Madeline's Transformation

Chapter 10

The rest of the day was a blur; both of them were dazed and not really awake. That night, they slept in the same room for the first time. They left in the morning for their honeymoon, they would be going to New Zealand and Australia. Harry would be traveling with them on official business for the Monarchy; now that he is second in line for the throne he does more stuff.

On the plane, they talked about stuff; neither of them were really awake. Harry was excited and wouldn't stop talking to them. When they landed, they were escorted to a beautiful palace. Will and Madeline stayed in the master bedroom, it made them feel important. Their first day there, they had to make a speech. They talked about the newly titled King Charles and being Prince and Princess of Wales. The day after that they were interviewed by an Australian news broadcasting station. Their interview would air in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, The UK, and the US. They were asked about what they were going to do as Prince and Princess of Wales.

'Princess Madeline, how does it feel to be the first American Princess of Wales?' The interviewer asked.

'It's interesting, with the fake accent and everything, but I don't think it has much of an effect.' Madeline replied, trying extra hard to mask her American accent. 'But I feel very privileged to have this honor; things like this don't happen in the States.'

'What do you think you'll do differently because you are an American?'

'I think we'll have a stronger relationship with the United States.' Madeline said. 'We are good friends of the Obama family and I have told him that, if he were to run for a second term, we would endorse him. I feel that because I have a better understanding of the American culture and history, I can use that to increase our communications and relations with the States.'

'William, how do you think your father will do as King?' The interviewer asked.

'So far he has done a fine job and I don't have any question that he will handle any situation with respect and intelligence.' Will replied.

'We have some questions from some of our viewers. The first question: When are you going to have children?'

Neither Will nor Madeline said anything for a few seconds, finally Madeline said, 'Not anytime soon, we're not even thinking about that right now. I'm only 22 and I feel that I have more to do before I commit myself to raising children.' She paused and looked at Will, 'Do you have anything to add to that?' She said smiling, half laughing.

'No, I think you've pretty much summed it up.' Will said blushing. 'Though I would like to say that it is entirely up to Madeline to when we decide to have children, but I feel that when the time is right we will both know.'

'Second question: What career would you have if you were not tied to the monarchy?' The interviewer asked.

'Well, I used to be a writer for Saturday Night Live, and I really liked that, and before that I was a bank teller. I would probably be a writer or an author.' Madeline said. 'I know what William would be. He would be a stay at home dad. He wouldn't work.' Madeline said looking at Will and laughing. 'Or a teacher, I could see you being a geography teacher or something like that. He'd be the teacher all the girls had a crush on.' Again, Will blushed.

'That's not true.' He said laughing.

'What would Harry be?' The interviewer asked.

'Royal or not, I think Harry would be exactly where he is now: in the military.' Madeline said.

'Harry just likes to shoot people.' Will said. 'Just kidding, though I agree with Madeline, ever since we were kids he's dreamed about it.'

'That's very interesting.' The interviewer said. 'The next question is for Madeline: what are your interests and what do you do in your free time?'

'Free time, what's that?' Madeline joked. 'As busy as I am, I try to find time to relax. I enjoy reading, writing, painting (though I'm not that great). Will has gotten me interested in horseback riding, he and I like to do that when we're not too busy. Tennis, I love tennis, we both do. I love to ice skate; I've been figure skating since I was three. I'm really into the whole global warming thing and saving the environment. Believe it or not, I like watching American football. And hockey, I love watching hockey. And soccer, I mean football. Will and I have been to several games together.'

'American football, really?' The interviewer asked. 'Do you have a favorite team?'

Madeline smiled and said, 'Of course, being from New England I would be called a traitor if I said any team other than the Patriots.'

'New England, so you must be a Red Sox fan?' The interviewer asked.

'I suppose, I don't really like baseball that much, though.' Madeline replied.

'The next question is also for Madeline, sorry William, I guess our viewers want to know more about your new bride.' The interviewer said. 'Madeline, how is it different in England than back in the States?'

'The metric system, we used it in science class, but I'm not very familiar with it. The money is strange, too, but I never actually use cash, so I don't need to learn about it. Schools are different too. When I was in my last year of school, we learned so many different things. The history class I was in didn't know anything about what I would call the Revolutionary War, but knew every detail. That made me feel really smart. It was very interesting learning about the American colonies from "the other side". My teacher made me give a presentation on how the American colonists saw England. I got extra credit for it, of course. My French class was also very interesting. My French teacher back in the States didn't have a British accent; I found it very hard to understand my British French teacher at first. I also realized that I had been pronouncing about half of what I knew if French so far incorrectly. The most dramatic difference was driving on the opposite side of the road. Everything's backward!' Madeline laughed.

'Do you plan on buying a residency in the States?' The interviewer asked.

'We hadn't talked about it, but I would like to. I really like it there and the climate is different and the people are nice. I would really like to do that, but Will and I haven't talked about it.' Madeline said.

'I agree with Madeline, it is such a huge country and culturally diverse, I would love to have a house there.' Will added. 'But I'd have to talk to my father to approve a Royal residency outside of the commonwealth.'

'Madeline, where in the US are you from?' The interviewer asked. 'You mentioned you were from New England, but what states are included in that region?'

Madeline smiled, 'I'm sorry, but out of respect for my old classmates and neighbors, I'm going to have to keep that a secret. I wouldn't want reporters and photographers bothering the peaceful atmosphere.'

After the interview, Will and Madeline went back to the palace. 'Where are you from?' He asked. 'I've never met any of your family or old friend from the States. I didn't know you ice skated. Is there anything else you would like to tell me?'

'I am from Meredith New Hampshire. I don't talk with my family because they've ostracized me and told me that they never wanted to see me again after I left for England with George. I didn't have many friends; they stopped talking to me after I left. Yes, I ice skate. I've never taken lessons, but I've taught myself and I'm actually pretty good. Is that all?' Madeline replied.

'Yes,' Will replied. 'I'm sorry about your family.'

'Don't be, they were just a bunch of rude, arrogant, selfish, unloving people who could care less about me. They were holding me back, look how far I've come without them. With the exception of my brother, he was just strange, but he was always nice to me.' Madeline replied.

'Don't you ever wonder how they are?'

'I've been following my brother, my maiden name is so rare that if I google his name I can find him. He's doing well, he's an engineer. He designs Eco friendly cars. He was in the news for making the first car that runs off of water. He designed it in college; I got to drive the prototype. It was a hybrid of water and solar.'

'How does a car run on water?'

'Water, H2O, it separates the hydrogen and oxygen. It uses the hydrogen for fuel and emits the oxygen, it's wicked safe and helps the environment. He calculated that if everyone drove this kind of car and every petroleum product was converted, it would produce enough oxygen to rebuild the ozone layer.'

'Yes, but hydrogen is extremely explosive.'

'It is, that's why you only need a little to power a car. It can also make electricity for homes. He and some other scientists have found a way to control it so it's safe. It's free too. Because of this invention, environmentalists have found ways to purify ocean water to use it for power. They can get salt from it too. It's a way to keep the ocean levels from rising too.'

'That's awesome, how come it hasn't been more popular? I mean, this could save Earth.'

'Because the United States is slow and retarded. I've talked with Barack and he said he'd try to do whatever he can to help get this started, but it's Congress that's slowing everything down. They're just a bunch of rich people who don't want to change. They argue that Americans wouldn't want to change their lifestyles. They're saying that it will put oil companies out of business. My idea was that they switch to making pure water from the ocean. When I was in college in New York, I gave several speeches and I talked to the senators and representatives multiple times. I argued that if Americans are going to have to change their lifestyles one way or another. Either buy a car that uses water, or move inland and north because the ocean has risen too high and it's too hot to live in the south.'

'We could start something in England, leave the US for now. Once they see that everyone else is changing, they will too.'

'True, but I'd have to talk to my brother.'

'That wouldn't be that terrible, would it?'

'It would, actually, because if people knew his last name, they could look me up. I'd rather not have that happen. Unless we introduced him as "a scientist from the States". Nobody would have to know. Will, you're going to have to meet my brother. Would you like to see Meredith NH?'