Our Life Is Just a TV Show

Only you can Set me Free

I woke up late in the morning the next day. I could smell something cooking in the kitchen and someone was blasting ‘Gegen meinen willen,’ and singing along with it.

Well since Bill wasn’t beside me anymore and the singing voice was not much different from the voice of the song I guessed it was him.

I got out of bed, threw on a tank top and short shorts and went into the kitchen. Bill was cooking some bacon and there was some Starbucks waiting for me on the counter. Nice. His voice was sounding quite raspy at those high parts in the song but it always sounded off in the morning.

I went up behind him and put my arms around him. Mmm that bacon smelled good. He was so good to me.

“Hey baby,” I said squeezing him tight.

He turned around from the stove and gave me a kiss. Yum, he tasted like blueberries.

“Did you sleep good?” he smiled.

I rolled my eyes. Bill had had a hard time the night before keeping his hands off of me if you know what I mean. It had been just a little too much, I had gotten a bit annoyed and told him I needed some sleep.

"Yes I did," I kissed him and he turned back to the stove.

"Where did you find the bacon? I didn't even know we had any," I said as sat down and sipped at my Starbucks. It was hot, but I needed a break from Java Chips once in awhile.

"The way back of your freezer," he scratched his head. His hair was all wavy, it looked adorable. "Jen and Bea are over at the hotel with the guys. You didn't wanna go over did you?"

"Nah I wanted to stay here with you."

"Good, I wanted to stay here too," he smiled and changed to the next song. It was on shuffle.

"Oh mein gott," him and I said at the same time. Buttons by the Pussycat Dolls was on. Georg had a secret obsession for PCD, and surprisingly not cause they were hot. Well I didn't really believe that part but Georg and Tom would always dance around to Buttons and scream it at the top of their lungs. And then the two of them would do Beep and Tom would be the guy voice and Georg all the girl voices. Man was it hilarious.

"Loosen up my buttons baby," Bill sang like a total slut and ran his hands down his torso and slapped his ass, or lack of one. =]

I started laughing like an idiot and almost fell off my chair.

"Why don't you come and join me sista?" Bill called from the living room. "Let's be total prostitutes together!"

So I joined him and it was really hilarious. Bill took off his top and we started doing all those weird sex-related dance moves from the music video. When the song was over we headed back into the kitchen and sadly the bacon was too burnt to eat.

"Two of those girls should like quit and we should totally be in there," Bill giggled.

"You can be the new Nicole," I laughed.

"But then sadly Tok would loose all of its fans."

"You can have a sex brigade and a band both," I reminded him.

"A sex brigade?" he raised his one eyebrow.

"Well yeah that's what PCD practically is."

Bill started digging through the freezer as Swing Swing by the All American Rejects came on.

"What's this?" he asked.

"All American Rejects. They were really popular a few years ago."

"Hmm I think I met them too."

"You need to take me to where you meet all of my favorite bands!" I yelled with fake anger.

"Don't worry, we're gonna be together a lot more. I promise," Bill took out some Toaster Strudel.

"Eww that stuff makes me sick," I said with one look at the box. It was the breakfast kind. [[ok the breakfast ones kick ass!!! haha]]

"Well I'm not eating any of that weird crap in your fridge!" Bill cried and popped two into the toaster.

"Leftover Chinese?"

"No all those weird foreign foods."

"Well I go to Chelsea Market. They've got that kind of stuff there."

"Once when we went to Tokyo they were selling dead cats out on the street," Bill said with a smirk, making me skwirm.

"To eat?!"

"Well yeah. I eat cats everyday!" he teased.

He turned around to check on his processed junk and I smiled. God I loved him, everything about him.

He came back to the island with his Toaster Strudel and sat down next to me.

"Sure you didn't want any?" he asked and took a big bite.

I was feeling queasy just looking at it. "Yes. I'm sure."

We Are Broken by Paramore came on next. I loved singing to that song. Even if I was terrible and I would embarress myself I sang in front of Bill anyone.

"We are broken, what must we do to restore our innocence and all the promise we adored..." I sang quite loudly and Bill looked at me funny, so I stopped.

"No you're good. Keep singing."

"Keep me safe inside, your arms like towers. Tower over me..." I tried to sing better. Bill thought I was good. Wow.

"Is this Paramore?" he asked me when I stopped.

"Yeah. Did you meet them too?"

"No I just love their song Crushcrushcrush," he replied and dumped his empty plate into the sink.

Dance Inside by AAR came on next. This song made me think of Bill. All songs like that made me think of him.

"Now I'm twisted up when I'm twisted with you..." Bill looked at me and I smiled.

Bill knew the song too, "I heard if from Georg," and we sang the chorus together. His voice was sorta like Tyson Ritter's, you know the whine in the voice and the screech too.

"Did you ever wanna have kids?" he suddenly asked me in the middle of the song.

I knew he meant really-"Do you ever think you and me could have kids in our future?" but that would be way too out there. Really I hadn't thought about it much. I loved little kids and babies especially and I mean when Bill and I were older and if we wanted one then we'd have to get married first. My rents would never talk to me again if I had a baby when I wasn't married.

"Yeah, I guess so. But I want to be married and older," I replied.

"I've always wanted to be a dad Tara. I mean it sounds weird but I want to be there for someone. My dad was never around for Tom and me. And my mom divorced him finally when we were seven. We didn't have a real dad until a few years later when she married this really great guy. I know it hurt me when I was younger and no one was there," he explained.

I sat next to him on the couch and saw that he was about to cry.

"Your child...our child will be loved I promise," I whispered and felt butterflies in my stomach. Bill and I having kids.

"Our kids will be the best damn looking kids in the world. With my hair and your eyes," he smiled and put his arms around me.

I really hoped all of this would come true some day.

"Do you think it could ever be this way?" I asked him quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"All of this, this future we're already thinking of in our minds."

"Tara I'm gonna marry you someday, don't let people tell you otherwise. Once we're older..." he was playing with the bracelet on my wrist, the one he had given to me. "We won't let anything get in our way. No one will stop us."

I laid against him and sighed. I hoped to God a life like that could happen. Gott I hoped so.
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aww bill and tara babies =]

no they are not going to have babies right now. god be patient.