Madeline's Transformation

Chapter 4

'This is brilliant.' Bill said looking at the script again. 'Do you have any other ideas in that pretty little head of yours?'

'Thousands of ideas, waiting like unopened flower buds awaiting the spring sun to open them.' Madeline replied.

'Lovely poetry.' Andy remarked.

'I am an English major.' Madeline reminded him. Jason and Kristen walked up next to Bill.

'I hear you've got a scene with Bush and Nixon.' Jason said.

'Yes, if you could just read the part of Bush.' Madeline said giving him the script.

Bill and Jason began reading the script, stopping every few lines to laugh. Unnoticed, Lorne watched from a distance, quietly laughing to himself. When the scene ended he approached the group.

'With a wig, you'll look just like Richard Nixon.' He said to Bill. 'That was brilliant, did you write this?' He asked Madeline.

'I did.' She replied.

'She wrote it in like three minutes, I watched her.' Andy said.

'Would you like to become a full time writer?' Lorne asked. 'We could use a fresh imagination like yours. Some of these people have been here so long, I'm surprised they can write anything.'

'I would love that.' Madeline replied.

Thus began Madeline's career as the best writer at SNL. She would visit George every few weeks, or he would come over to the states and see her. Other than that, she was free to do whatever she wanted, and see whomever she wanted. College was really easy; she'd always been smart. Madeline had an affair with Andy, they were not secret about it.

One dark and stormy afternoon in June, she received a phone call. George had been flying over to visit her when his plane crashed into the ocean. George was dead. Madeline was widowed at 19. Madeline flew to England to plan his funeral and discuss his will with his lawyer. Madeline was surprised when she found out that he had left everything to her. She would keep the title of Lady Madeline Hathaway of Hampshire and would resume his position in government. She never really knew what he did, but it was her responsibility now.

After some research, Madeline discovered George didn't do much. He went to a few meetings and was somehow related to the royal family. Madeline changed her lifestyle dramatically, no more guys, parties, drugs, alcohol- well, maybe some wine on occasion.

At her first meeting in George's place at Buckingham Palace, Madeline quietly sat in the back. To her surprise, the Queen entered and made a short speech. She stopped suddenly and looked at Madeline.

'Who is that?' She asked.

'I believe she is the widow of Lord George Hathaway.' An older gentleman said.

'Oh,' The Queen paused. 'What is your name?'

'Lady Madeline Hathaway.' Madeline replied.

'I'm sorry for your loss.' The Queen said.

'Thank you.' Madeline said quietly, almost to herself.