Ashes of Eden

Chapter 14

Up ahead, Nadia and Ginger Ale were being pointed at. Eric could hear the increasing commotion, the mercenaries, the ones near them, did nothing; either too far gone into their booze or simply uncaring, their business wouldn't suffer because they let loose slaves. A man bumped into Eric only to be shouldered out of the way. He got close enough to Nadia, grabbing her hand to stir her south; it would lead them into Hiken's very own Red Light District, but Eric's eyes were on the large watchtower. During the day, he hadn't seen anyone manning it. From what he could tell, Hiken was lawless. He wasn't exactly sure how things were supposed to work during the middle ages or whatever the hell this era was comparable to, but he was sure some sort of police always existed. Reaching the ends of the open camping grounds, Eric maneuvered into a badly lit alleyway between two houses.

The stench was horrible.

Nadia pinched her nose, glaring at him. Their new friend was doubled over, breathing heavily through his mouth.

"This place is crawling with people." She hissed at him—her face turned a shade of green. Eric glared to the ground, wondering if they were stepping on something… She hit his stomach. "Did you get us lost?"

"No," he reeled. "Give me that." He took his cloak from where it had been hanging, like a large, heavy towel around Nadia's neck. He shoved it towards the shorter boy. "Here, put this on. Hurry up, man, you can catch your breath later."

That made their babbling British rescue stand ramrod straight. He snatched the black cloth, hastily following instructions. With that done, the boy decided getting up-close and personal with Eric's breathing space was okay.

The kid grabbed Eric's blood tainted shirt, "You're not from Eden? You… you knew I wasn't because of my tee?" Slowly, Eric nodded. This guy knew he was touching real blood, right? "Then… Then that means you're from Earth. Like me? Oh, thank God. I have so many questions—some men jumped me when I was trying to find my way around a damned forest and they didn't even explain where the bloody hell I was!"

"You're freaked out—I get it. We'll tell you everything we know after we get somewhere safe. In case you missed it, Eric killed two guys and people saw it—saw us—running away. We're not exactly home free yet." Nadia hissed, not unkindly. Agitation was present on her face, though. Eric would bet his left hand Dybbuks were milling about and she was keeping her shit together.

The kid let go of Eric. His rusty head bowed as he glared down at his blood-stained palms. Eric waited for fear to leap out; he'd seen Eric murder two people—in cold blood—and now he knew Eric was from Earth, too. Instead of taking off screaming, the guy shuddered looking past Eric's shoulder—presumably thinking they would end up dead soon—swallowing.

"Thank you?" he breathed sounding unsure. "It's not everyday someone kills people for me, mate. So, yeah, thanks. I'm… My name's Jordan."

He didn't bother introducing himself, Nadia had let his name slip already. Eric turned to her.

"There's a lookout tower not far from here. You and Jordan can go there. No one will recognize you, not with the cloaks."

"You want to split up?"

"Just for a little while. People saw us coming this way—they'll be looking for me, though, not you guys. There's not a lot of people covered in blood…"

"Or as tall…" Jordan rasped, blinking in wonder at Eric.

Eric nodded at him, "That, too. I can draw attention away…"

"No!" Nadia's shoulders hiked. Eric saw the spitting image of his younger self in her; the way she reacted was exactly how he'd reacted anytime Carter left for a baseball game, for a weekend away with friends—for anything. He never wanted Carter to leave, he didn't want to be alone with a father who couldn't force himself to look at him for more than five minutes without wanting to cry. "I… This is a terrible plan. Haven't you ever watched horror movies? Never split up! Every time they do someone dies."

"She's right." Jordan added, licking his lips.

This was because of the Dybbuks. Eric wouldn't tease her; it was a justified fear. He shuddered at the mere memory of invisible fingers gripping at his neck…

Eric exhaled an insufferable sigh.

"I don't have another plan, Nadia, but we can't stay here."

"Can't we just leave? Now?"

"Even if we made a run for it and left, where would we go? It's a barren mud dessert for miles." He felt trapped. "We fucked up. We should've planned this better." If Carter was here this wouldn't be happening. "How about heading back to the stable?"

She bit her lip, "That means losing the feather to Bronson…" Her eyes racked across Eric. "And you're covered in blood. He'd put two and two together and figure out you killed those people. Hell, he would know just by looking at him." She jerked a thumb at Jordan.

Fuck, Nadia, he thought angrily, you're leaving me without any options. She saw the frustration in his eyes, she must have, because she shut her own tightly.

"What if…" she began to whisper. "If there was a priest here… Shit. Shit." Exactly, sister, welcome to my world. There hadn't been a church or anything that resembled a place of worship in Hiken—not that they'd come across.

Nadia thrust her hands toward Jordan; she all but ripped the cloak off him. She threw it at Eric. "Put that on. We're all going to the watchtower."

Eric glared. She glared back, determination burning in those pale eyes. Jordan took a few steps back, enough for them to see him pull on his hoodie, hiding the bright color of his hair. It wasn't ideal, Jordan was wearing dark jeans and a hoodie… A light bulb lit atop Eric's head; he reached for his bag, Nadia gave it to him. He tore inside and handed Jordan the small vest (small for him); Jordan put it on. Better than nothing, Eric thought.

Eric edged along a wall, sneaking glances both ways to see if an angry mob with pitchforks was marching over from the camps. Nothing—nothing but slow people, some wobbling about; to their right, slurring men and women laughed loudly. Eric nudged his chin, motioning them to follow. His cloak didn't have a hood, he kept looking to the ground, hoping no one could make out the red tint on his face. Occasionally, he looked up, making sure they were heading towards…

Eric's hand wasn't fast enough. A sharp, glinting edge materialized from the shadows—inches from his throat. He refused to panic. Somewhere behind him, Jordan's voice drifted, but he couldn't make out the words.

"I think we have met before. Have we not? Your face was not covered in red, then, hmm?" Eric glared at the blond. "Now, do not be alarmed. I spent my day eavesdropping on tavern talk and whatnot, hoping to catch wind of some Fae business. I had no luck in that department, but a couple of old men gossiped about a man and a woman… The pair is using a Stymphalian feather to pay for their meals and shelter. Apparently, the man managed to kill one of those beasts all on his own."

Eric had the urge to turn and glare at Nadia. Her backstory was biting them in the ass.

"That's got nothing to do with us." Nadia cut in sharply. "If you would be so kind to let us…"

"Do not finish that lie." Ragnos. That was the guy's name. "There are not a lot of men who fit your description." He was talking to Eric now. "Tall, built to the point of physical pique, and… How did that tavern owner phrase it? Ah, yes. With 'too pretty of a face for a man'." Eric's molars ground. Ragnos must've seen the insult displayed on his face. "I am sure you will grow out of that… prettiness. You are still just a boy, after all."

Something inside Eric snapped; a gate of unchecked anger snapped, leading to recklessness Eric grabbed the hilt of his sword—the movement hidden underneath his cloak—he veered quickly from the tip grazing his neck. Eric tossed the cloak with his right arm and swung with his left. Eric saw Ragnos' surprise; something whispered for him to aim at the knees, the armor was weaker there. The captain scrambled back to avoid a quick lash to his right knee.

Eric rose from his crouch, eyes squinted in menace.

"That was rather quick for someone so large." Eric snorted, keeping his eyes fixed on Ragnos. "I thought the rumors were exaggerated, but perhaps you are capable of killing those beasts single-handedly…"

"I'm about to single-handedly cut your throat." His voice was flat, cold. Eric didn't know where this animosity came from.

Ragnos cocked his head, making sure to keep his sword up, and his eyes trained on Eric's left hand. The captain hummed.

"Interesting, you favor your left hand." Nadia came closer, standing beside Eric. "Hello again, miss. It seems I always fright you whenever we meet. Apologies, it was not my intention." Eric was shocked when Ragnos lowered his weapon, he didn't sheath it, but still. "I merely wanted to observe some sort of display of skill on your partner's part. Not in any way, did I want to harm you or him."

"You have a great way of showing it." Nadia's voice was soft. She was plotting. "What do you want?"

"I need to find a Fae. Of any kind. I have come up empty at every turn. I cannot find any on the road, the smugglers have been robbed and no one I have paid has rewarded me with good news. I thought that maybe you," he gestured between Eric and her. "Could help me."


"From what I have gathered, your hunting grounds are Ebbe forest. That is ideal. Many Fairies roam that forest." That made sense. Fi said that he and the others had been playing before the smugglers trapped them.

"Why would we help you?" Eric asked brashly.

A slow smile formed on Ragnos' lips.

"Well, you are covered in blood. I think it is safe to assume you have injured or murdered someone. And, if I am not mistaken," he jerked his head beyond Nadia—towards Jordan. "That is the slave I looked at this afternoon. That shock of hair is rather… unmistakable. As a captain, I could detain you…"

"As a captain, you shouldn't allow human trafficking." Ragnos looked puzzled at her words. "You shouldn't abide slavery."

"The things we do are not always ideal. Eden is not ideal." Ragnos' gaze turned shrewd for a moment. "Alas, I can help your situation."

"We don't…"

Nadia settled her hand on Eric's arm, making him trail off.

"This boy—Jordan—he's our companion. He was captured by that slaver… Amilcar… and we needed to free him. What would your help consist of?"

"Aside from not informing Amilcar of what you have done?" This guy was pushing it, Nadia kept a firm hand on Eric's left arm and he wished she didn't. "I will settle your debt with the tavern man… Bronson, I think it was? I cannot imagine you would hand over such a priceless feather for measly rations of food." Eric didn't need to glance at Nadia to know that she was flustered—he'd made them out fast. "Also, I will pay for your stay at the Hound Inn. Of course, this is all based on the assumption that you are capable of helping me with my problem."

"You want to find a Fae." Nadia repeated slowly, as if measuring her words.

Ragnos' snapped with a firm nod.

"It is quite dire…"

Nadia gasped. Eric knew why, a horrible chill squeezed him from all sides. Just for a heartbeat.

"Do you blokes feel that? It's so cold all of a…" Jordan trailed off. Nadia grabbed his arm, tugging him away from something only she could see.

Despite all instinct, Eric turned his back on Ragnos.

"It's a Dybbuk. A large, ugly motherfucker." She whispered, dazed, looking pale and sick. Eric's left arm lowered, and he was about to tell her…

She got snatched; Ragnos whirled her and pushed her against a wall.

"What did you just say?" he gritted with a alarm and—something else.

Nadia was stunned for two full seconds before her fist flew straight into the captain's face. Pity that he was wearing body armor. She aimed true again, an uppercut this time.

"Never," she spat at the dazed, blinking man. "Grab me."

Eric couldn't conceal a proud smirk. Ragnos was stunned at her demeanor; the captain looked between them.

"You two must be from Agnar…" Eric suddenly remembered Nadia reading to him, the tale of the first King, and how an Agnar assassin probably killed him. Agnar people were considered fierce warriors. "I must insist, miss, you said something—you… can you see Dybbuks?"

Eric went to deny it, but Nadia beat him to the punch.

"No… I've heard of them—of what that chill means. That's all." To her credit, her eyes didn't blink, and her voice only wavered at the start. Eric would've bought her lie. Carter would accuse him of being naïve.

Nadia's eyes were forcefully open, though; they were staring at something behind Ragnos. That wasn't the only sign Ragnos picked up on: her fists were closed and shaking. Nadia might've as well sprinkled herself with a fragrance of fear.

Ragnos tilted his head, seeing nothing behind him.

"They do not attack strong spirited individuals." He mussed, proving Fi's words. "You can see them." It was a guttural statement, like the man had gone weeks without a drop of water. Eric disliked the Captain more as the gaze he gave Nadia changed from awe—to reverence? "Uncanny," Ragnos muttered, stepping back. Keep going, Eric's mind drilled, but Ragnos stopped. "What is your name? Where were you born?"

Nadia stood stock still; only her eyes slid across empty spaces. Spaces crawling with evil ghosts only she was privy to. Eric cut the distance between them, just barely sweeping his fingers across Nadia's knuckles. Sometimes a touch was all it took to feel safe, not so alone.

Those startling moonlight eyes snapped toward Eric's clear blue.

"What?" she whispered, holding Eric's gaze for another second.

"Where were you born? I must know this."

She frowned at him, "Why would I share that? I don't know you." She was trying to find wriggle room.

"No, but I am willing to help you…"

"If we help you capture a Fae. It's hardly out of the goodness of your heart, captain." Nadia bit. "I have no allegiance to your King, I'm an islander from Aldo Jahan. The three of us are. We came to Eden days ago…"

Ragnos' shook his head.

"You can fool many here with that story. Most have never left here or been in contact with islanders, but you cannot fool me. Aldo Jahan folk are nimble, quick and have a lazy drawl for an accent. You, my lady, have no such accent. Neither do your companions," Ragnos glanced Jordan's way for a beat with speculation on his face. "Although that one has a curious way of speaking…" Jordan opened his mouth only to shut it. "I do not think I have ever heard such speak."

Jordan glanced at Eric for support. Guidance? Eric wasn't qualified for that.

"The ability to see Dybbuk has only been known to one. It would be important to my cause if you were to divulge your birthplace or your parenthood."

Nadia sighed heavily.

"It won't help your mission."

An insulted look passed over Ragnos' face. But whatever was going on inside the captain's head stayed hidden because yelling came from the streets. Not just one person blaring, many people shouting loudly. The screams didn't sound all the same. Some were filled with pain, others were laced with plain fear.

Ragnos cursed.

"Hateful Dybbuks…"

Eric was stunned; Ragnos' first guess for this commotion were evil spirits, he didn't consider some psycho maybe decided to kill people or something equally horrific. The memory of him slicing through two men assaulted him. Eric pushed it down, like suppressing a wave of vomit.

Cries for help reached their little nook between a bustling tavern and another smaller building, maybe a shed. Jordan backed up—bumping into Eric's side. They both stiffened, glancing at one another. Ragnos broke the loud chaos with a subtle, calm voice.

"Hiken is a prime place for Dybbuk attacks. These people are easily swayed. Weak minded slobs with little to no morals."

"Not the children." Again, the dousing coldness in Eric's tone startled him. Where was this protectiveness coming from? "Isn't it your job to help them?"

"Usually, if I could, I would. But I have no means of helping, no ways of fighting Dybbuks. They are a curse on our land and that is why my mission is so important."

"Why? What can Fae do against them?" Eric knew Fi saved him back in Callibur. He also knew the Fairy hadn't destroyed the Dybbuk, only scared it off.

"Fae cannot destroy them. At least, not that we are aware of. But the Union has informed me that there are ways to eradicate Dybbuks. One would need a weapon forged from a certain mineral only found in Idril." Idril—the Fae land. Where they'd been heading before the ambush.

"Why?" asked Nadia. Eric refrained from helping her stand, she was using the wall, trying to keep herself fearless and steady.

"There is a weapon forged from said metal. I wielded it in a desperate attempt against a Dybbuk. I slashed at air—where I thought the evil fiend to be—and suddenly its attack stopped, the cold presence lifted."

"Are you joking?" Jordan erupted. "There's a bloody sword that can stop those things," he pointed outside of their alleyways. "Stop whatever unpleasant shite they're doing and you're not carrying it?"

"I cannot carry it, boy." Jordan shifted at the spat directed at him. Eric's fingers tightened on the hilt of his sword. "Wielding it for such a short time wore me. I was unresponsive for days. That sword is bonded to someone's spirit, only they are capable of wielding it successfully." Ragnos let out an angry growl. Maybe he was sharing too much with a group of strangers?

The captain began to step away...

"Wait." Nadia was firm. Eric saw her eyes burn with decision. He wouldn't like this, would he? "We're not islanders. You're right." She paused. "I can see Dybbuks, you're right about that too."

Ragnos' eyes crinkled as he frowned, as if spelling out 'well? Get on with it'. She took a large breather.

"We're not from Eden. Or from anywhere else on this world. We came from a place called Earth." Eric wondered what Carter would've done. Would he have confessed the truth? He came up empty.

The captain turned fully, regarding Nadia with a baffled expression.


Nadia's brows were pinched together, looking ready for the "are you mad?" comment.

"I know how it sounds. Like we're crazy, but we're not lying…"

"No, I do not think that crazy." Ragnos confessed, startling the shit out of Eric. And possibly his other two pals. Ragnos eyed them, all three, slowly. "Were there more of you?"

Eric wasn't as clever as Carter, he wasn't a smooth talker or a good liar, but one thing he knew: Ragnos knew something—about them. Otherwise, he wouldn't have asked such a specific question. Like he expected the answer to be yes.

"I won't tell you anything else until we're somewhere safe." Nadia argued, sounding fiercer than she looked at the moment.

Ragnos exhaled before motioning for them to follow.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've started finals this week, two down, three more to go. Also, I haven't been inspired to write for this in a while, I hope you guys enjoyed this; please leave your thoughts I love to hear them and maybe help my head flow with ideas!