Status: just getting started.


Starting Over.

Mollie had been in Baltimore for all of 3 weeks when she felt it for the first time.

The painful twang of regret mixed with the empty feeling of guilt.

All from a single text she had received from Sidney's little sister, Taylor.

Please, don't forget about me.

Truthfully, she had been waiting for the rest of the Crosby's to reach out to her but when it finally happened Mollie wasn't prepared for the guilt and emptiness that she felt deep inside.

Just staring at the message had Mollie choking back tears. How could she ever forget about her?

Eight years was a long time, and no matter how hard she tried the entire Crosby family was embedded in her soul.

So she typed back through tearfully cloudy eyes, I could never.

Not only had she lost Sidney in the blink of an eye but in the process she had pushed away his family who had welcomed her in with open arms long before she and Sid were even a couple.

If she had thought about it a little more, Mollie should have known that out of his parents and sister, Taylor would take the breakup the hardest. Those two weren't just friends, she wasn't just "Sidney's girlfriend", no she was like her big sister, and miles away in Cole Harbor the teen was at a loss at the idea of Mollie being out of her life.

From the moment her older brother had come home for the summer heartbroken and clearly shaken Taylor Crosby was also understandably confused. How had the couple she'd seen rise from the ground up so beautiful and so in love with one another fallen apart so quickly?

Well, that was a question not even Sidney or Mollie could answer.

So the teen tried to talk to her older brother, she needed answers for herself but he pushed her away. He was refusing to talk about Mollie, and Sidney visibly wasn't himself, it was obvious to everyone. He wasn't speaking to anyone, not his family, not his hometown friends, not even Kris or Marc-Andre. In the two weeks he had been in Canada Sidney spent 3/4 of the days on the lake. Just him and the water, and his never ending thoughts.

While Mollie tried to work away the pain, Sid was trying to drown it in lake water and cans of Molson.

Trina and Troy Crosby, much like Elliot and Renee Holden were also at a loss at what to do for their children. They knew they were adults and could do as they please but watching them both suffer was incredibly hard.

Trina dialed Mollie's number multiple times just wanting to hear her side of the story, to tell her how broken Sidney looked, and mostly to just ask how she was doing herself. But she never hit the call button.

Taylor however, wasn't going to let her brother's mistake take away the girl that meant so much to her.

And Mollie felt the same way.

So as hard as it would be trying to remain close with his sister without having Sidney in the middle of things Mollie reassured the teen that she would never forget about her. That if she needed anything ever she was only just a phone call away.

In the middle of her 24 hour shift sitting in the dimly lit, empty hospital cafeteria Mollie's eyes gave way to the tears that had built up. She felt guilty.

And it hurt.

Then came the harsh thoughts of regret.

Had she ruined the best relationship of her life over nothing?

Should she have given Sidney's request a little more thought?

She could have taken him into account a little more before making her decision.

Was Hopkins even worth it? After all, 2 years was quite a bit of time to just throw down the drain.

She could have stayed.

Mollie's mind was spinning and she pondered on those thoughts for a few days, pitying herself, and moping about her new city only going back and forth to the hospital and her new apartment.

After a week it finally hit her.

What's done is done.

And that was the day Mollie Holden decided that a lifestyle change was needed. From then on she'd live for herself. She'd do what she came to Baltimore to do; change lives, save lives.

So she thought who better to start with than herself.

One day she Googled all over town for a trustworthy hairstylist, made an appointment and marched herself into the salon ready to make a change for the independent version of herself she was building.

An hour later she came out with her middle of her back dark brown hair chopped off at her shoulders, colored a few shades lighter to complete the transformation. Looking in the mirror she appeared as a whole new woman, but she didn't feel as if the change was complete yet.

Another late night Pinterest perusal while on call a few days later lead Mollie to her next adventure and into a tattoo shop one evening after finishing a 12 hour shift at the Children's Hospital.

She walked up to the counter in her light blue scrubs half of her hair piled on top of her head the other bit straggly around her face. She was exhausted, but she was also ecstatic.

The man behind the counter, large and covered in ink looked at her as if she was lost. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I'd like to get a tattoo. And tonight, if possible."

The man tipped his chin and turned to look at the empty cubicles behind him, "We can make that happen. What are you thinkin' doc?"

Mollie smiled, "At the risk of sounding like a country song, I just broke up with my boyfriend, moved to a whole new state all by myself, and started a new job. I'm trying to start over, and I figured nothing is stopping me from getting a tattoo now." She stopped and slid her iPhone over the counter showing a the man the tattoo she was obsessing over all day.

"So others may live. I dig it, where do you want it at?"

"Well, I'm a doctor so hidden? I was thinking my side, maybe under my bra-line."

The man agreed and began working on drawing up the sketch while Mollie sat in the waiting room holding her phone in her hands. She wanted to tell someone, anyone that she was really doing this but her mother would flip out, her father was on-call, and all of her friends were now scattered across the country in residency programs or angry with her for leaving Pittsburgh.

This only left her little brother Pierce who was sure to not believe her if she told him she was getting tatted up anyway. So she shoved her phone into the front pocket of her scrubs and leaned into the chair waiting on the man to call her name.

When he did her stomach flipped, her heart rate intensified and her body temperature elevated. Was this going to hurt? Was she sure she wanted to do this? All of these thoughts rushed through her head as she walked into the cubicle. As soon as Mollie pulled her scrub top over her head leaving her in just her bra she felt like she was going to faint.

Nevertheless, she persisted, allowing the artist to place the stencil onto her back for approval before he set up the gun and ink. Seeing just the drawing on her skin in the mirror gave Mollie a sense of pride, to just keep going no matter what.

30 minutes later she was inked.

Surprisingly the pain hadn't been too unbearable and the artist was extremely friendly talking to her about her move and her career to distract Mollie from the pain. When she stood up to view the finished product her eyes welled with tears, it was perfect.

She thanked and paid the man as tears ran freely down her cheeks before heading back to the small apartment that would be home to her for a while. Lying down face first in her still uncomfortable and unfamiliar bed Mollie smiled into her pillow feeling her now much shorter hair flooding around her neck.

She knew a haircut and a tattoo didn't make her a different person but it was a start. She had nowhere to go but up from where she was. This was her life now, and she was going to make the best of .

Following her dreams and leaving the drama of her past in Pittsburgh right where it belonged.
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Just a short update because GUYS this gained TWENTY subscribers in THREE days!! That's insane, you all are incredible thank you so much. Keep up the comments I love reading what y'all have to say about Sid and Mollie! xo - Al