I'm Not Okay

Damn That Charm!


I stood in the doorway staring at this stranger in my spare room. What the hell? why wasn’t I told about this?!

The welcoming smile that had been on the newcomer Brook’s face slowly turned into a nervous grimace as I blankly stared and paid no attention to the fact that I had a rock band for company behind me...

“Well, sorry, I guess, for the short notice? But as you can see I still need to finish packing so...” As she talks she walks over to the bedroom door and starts to slowly close it, “yeah...BYE!”
At the end of it I was left staring at the door head cocked to the side and utterly confused...WHAT THE FUCKING HELL?

“Well that was interesting.” Some male says next to me. “Allie are you okay?” he pokes my face.

“I think she’s turned to stone.” someone else said.



“You okay?”

I break out of my trance and look up into concerned hazel eyes. Gerard. I made him worry I put on a soft smile, “Yea, I’m good. It just took me by surprise is all. You would think the school would have the decency to let me know in advance that I would be getting a roommate.”

Gerard lets loose a sigh of relief and smiles, “Yeah they could’ve, but again it’s school, they don’t give a fuck if it inconveniences you.”
I roll my eyes, “gee, that makes me feel better.”

I push through the band and make my way to the living room with my worn couch and tiny tv.

“So what do we do now?” Ray ask’s from his perch on the couch arm.
“umm, that is a good question!” says Frank from his post by the wall. Everyone turns expectantly to me.

“Well, if ya’ll are tired of smelling like the ass of a pig. You’re welcome to use my shower.” I almost burst out laughing as everyone tried to smell their pits discreetly.

“Uhh, if you don’t mind that would be fucking awesome!” Nat says from over by the door.

So we all hike back down to the bus to grab my bag and the others grab their change of clothes. “Oh and if you have some items that need a wash I can take ‘em down to the laundry room, if you want.”

Ray walks over and gives me a hand full of clothes, “Why are you being so nice to us?”
“It’s the least I can do after ya’ll; practically saved my life last night. Seriously, who knows what would’ve happened to me if you guys hadn’t picked me up.” I say smiling at them as I took their clothes.

“True, some creepster could’ve ravaged your body as you lay there on the side of the road.” Natalie states matter-of-factly as she dumps more clothes into my arms.

“Ugh, shut up! I don’t even wanna think about that!” I shake my head to erase the horrid rape images (how did they get there? I’m kinda demented. . .). Next is Mikey and Frank who give me their sweat stained shirts and just stained jeans; by the time Gerard came to make his deposit, i could barely see over the pile in my arms.

“Uh, Allie? Are you sure you can handle carrying all these?”

“Uh huh! just toss ‘em on top!”

He comes over to my side saying, “Why don’t I just help you carry them? I don’t think we can all fit in your shower at once anyway.” He flashes me that gorgeous smile of his and grabs half the clothes in my arms, not waiting for an answer.

“Well, if you insist!”

I smile and laugh, completely taken in by his charm. . . damn that charm!
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hey guys! i don't know if any of ya'll even care any more, but here is another chapter!! sorry i haven't written a single fucking thing in a loooooong while. Just hadn't felt like writing and alot of stuff has been going out here in life. . . .OH WELL!!
here is another chapter hope ya'll enjoy and i think i'm going to start writing more often now!
comments please!! and much love!