Our Life Is Just a TV Show


It was a cool morning in early September when we had to say goodbye.

I threw my arms around Bill, not wanting to let him go.

“The tour will be over soon,” he whispered, hugging me tight. “Only five shows in the UK and like ten more around the rest of Europe. I’ll be home in three weeks and I’ll call you every night.”

“Okay,” I tried not to cry. I mean I barely got to see Bill with how busy we both were. But they had just released a new album and they had to go on a European Tour.

And yes in case you wondered, there was a song entitled Tara and Bea on the CD, just it had nothing to do with us at all. They only used us as song titles.

I didn’t wanna let go of him. Dang he smelt good, like expensive cologne and hairspray.

Bea was crying, sitting next to Gustav at the terminal. Bea did really change. Usually she didn’t come to really love any guys, but she and Gustav had been together for about five months. That was a record for Bea.

And Gustav really loved her. It was real love too, Bea told me they talked about marriage a lot, and they had never actually slept together. Yes, I know, Bea was really different.

I didn’t let go of Bill until they announced that their flight was now boarding. I kissed him and let him go.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you too,” I smiled and let go of his hand too.

I stood next to Bea, who was crying like a baby, and we waved as they walked onto the plane.

“It’s only three weeks Bea. It’s okay,” I put my arm around her shoulder. “Besides, school is about to start and you’ll be so busy by the time you know it he’ll be back.”

“Tara I’ve just never loved anyone like I’ve loved Gustav,” she sobbed and we started towards the parking deck.

“I like this new you Bea, you know that?”

She smiled. “I like this new me too.”

We got into my new car-an amazing red Cadillac, and started off towards New York. We turned the radio on and Tok’s [that’s my name for them] new single, ‘Speeches,’ the English version of ‘Reden’ was playing.

They had changed a lot of lyrics cause frankly when ‘Reden’ was translated from German to English it made no sense at all.** I’d begged them to put some more of their German songs on the new album and they did.

Reden was Speeches, Ich Bin Nich’ Ich was I am Not Me, Geh was Go, and Hilf Mir Fliegen was Help me Fly.

We turned it up about halfway and soon we were both crying again. I mean three weeks wasn’t that long, but I knew it would be the longest three weeks we’d ever have.

Without Bill I just felt alone. And Bea without Gustav would be a wreck.

Scott was just going to love my emotions the next few weeks.

**translated Reden lyrics=hilarious
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