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Love Is Only an Illusion

Chapter III


The door to the room of unknown swung open. The group had their flashlights and phones ready to use. Henley stepped through first, asking the obvious question, “What is this place?”

Sutton shot her light in the direction of an old bathroom. She crinkled her nose at the sight as Merritt said, “Oh, wow. Thought my apartment was nasty.”

“Man, it’s freezing in here,” Jack shook.

Sutton snorted a laugh. “This is cold for you? Try living in Pennsylvania, the bipolar state.”

Jack chuckled as Danny shot Sutton a quick glare. She rolled her eyes for what seemed to be the umpteenth time, annoyed by the demeanor the illusionist put off.

“What’s that?” Henley asked as they entered a large open room.

“I don’t know,” Danny replied as he moved closer to the piece of paper set nicely on the ground. It was obviously meant for them.

“What’s it say?” Merritt asked as he begun to follow Sutton’s movements of traveling the room.

“’Now you don’t.’”

“’A rose by any other name…’” Henley quoted as she picked up the flower, making Sutton cringe.

“I hate Shakespeare,” she whispered as she watched her cousin place the white rose in the vase.

Suddenly, water began to flow from the bottom of the vase, as if the delicate flower had protruded through. “Guys, what’s happening?” Jack questioned them.

Sutton and Merritt ‘woah’ed silently as they watched in amazement. Someone said, “Look at that,” but Sutton was too consumed in the flowing water to take notice who. As the water filled the strange symbol on the wooden floor, it lowered and a cloudy substance emerged.

“It’s gas!” Jack exclaimed.

Merritt rolled his eyes. “Relax. Just dry ice.”

“Cool,” the Reeves girls admired, smiling at each other.

“Wait, what do you think this is all about?” Danny threw the question into the air, and Merritt was the first to grab hold.

“Hang on. Hang on,” he pleaded, pretended to think deeply. He closed his eyes as Danny stared. “I got nothin’.” Sutton giggled at the mentalist’s joke.

Danny glared at her once more. “Okay, thank you. Thank you for the delay.”

“I’m just trying to create the space for wisdom.”

“Danny, be honest. Did you do this?” Henley asked, walking through the dry ice.

“No,” he admitted. “Wait, did you?”

“Wha- I wish,” Jack smiled innocently.

“Why didn’t anyone ask me if I did it?” Merritt asked. Everyone seemed to ignore the question.

“No one appreciates our talent,” Sutton whispered, patting the elder man on the back.

“Oh, great.”

Sutton noticed Danny flipping a light switch, so she walked over to him. “Electricity out?” she asked, just loud enough for him to hear. He nodded and shot his flashlight over toward a door.

“Electricity’s out,” Jack confirmed loudly. Sutton heard Danny chuckle, causing her to smile.

“Well, let’s check.” Merritt turned a light bulb belonging to a small chandelier. With it lit, a murmur sounded and a bright light shot between Sutton and Danny from the door.

“Blueprints,” the Reeves girls said in unison, walking closer to the design.

“They’re incredible,” Danny stated, sneaking up behind Sutton.

“Who do you think did this?” Jack questioned.

“I don’t know, but I really want to meet them,” Sutton admitted, mesmerized by the blue sight before her.

“It’s a show,” added Henley.

Danny touched the symbol that resembled the one on the ground moments before. It made a dinging sound, and more details were revealed to the group.

“What do you think this means?” Sutton asked, taking a seat on the ground by Danny’s feet. She folded her legs as Danny watched her, but he quickly turned his attention back to the blueprints when Sutton looked up.

“I think whoever did this wants us to become a team,” Jack figured.

“Oh, no!” Merritt shouted. “Do not tell me I’m going to need to spend more time with you people.”

“Wow, Merritt,” Henley scoffed, “how sweet of you to say.”

“Oh, not you girls!” Merritt exclaimed, shaking his hands out in front of him. “I meant Mr. Control Freak over there.” He pointed to Danny who had just crouched down next to Sutton, staring up at the plans. “Oh, and Jacky over there can be the butler!” Jack made a face at Merritt’s words.

“Oh, but I really want to spend more time with you,” Danny sarcastically responded, stroking his chin as he returned to contemplating the plans. Sutton snorted a giggle and Danny gave her a side smile as he looked her up and down.

“Look, if we are going to go through with this, we will need to spend a lot of time together,” Henley concluded. “So, who has a place?”

Everyone looked toward one another, but Sutton stated, “Our’s is big enough, Hen.”

Henley sighed. “I guess it will work, so long as you three respect a girl’s privacy!”

“Cross my heart,” Merritt said as he traced an ‘X’ on his chest.

“Just give me a roof over my head and I’ll be happy,” Jack smiled thankfully.


The newly formed team traveled by taxi to the Reeves girls’ current residence. As soon as the boys entered, they dropped their belongings on the floor, mouths agape. Merritt took no time in claiming the couch, his fedora covering his eyes as if on cue.

“Holy shit,” Jack gasped, making a beeline for the kitchen and flinging open the refrigerator door. “Sorry, this is rude, but can I have this sandwich?”

“Go for it, Wilder,” Sutton giggled. “It’s a turkey flatbread with caramelized onions.”

Jack took a bite, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. “This is amazing.”

“It’s supposed to be eaten warm,” Henley pointed out. “Sutton makes the best food.”

“You cook?” Danny asked, raising an eyebrow at Sutton as she maneuvered into the living room area, sitting on the arm chair to remove her booties.


“Nice,” Danny responded. “Good for you to, you know, keep up the traditional female role.”

“Ouch,” Merritt commented, removing his fedora from his eyes. A twinkle in his blue eyes showed his interest in a fight between the two.

“Listen, Atlas,” Sutton stated with a sigh, “if you want to be the typical male who thinks women should still be “popping out babies and baking pies,” that’s fine.” She took a glance at Merritt who sighed with disappointment, for he knew there would be no fight. “However, if you want to live under my roof, you should rethink that.”

Danny stared at her in disbelief. Jack smiled and mouthed, “Wow” as Henley smirked at her cousin’s composure.

“I-I-I,” Danny stuttered, a slight blush creeping into his cheeks. Sutton smirked, proud of herself.

“It’s okay, Danny,” Henley stated, patting him on the shoulder, “when you have a heart like Sutton, you don’t need to hear an apology. It’s written all over your blushing face.”

Danny brushed off Henley’s touch quickly. “I-I am not blushing,” he retorted, dramatically moving across the room to set his belongs down.

Sutton laughed at Danny’s recent shook up and continued onto her room to change.