Status: Completed

Life of Olivia

Chapter 59

There was a knock at the door, I looked out of the window. I could see Shan texting on her phone.

I felt relif that it was not Josh. Although he was gone for nearly two hours now, which was worrying me.

I raced down and opened the door.

We said nothing, I hugged Shan. Shan kissed me on the cheek.

"Come on lets get out of here." she said.

"Did you read my messages?" Shan said as we walked down the street.

I shook my head.

"Liv you need to!" she exclaimed.

I sighed and got out my phone, I clicked on the WhatNow notification.

My mouth agaped, I froze at the screenshot Shan had sent me.

It was a message Lorna had uploaded on her social media page.

'Well well as if I heard about some dirty little slag, I went to school with. Has been fucking someone else's man.'

'Watch out for the quiet ones they say *frog emoji *tea emoji'

'I spy with my little eye something beginning with O'

It had 68 likes and 42 resends.

"She's deleted them now" Shan said looking at me.

The anger was boiling inside me.

"I have to see Jerome now." I sighed.

Shan nodded attentively.

We carried on walking I then got my phone out to call Jerome.

"OI OI" I could hear the noise in the distance.

"What the hell is that?!" Shan said starting to look behind her.

I ignored it but had this feeling it was addressed to me.

The voice started to get even louder and closer.


I panicked my heart started racing rapidly.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to!" Shan said her eyes glazed.

That was Shan all over , when she was angry. Even being 8 months pregnant was not going to stop Shan, she is ready for a fight.

I put my arm out to stop Shan from doing anything stupid as she edged forward.

I turned round there was Denise running towards me lunging at me.