Our Life Is Just a TV Show

Freunde Bleiben

Bill and I went over to the hotel at like twelve. Even though it was a Friday thank God I had no school and Scott had given me the day off cause he knew I wanted to see Bill.

Everyone was having a good time at the hotel, Bea was snuggled up with Gustav and Jeni was just about with Georg. Poor Tom he was all alone.

“He’s not really a jerk,” Bill had told me before we came. “He can really care about people, sadly just not his hos.”

We plopped down on the couch and joined in the conversations. I gathered that they were talking about their tour.

“The London show was fucking amazing!” Georg declared.

Jeni had an awkward smile on her face. Georg was just showing off to her. He put his arm around her shoulder and she loosened up a bit.

Aw Tom was sitting on a chair all alone while everyone else was snuggling on a couch. It was sorta sad. I mean he was a nice guy at heart.

“There were tons of fans from all over the UK,” Bill explained. “Gussi always wanted to go to London so it was a pretty good night for him.”

“Don’t call me that!” Gustav cried and Bea giggled.

“But it’s so cute,” Bea smiled.

Gustav’s face was deep red. God him and Bea were so cute together. I couldn’t even remember what Bea had used to be like. I couldn’t believe she’d ever slept with Tom, now she wouldn’t even look at him without a disgusted look on her face.

"So what did you guys do last night?" Tom asked with a smirk toward me and Bill.

"Tom that's none of your business," I replied.

Bill whispered in my ear, "Maybe we should tell him the exact details of our scandalous night. He would never ask again then."

I giggled and slapped him playfully. "He's done things a billion times worse though."

"You're right."

"So what are we gonna do today?" Jeni asked.

"We should go out to eat for lunch and go to a club tonight," Georg suggested.

"Sounds like fun," Tom replied. God he had that grin on his face again. He wanted to get some tonight.

We all piled out of the hotel and into limos fast before the band could get raped by fangirls. I sat next to Bill, well obviously.

"Have you ever talked to Tom, you know told him to treat girls with respect?" I whispered to him.

"I've told him hundreds of times that he will never ever settle down with anyone cause of the way he is. And I guess he's okay without real love," Bill sighed and hugged me close to him. "I'm glad I found mine."

I smiled and put my arms around him.
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hmmm i wonder whats gonna happen next.
