A Dream

Character Profile

Full Name: Angelica April May Rollings

Age: 14 years old

Birthday: April 8th, 2000

Location: London, England

Place of Birth: Los Angeles, CA

Idols: Mötley Crüe

Favourite song: Girls, Girls, Girls by Mötley Crüe

Favourite Member: Tommy Lee

Species: Half Vampire - Half Shapeshifter hybrid

Other abilities: Strength
Fighting Skills
Elemental Control
Hair changes colour based on emotions (sometimes)

Hair Colours: Red (Anger)
Purple (Love)
Turquoise (Submission)
Snow White (Scared)
Lilac (Depression)
Black (Natural Hair Colour)
Bubble Gum pink
Fiery Orange

Soul Mate: unknown (For Now)
♠ ♠ ♠
There is going be to be Vampires and Shapeshifters in this story.