I'm Not Okay

How it begins


why am I in this stupid class?!?

For the last hour and a-half, I have been listening to Ms. Gomez drone on about stupid math equations, which she claims will come in handy in my near future.

And not paying an ounce of attention. The only time I'm going to use this shit is to work out a problem on our homework.

Man I hate calculus.



"psst! Allie!!" I look over to my right and my friend Miles is practically falling out of his seat trying to get my attention.

That was the only good thing about this class. I got to sit next to the guy I've had a crush on since the first grade. We're now both in our junior year at college.

"What." I whispered back. "Are you doing anything this weekend?" a grin tweaks the corner of his mouth, my heart jumps. "No, why?" he shrugs, "Just wondering, I've got these tickets to go see a band you might like and--"

"Mr. Cary, Ms. Butler. Is my lecture interrupting your conversation?" Miles was cut short by the blob with glasses, Mrs. Gomez. "Ah. No not at all! We're sorry Mrs. Gomez for the interruption." Miles covers and leans against his chair glancing back at me. "Alright...well, where were we? A yes the quadratic formula..." Mrs. Gomez turns back to her monotone droning and continues the boring ass lesson.

I turn my head back to my notebook and continue my extensive work of doodles. If you hadn’t already noticed math is not my forte but, it is a school, requirement unfortunately. I want to major in Fine Arts, you know like music and theater. When I was little I always sang, and in school I was in some of the plays and a performing choir. Thanks to that choir I was able to get a music scholarship to the Texas University at Austin! I am such a lucky child.

I am rudely awakened from my thoughts by the bell, signaling the end of school. I gathered all my stuff, headed for the door and outside.

"Allie! Allie! Wait up!" I turn around to see Miles bounding down the building stairs towards me.

Miles had curly red hair, freckles, and the most beautiful aspect, in my humble opinion, are his blue-gray eyes. He also got in here on a music scholarship, except he got it through playing the trumpet.

"Hey!" he said, "Hey!" I answered looking into eyes. Miles was only a few inches taller than me, but it was enough that I had to look up to talk to his face instead of chest. He was about 6'1" and I am around 5'6", 5'7".

"So what were you going to tell me before the ‘hippo’ interrupted our conversation?"
He slapped his forehead. "Oh! Yeah! I almost forgot! Thanks for reminding me, Allie." he flashed me that sexy grin of his. "I just wanted to see if you would accompany me to a My Chemical Romance concert?" he asked, while smirking and going into a low bow.

"…wha?..." I whispered. He stood there smiling, “I said, I got tickets to a My Chem. concert and I want you to come with me."

I dropped my books and jumped on Miles giving him the biggest hug I could muster.

"FUCK YEAH I WANNA GO! GOD! MILES I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! " He laughed and pried me off of him. “Yeah, yeah I know! HAHA! But then again...who can stand this magnitude of sexy?!" he striking a model pose.

"Ha! You’re such an idiot Miles." I laughed.

“Oh come on. Everyone knows you have the hots for me.” He comes close enough to kiss. I feel my face get flushed and look away.

“uh, lets just go back to the dorms to start packing.”

This, unfortunately, made Miles laugh. All the way, cross campus, to the dorms. Don’t we make a great[i/] couple?
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NUMERO UNO!! uh....hey marie! uh when i deleted my other chapters. i kinda forgot to save the banner you made me! *tries to avoid sharp, flying objects and runs away*

comments anyone?