I'm Not Okay

Le' Duh!


“Guys move out of the way! Gerard for God sake move man!” Furiously hushed whispers where zooming around me. The cold thing that was on my head was lifted and another cold thingy was put in its place.

“She’s not going to die idiots. She just hit her head!”

I heard feet shuffle to the side and someone sit next to me on…whatever I was on.

“That should be ok till she wakes up. Poor girl, passed out on the side of the road.” The girl paused and repositioned the cold towel. “Wonder what happened.”

“What do you mean, Natalie?” why does that voice sound familiar?

“Well hun, it’s not everyday you find a cute girl face down on the side of the road.” Natalie threw back a sweetly, sarcastic answer.

“Oh…good point.”

“Man Frank some times you are really thick.” Another person joined the conversation with a laugh.

“Shut up Mikey.” Everyone on the bus, I assumed everyone, burst out in laughter.

Hating to be the one out of the loop, especially when surrounded by it, I thought this to be a good time to wake up. So one eye at a time I looked around at my new location.

There were about seven people in the room, one of them sitting next to me on whatever I was laying on.

“Hey, she’s awake!” A guy with a big, some what deflated ‘fro, announced my visible consciousness and I looked around at the multiple pairs of eyes that were now staring at me. The girl that was sitting next to me smiled and asked, “You feeling Okay Hun?”

I stared at her for a second, “Uh, yea I think I am.” I slowly got up to a sitting position with the girl’s hands hovering about me in case I fainted. Fuck that. I’m not that fucking fragile!

“I’m fine, you don’t have to hover.” I snapped at her, not totally on purpose, but you know; hangover plus starvation equals unhappy camper.

She threw her hands in the air, “Fine! You didn’t have to snap at me.”

“Sorry,” I murmured, rubbing my neglected tummy. “I get cranky when I’m hungry.” I stared sadly at my stomach. Someone coughs and I look up. Everyone was still looking at me, now with strange looks.

“Hi.” I held up my hand and waved at them all. “So you don’t recognize us at all?” A guy with long, dark black hair in the corner asked. Now that he mentioned it, they all did look really familiar; especially him.

“Well, I guess you all kinda’ do, but…” I looked around the room at all of them again. Then he walked in, “Hey guys some of us actually need sleep.” My mouth dropped. It was the ticket guy from the concert! You know the big, white, tattooed intimidating guy? Yea, HE’S ON THE BUS! Again my head swiped across the room and to the guy with the long block hair. I stared into his piercing hazel eyes. Then I realized…I’m on the tour bus of MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!

“Holy fuck.” I feel my eyes bulge as Gerard Way, yea I said Gerard Way. Pierces my bright greens with his bright hazels. “Are you okay?” he asks me with a cocky grin placed on his angelically, devilish features. “I-I am freakn’ out just a little bit.” I displayed with my fore-finger and thumb how freaked I was.

“Oh poor thing!” The girl that was sitting next to me scooted closer and gave me one of those awkward over the shoulder to the side hugs. You know the ones that people give you when a pet dies or you get a failing grade on an exam.

I took the hug courageously, and waited for it to end. In the mean time I sorted out what I was going to do next.

Ok, I’m on a bus with My Chemical Romance, the band that basically rules over my life. So….what do I do? “Hey! Aren’t you that girl that took my picture?”

I look up to see the same tattooed man. I smile, “yea, I’m that girl! And you are….Worm?”

“hehe, yea I am.”

I smiled at Worm again and looked back around the others. “And you guys are My Chemical Romance.”

“Good job, you must be an A student.” The words dripped sarcasm and I saw Frank Iero lounging on the opposing chair. I threw a sarcastic smile his way, “Yea, I am and you are a dropout who got lucky.”

He smiled and winked, “You bet your sweet, Texan ass I am.”

I couldn’t help but giggle at his agreement. “Oh Frank, shut up. Sorry he’s a smart ass.” Nat smiles apologetically. “No biggy it keeps things from getting dull.”

“So what is your name?” Bob asked from his perch on an arm chair.

“Oh Shit! We didn’t even ask that!” Ray freaks out in the corner. “Why didn’t we ask that in the first place?”

Bob replies with a shrug, “I don’t know. We’re rude I guess but, we’re asking it now.” He turns back to me, “So, what is it?”


“Allie, what?”

“Allie Butler, le’ duh.” I slap my head with the tips of my fingers.

“Well, ‘scuse me!” Bob throws his hands up in ‘I-meanz-no-offensivness’ manner.

“You’re excused.”
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Sorry it's been so long! I've been riding the sickening rollacoaster that is life.
Sorry that it's short and kinda stops, and I know it's lame but, would you please coment?
That would be amazing and you would make me realz happy!!

Thanks Ya'll