If You Love Me

Ninety Eight: You Married Me

Gently pulling a pair of socks onto Rafael’s feet, Nora carefully leant down, pressing a soft kiss against the top of the little boy’s head. It had been a while, after Rafael had arrived, a little over a month had passed, but with Gerard due to play an afternoon match that day, Nora had opted to plan them a date, wanting to take a little time for just her and her husband. It had been busy, with both Alba and Rafael around, she and Gerard often found themselves distracted, and whilst she had no doubts about their relationship, she was keen to take a little time just for them, not wanting any problems to occur further down the line.

“Is he nearly ready to go?”

Nora, who’d been lightly smoothing out Rafael’s blonde hair, startled a little at the sound of her mother-in-law’s voice before she lifted her head, offering her a small smile. “I think so” she noted “What about Alba? Did she give you any trouble” she added, moving to lift Rafael into her arms.

Montserrat smiled a little at the sight of the baby before she shook her head. “She didn’t” she noted “In fact, she’s in her room, choosing the two toys I said that she could bring with her” she added.

Nora nodded her gently before she stepped towards the bed, lifting Rafael’s nappy bag onto her shoulder. “Are you sure that you and your husband don’t mind doing this?” she posed “I mean, if you’ve changed your mind, it’s not a problem. I can always...”

“We love spending time with our little grandchildren, Nora” Montserrat interjected “And we’re more than happy to do it whenever you want, you know that. Besides, have you and Gerard had a second to yourselves since Rafa was born?” she posed, offering her daughter-in-law a soft look. She knew that there was nothing to be worried about, every time that she had seen them since the little boy had arrived, Gerard and Nora had looked as loved up as ever, but still she wanted to encourage them to take some time to themselves, even if it was just the odd night every now and again. She wanted her son and daughter-in-law to remain as happy as they were.

Nora offered her a small look before she shook her head. “It has been a while” she noted “I mean, these two keep us pretty busy, and Gerard’s been pretty busy with Barca seeing as the season is almost over, but I am looking forwards to tonight. As silly as it sounds, I kind of miss us dating” she added, shyly playing with the ends of her hair.

Montserrat marveled at the shy movements of Nora’s hand for a moment before she shook her head, a fond smile on her face. “It’s not silly” she noted “If anything, it’s cute, and as I said before, me and my husband, we’re more than happy to help out whenever you want. All you’ve got to do is ask” she insisted warmly.

Nora flashed her a small smile. “I know, and I am grateful for it” she noted.

Montserrat offered her another warm smile before the sound of footsteps filled the air, causing Nora to turn and watch as Alba toddled into the room, her toys clutched in her tiny hands. Nora watched the little girl briefly, smiling as she padded into the room, before she shook her head. “I think someone is ready to go” she noted “Montserrat...”

“We’ll be fine” Montserrat interrupted “But if we run into a problem, I will call you. Enjoy your night, Nora” she encouraged as she stepped towards her, collecting Rafael from her arms before she ducked out of the room, Alba in tow.

Nora watched them out of the room briefly before she quietly shook her head, reminding herself that it had been a while since she and Gerard had had time alone together.

“Nora?” Gerard quipped as he stepped into the house. It had been a tough day, with the season slowly reaching its conclusion, every match that Barcelona played was important, and the one that day had been tougher than they’d expected, even if they had come away with the win, it had been a harder task that they’d anticipated. Settling his bag down beside the door, he listened to the quiet house for a moment, before he moved to step through it, checking the living room quickly before he padded through towards the kitchen, a frown perched on his face. “Nora?” he repeated.

“You’re early”

Gerard, who’d moved to pad towards the laundry room, jumped at the sound of Nora’s voice before he wheeled around, something which made her giggle softly. “I didn’t mean to scare you” she quipped “I was just out on the patio and I heard you call my name. What are you doing back so soon?” she posed.

Gerard shrugged. “I wasn’t asked to do interviews, so I got changed and came home” he noted “It’s too quiet in here. Where are the children?” he asked, his voice warm and teasing.

Nora rolled her eyes slightly at his joke before she shook her head. “Your mother took them for a couple of hours” she noted “I figured it was about time that you and I had a night to ourselves. You have better plans?” she quipped, moving to knot their fingers together.

Gerard chuckled. “It depends” he returned “What do you have in mind?” he added.

Nora offered him another roll of her eyes before she lightly tugged on his hand, guiding him out towards patio. Gerard followed her steps quickly before he lifted his head, a small boyish grin appearing at the sight of the scene which sat ahead of him. “What is this?” he noted, stepping towards the table which she had set up.

Nora watched him for a moment before she offered him a small nonchalant shrug, a warm grin perched on her lips. “I ordered us some food in” she noted “And I bought a bottle of wine. It’s kind of like...”

“Our first date” Gerard interrupted “When you showed up here, looking like you were about to pass out” he added impishly.

Nora scoffed. “I wasn’t that bad” she countered “And from what I remember, you were pretty nervous that night too” she added, nudging his shoulder playfully.

Gerard let out a soft laugh before he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, offering her a brief squeeze. “It can’t have been that bad” he pointed out “I mean, it led to a second date, and a third...and then you married me” he teased, pressing a soft kiss against her head.

Nora laughed softly before she carefully pushed herself up onto her toes, pressing a couple of quicks kisses against his lips before she pulled herself away, moving to pour them each a glass of wine. Gerard watched her for a moment, his blue eyes admiring her quietly before he stepped towards her, wrapping her in another tight hug that she didn’t hesitate to return.
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Thanks to FootieJo and Twisted;;Symphony for the comments :)