Our Life Is Just a TV Show

Dagegen bin Dagegen

Bill wasn’t feeling too good after lunch. While the rest went out shopping I stayed with him at the apartment.

“I think its from being all wet and junk last night,” he told me as I made him some tea. “I’ve got a killer headache too.”

I got him two Advil and then joined him on the couch. He had his eyes closed and his arm over his forehead.

“Thanks,” he took the Advil and the tea from me. His eyes were really red.

“Your throat okay?”

“Yeah. But we’re not doing any shows soon. We’re taking a good three months off,” he explained. “This is good tea. Starbucks?”


“You’re so good to me Tara,” he smiled and put his arm around me.

“I love you Bill,” I snuggled up against him.

“I love you too.”

Everything was silent for awhile and then Bill said, "I want us to get married."

"You said that before," I reminded him.

"I know. But I want you to know that I'm serious. I want us to have a big wedding with all of our families and friends and everything to just be perfect," he explained.

Hmm...that sounded so nice. It would be a few years, but I would wait.

I closed my eyes and put my arms around him. Even if he was sick he still smelt really good.

"I need a nap," signal for me to get off of him.

I let him take a nap on the couch and put on my iPod cause I knew music helped him sleep better.

I sat in my room for an hour or so on my laptop.

mrs_kaulitz-bill wants to marry me

cam2553-so is he gonna wear leiderhosen or his nazi uniform?

mrs_kaulitz-um the leiderhosen was a really odd image. and besides its gonna be years b4 we actually get married.

cam2553-then ur sn will actually be true

mrs_kaulitz-yes it will. byebye tara schwartz, hello tara kaulitz.

cam2553-haha that sounds funny

mrs_kaulitz-ur face is funny

cam2553-why thank u. ur gonna have to like live in germany. or speak german at least to meet his rents.

mrs_kaulitz-i no lots of german already.

cam2553-other than their songs?

mrs_kaulitz-their songs provide me with a lot of basic stuff

cam2553-ur saying bill writes basic lyrics?

mrs_kaulitz-nooo they're all amazing. i mean they learned a lot of their english from listening to english songs. so its the same thing.


mrs_kaulitz-well aren't u happy for me?

cam2553-tara ur 19. and celeb marriages=not long.

mrs_kaulitz-me and bill both no that. but we'll be the exception.

cam2553-i hope so tara. i don't wana see u hurt w. a kid and no hubby. that would not be good

mrs_kaulitz-cam we're gonna wait a few years till we're married. i'm not even 20 yet


mrs_kaulitz-well we want kids



cam2553-those will be the most hideous kids in the world!!!!!

mrs_kaulitz-you are sooooo mean

cam2553-i'm jokin hun, but u set urself up for that one

mrs_kaulitz-i'm leaving cuz ur mean =[

cam2553-k bye

cam2553 has signed off.

Ah that meanie!

I went out into the living room and Bill was still sleeping.

'hey where r u?' i texted Bea.

'me and gussi are at sanrio =] idk where jen and them are.'

'isn't sanrio near times square?'

'well we were at virgin mobile and i was like i wanna be a girly girl like tara so we went to sanrio.'

'you are a girly girl now.'

'yes but i don't own anything hello kitty.'

'fine i'm gonna meet you there. so don't leave.'


I got over to Sanrio around four-ish. Jeez I loved Hello Kitty like the next girl but I couldn't go in there for fear I would buy everything in site. And it looked like Bea just about had. She was standing at the door with tons of bags in her hands when I came.

"We're gonna go drop this off at the hotel and then you and I are going shoppin," Bea explained and shuffled me and Gustav into a cab before we could object.