Status: This is a preview only. Chapters will be posted up until the juicy parts. Than book will be posted for either 50 c or $1 (Haven't decided yet)

When Paths Intertwine

At least read the first chapter for me. If you don't like it. OK. If you do, please give me a star so I know you want to keep reading this book. I will feel more encouraged to update more. =)

Linda is a mother living a double life. When her secret is about to get out, she decides to take matters into her own hands. Now she must face the consequences and make a decision: stay on the run or lose the only thing she has left to her name.

Ace is too kind for his own good. when he agrees to help, he didn't picture the kids being abandoned in his care. Now he's left juggling his own struggles, his emotions, and trying to do what's best for the two girls.

Louise is an introvert who hides behind her writing due to her past. She always plays it safe not wanting to be hurt anymore. So why does she agree to help Ace even after the tragedy she's facing.

Now, as their paths cross, they must all face what they have been trying to hide from everyone. Including themselves.

Heads up: This is a preview only book. After I reach the chapters that make you have a billion and one questions on what's going to happen, the book will be cut off where you have to buy it. (I haven't decided between 50 cents or a dollar.)
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