Broken Connection

A Prologue in Messages



Body is ready to start filming #greenlantern

@Sinatraira: @VancityReynolds HOTHOTHOTHOT

@im_maya_your_not: @VancityReynolds @Sinatraira what would we do if all the boys looked like this? Would the world explode of hotness?

@Sinatraira: @VancityReynolds @im_maya_your_not drool and have our ovaries explode, obviously. And yes, definitely, I mean, look at that!

@im_maya_your_not: @VancityReynolds @Sinatraira mmm… totally fine with the end of the world if it would end like this.

@Sinatraira: @VancityReynolds @im_maya_your_not but first I need to kiss all the boys, you see. I shall not die a prude!

@im_maya_your_not: @VancityReynolds @Sinatraira you go, girl! I’m actually fine with just kissing him, you know ;)

@Sinatraira: @VancityReynolds @im_maya_your_not he’s waaayyyyy out of my league. I’m just a schoolgirl freaking out about an older man. He’s 30 freaking 2!

@im_maya_your_not: @VancityReynolds @Sinatraira you gotta reach for the stars, girl. You can do anything if you put your mind to it. XD

@Sinatraira: @VancityReynolds @im_maya_your_not you mean to tell me I could have eaten that whole ice cream sandwich! Well shiiiiit.

@im_maya_your_not: @VancityReynolds @Sinatraira YOU GO BACK AND EAT THAT SANDWICH! GO AND LIVE YOUR LIFE, GIRL.

@Sinatraira: @VancityReynolds @im_maya_your_not I’m sitting here, eating another one. Don’t you think Ryan is so interested in this whole convo? Poor him

@im_maya_your_not: @VancityReynolds @Sinatraira I think he’s watching this convo like he watches his favorite soap. We’re fucking interesting. Continue in dm’s?

@Sinatraira: Hey there, my fellow Ryan Reynolds fangirl. (Guessing your name’s Maya. Cool tag, btw ;P)
@im_maya_your_not: Well, hello! Are you enjoying your second ice cream sandwich? And yes, it’s Maya! What’s yours?
@Sinatraira: Third by now. I’m going to explode! BUT THEY’RE SO GOOD! Help me eat them! And it’s Naira, you know, I changed the ending of Sinatra’s name to merge with mine.
@im_maya_your_not: Love the Sinatra reference! Classy as fuck :) and wow, you’ve got quite a unique name! Hahaah sorry, gotta watch what I’m eating.
@Sinatraira: Oh god. I probably sound like a fat kid right now. I promise I’m not, I just love my food. I mean, come on FOOOOOOOD!
@im_maya_your_not: hahaha, you don’t sound like a fat kid XD I’ve just eaten really bad lately. That’s all.
@Sinatraira: You’re probably one of those hot girls that I really envy (well, maybe not much, but it sounds better when I say it like that). I’m sure you look amazing!
@im_maya_your_not: mwah, not really. How old are you?
@Sinatraira: the annoying age of 16. The one where ‘your body is going through a lot of changes, you can always talk to me about it’ goes on. Wbu?
@im_maya_your_not: oh, I hated that phase! I’m 18, so I guess I’m the (not so) responsible adult here.
@Sinatraira: never had a responsible adult around me, so don’t feel too special ;P My dad is like the worst but best dad ever. Really good with fun and shit, but not so good in the scolding and raising department.
@im_maya_your_not: You’re dad sounds pretty cool! I guess I can’t really complain about my parents, but they can be pretty annoying sometimes.
@Sinatraira: Your parents probably have common sense, though. My dad really doesn’t. I sometimes try to see how far I can take it without him getting mad. I once came home at 5 am and my dad only worried about if I had fun… Oh well. 5:30 am did not really work… Grandma came over… Never again…

*2 Years Later/2011*

Naira: OH GOD, OH GOD! I JUST SAW THE FUCKING TRAILER! Help meeeeee!!!!!! I need to convince Max to go with me, you should convince Leila!
Maya: I don’t think she’ll like it if I sit there drooling over a dude.
Naira: fuck that! She knows you’re bisexual, remember you told me the whole story about you telling her. She got upset at first, but eventually was fine with it. YOU HAVE TO GO!!!!!
Maya: yeah, I guess that’s the only thing me and her don’t have in common, I like boys too. I will go! I will go to that cinema like my life depends on it!
Naira: Like your life depends on it? Girl, your life does depend on it! Do you think Max will come with me? He’s been distant lately… :(
Maya: From the stories you have told me about him and that one time I saw him on skype, I can tell that that guy loves you a lot. Of course he will go with you, don’t worry.
Naira: I don’t know, Maya. We haven’t been saying ‘Love’ anymore… And remember how he always tried to make attempts (if you know what I mean)? He’s just not doing that anymore. Did I do something wrong?
Maya: awwww. I wish I could hug you right now! I hate that we live so far apart. You did nothing wrong, Naira, just trust me.
Naira: I’ll see what happens… ENOUGH ABOUT ME, THOUGH, I’m not the most important one. How’s shit going with Leila, other than the fact that she hates you looking at boys?
Maya: I think we’re fine…

*2 Years Later/2013*

Naira: Maya…
Maya: Naira…
Maya: just kidding. Is something wrong?
Naira: It happened again…
Maya: Omg...Naira, that’s awful!
Naira: School was getting too much and
Naira:[b/] And I just couldn’t stop it
Naira: It happened at the library. I didn’t want to say the things I said, but I couldn’t help the stupid ticks! Why does it always come back?
Maya: You went to the doctor last week, right? Didn’t that help?
Naira: The only time that actually helped was when it was a constant thing as a child. Now all they say is ‘you’ve gotten over the Tourette’s before, use the same method’. WELL IT ISN’T FUCKING WORKING, IS IT?
Maya: Calm down, Naira. It’s going to be okay. I just think you shouldn’t be ashamed of it anymore. It’s part of you. I think that would already help a lot.
Naira: It’s embarrassing, though! No wonder Matt didn’t want to try out long distance! Things were just getting serious!
Naira: Oh god. I really have to calm down… It’s starting again…
Maya: It’s not embarrassing, Naira. It’s a thing some people just have.
Maya: Try to hold your breath. Think of that time when I fell off my chair during skype, I’m sure that’ll cheer you up.
Naira: Can’t I just rob a bank so I can fly over to you, or at least pay for gas for the entire 12-hour trip? I mean, sure, Ashland is pretty, but it’s nothing without you :(
Maya: Maybe you can do that!! I will be your alibi!! And then you can get away with it.
Maya: We need a plan.
Maya: A good plan.
Naira: Hahaha, just imagine me freaking out before I actually do it and start shouting inappropriate things in the fancy-ass building. It will be quite a show.
Maya: Yeah! And you can use those guns that look like real ones, but they’re actually water guns! Like in that video of that band I showed you! They’re gonna perform at the place I work btw! I can’t wait their songs seem great!
Naira: Yes, I need a Hubert Smalls in my life :P And OMG those guys. Hot, but their music? Meh. I don’t know. Not really my type, but I might get into it. That song, though, the screaming is way too much for me. Because of you, I can tolerate some screaming, so I might get there ;)
Maya: ‘listen to the meaning, before you judge the screaming’. And if you think the screaming in that video is too much for you, then you should hear asking alexandria or something.
Naira: I will get there, slowly but surely. The only reason I can actually listen to some of the music is because I made myself like it because the meaning is great. One day I will be just like you, don’t worry, but I might need some more convincing. Get me to meet those guys from that video, and I’ll listen to everything. At least I don’t like Pop music anymore.
Maya: ugh, I guess it’s a start. And yeah, but I first have to meet them myself.
Naira: Good luck with that. Plus, they will never be around long enough for me to meet them. You might see them once, but I’m sorry to ruin your dreams :P
Maya: *gasps* Of course they will hang out with me more. Everyone likes me! :P
Naira: Yeah right, you arrogant piece of shit ;)
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Only the first chapter is written like this, don't worry. After this is will be like an actual story.
I'd like to take a second to appreciate the fact that I had to add a shit-load of BBcode to get everything in bold and to add an image.