" She asked, looking down at the blindfold.

"Because I want to give you a fighting chance." He replied, looking up at her from his perch on a large boulder. His hair fell slightly in his eyes. He wore a pair of gray running shorts and a white long sleeved shirt.

She squeezed her eyes shut and lifted her head up to the sky. "I can't think straight. The heat is getting to me."

"Well," he stood up. "Let's go cool off."

She followed him down the trail to the pond, stopping short when he pulled his shirt off. His shorts were halfway off before she realized she was staring. She quickly turned her back to him. "What are you doing?"

Standing only in his black briefs, he tossed his clothes onto the dock. "Cooling off." He replied, before plunging head first into the water.

Annie turned and watched the ripples his body made as he swam.

His head popped up, breaking the surface. "What are you waiting for?"

Annie looked down at her black tank top and white shorts. "I don't have on a bathing suit." She said, feeling suddenly foolish.

"So? Swim in your underwear. Who cares?"

"I can't do that!" She exclaimed, her face growing warm.

"Why not?" He floated on his back.

She cracked a smile. "I don't think I've ever seen you so...relaxed." She said, slipping her shoes off. Her legs were covered in slowly forming bruises from Bucky's lessons.

"Trust me, I'm not as relaxed as you think." He said, watching her wade into the water.

She sunk down into the water up to her chin. "I wish you would relax. It can't be good for you."

"Neither would turning a blind eye to the danger that you and I both know is out there."

"It's paranoia."

"I'm not paranoid, I'm prepared." He replied, splashing her face.


Later that night, Bucky sat on the couch watching an old black and white movie while Annie sat on the floor tuning her violin.

Her hair was pulled into a messy knot on top of her head. She wore a peach colored sweatshirt that hung off one shoulder, exposing the teal strap of her tank top and a pair of white sweat shorts.

"How much longer are you going to tinker with that thing?" He asked.

She held up the finger board, eyeing it carefully. "I don't know, how long do you tinker with your little guns?"

He crossed his arms over his chest as a group of gangsters in the movie broke out into a gunfight. "They're not little." He mumbled, sinking down into the couch.

She strummed a string, not quite satisfied with the sound.

Bucky sighed. "Annie c'mon-"

She stood. "Alright! Jeez Bucky." She retreated back to the bedroom with the violin.


Some time later, she sat on the edge of her bed, finally through with the tuning. It was close to midnight. She stretched and yawned, setting the violin down on the bedside table. She'd heard Bucky shuffle off to his room earlier and could only assume he was asleep. She removed the sweatshirt and shorts, turned off the lamp and burrowed under her comforter.

Falling asleep was easier than she had anticipated. The random training that Bucky had subjected her to had been exhausting both mentally and physically. Given time, she'd be able to decently defend herself. If she didn't die in the process.

She was just drifting into subconsciousness when she thought she heard a groan. Her eyes opened into narrow slits, listening for the noise. When it didn't happen again, she allowed her eyes to close.


He watched the wind blow Annie's long hair around her face. She wore a long sleeved emerald shirt with light blue jeans and brown boots that stopped just below her knees.

"You're beautiful." He said.

She smiled with a blush as she tucked her hair behind her ear. All around them, leaves tumbled from the trees in the sky. He watched her as she held up her hands, trying to catch the leaves.

"Is this what you want?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at him.

He smiled. "It's all I've ever wanted." He stood from the boulder he had been perched on. He reached out to touch her but froze, metal hand suspended in the air. A tall shadow appeared behind her.

She turned to look at him. "What?" There was a glint of something metal. Annie screamed as the shadow wrapped it's arm around her neck.

"No! Let her go!" Bucky cried. He tried to run to her but found he was frozen in place. He watched as she clawed at the assailant's arm. His metal arm. To his horror, he found himself staring at himself, wielding a knife.

"Нет! Не девочка!" Bucky cried. He watched helplessly as his reflection plunged the blade into Annie's chest.



Annie's eyes shot open and she sat up quickly. Her heart hammered against her ribcage as she tried to calm herself. Realizing it was Bucky having another nightmare, she sighed and got out of bed.

"Нет! Не девочка!" His voice was raw and full of such pain that it made her run into his room. She pushed the door open.

"Bucky wake up!" She cried, shaking him.

He tossed and turned before suddenly sitting up. He stared at the wall, unblinking. "Что я здесь делаю?"

Annie watched his sweat covered chest rising with each breath. His eyes were blank as he got off the bed.

"Bucky?" She placed a hand on his metallic arm.

He flinched at the unexpected touch, jerking away. "Кто ты?"

"I don't-I can't understand you Bucky. Snap out of it!" She cried. He struck her across the face, knocking her back. The blow made her head spin and she struggled to keep her balance. She could taste blood.

"На кого ты работаешь?!" He cried, grabbing both her wrists in his hands.

"Bucky let me go!" She shrieked, twisting to try to free herself. His grip tightened as he glared at her.

"Кто вас послал ?" He yelled, slammed her against the wall.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE SAYING!" She screamed. He was twisting her wrists back at an increasingly painful angle. With a cry of pain and last ditch effort to free herself, she brought her knee up into his groin with as much force as she could muster.

The move worked as he quickly released her wrists and fell backwards onto the wooden floor, holding his wounded man parts and gasping for air. She punched him in the jaw, knocking him down.

Annie slid to the floor, dragging herself as far from him as she could. The dresser blocked her exit. She turned quickly to see him pushing himself up on his knees, a look of anguish on his face as his eyes found her own.

"Oh God..." His voice was scratchy. "What did I do?" He asked, seeing the silhouette of a bruise forming on her cheek. He reached out to turn her face, but stopped when she flinched away.

Annie pulled her knees to her chest. Her head was pounding and she felt like she would throw up. "What does Не девочка mean?" She demanded quietly, wiping the blood from her bottom lip with the back of her hand.

"Annie I don-"

Her eyes filled with tears of frustration. "Don't feed me that bullshit Bucky. I deserve to know something!" She snapped.

He sighed, leaning back against the bed. He rubbed his face and looked away from her angry gaze. "Не девочка..." He said quietly. "Means not the girl."

"What girl?" She asked.

He shrugged. "I don't know." He replied.

"What's causing these nightmares?"

He looked down at his hands. "I don't know."

"You don't seem to know a lot." She snapped.

"Annie I'm sorry. I didn't meant to hurt you." He said.

She stood up slowly, steadying herself by holding onto the dresser. Bucky stood quickly, trying to help but she jerked away, holding her hand up "Just stop." She said. He said nothing as she walked to the door. "Who are you training me to defend myself against?" She asked, even though she now had an idea.

He swallowed hard, meeting her eyes reluctantly. "Me."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait. As always, comments are life! Enjoy!