Our Life Is Just a TV Show

Help Me Fly.

I woke up later on that morning. I was lying in the fettle position and Bill was nearly falling off the bed. I checked my cell. It was eleven thirty.

I pulled Bill back onto the bed and he woke up. God I just wanted to forget everything. Hmm…maybe it was just all a dream.

“Hey hun,” he smiled and turned over to face me. “You got in late.”

“Yeah we were having a lot of fun,” I replied. I had such a terrible headache. I just wanted to spend the morning in front of a toilet. He’d be mad at me for drinking but at least he wouldn’t know everything that happened.

“You okay, you’re looking a little bit pale,” he asked. Well he was looking better from yesterday.

“I drank a lot last night,” I confessed.

Bill frowned. “I’m gonna beat Georg up. You’re still not legal Tara.”

“I know I was just really stupid last night,” I was about to cry. Not because I got insanely drunk, but because of what it lead to.

“Well thank God you didn’t get hurt or anything,” he put his arms around me and snuggled close.

I didn’t want him on me right then. I wanted to be in front of a toilet puking my guts out and crying like a baby.

“Bill I don’t feel good,” I said trying to wiggle out of his arms.

“Sorry,” he let me go and then I fled for the bathroom and threw up about three times.

My head was fucking killing me. God this was not fun.

Bill came in like ten minutes later with some water and a few Advil.

I took them from him. “I love you,” I whispered and wiped the tears from my face.

“I love you too but you’re not getting drunk again,” Bill sat down next to me and looked at me seriously. “Especially if you’re underage.”

“I’m sorry hun.”

“So is Jen over at the apartment?” he asked.

“I think so. I left really early in the morning but she was still at the club so I guess she went over there,” I explained.

God I hated lying right to his face. Especially when I looked in those sweet innocent eyes of his.

“Well you took care of me yesterday so I’ll take care of you today.”

When he left the bathroom I threw up two more times and then quick texted Tom hoping we could come up with a story.

‘i have terrible hangover bill is mad at me. i told him i left the club really early in the morning alone to come back here.’

‘ok and tell him that i saved u from doing something stupid or w/e’

‘thats terrible tom and u no its not true.’

‘you don’t want bill to suspect anything do u?’


‘then ur gonna tell him that.’

‘fine, w/e.’

God now I couldn’t even be friends with him. My God I’d just slept with the manslut. I needed to tell someone else, anyone. Bea.

‘hey bea we need to talk.’

‘ok hun i’m a little busy right now but like in an hour or so?’

‘busy with what? =]’

‘lets just say that gussi is no longer a little boy anymore.’

‘bea u dirty girl!’

‘oh shut it tara. you can’t even talk with u and bill.’

I exhaled. ‘yeah. i’ll meet you at the starbucks over there in like two hours.’

‘why there? can’t i come over there?’

‘no we need to be alone.’
‘fine i’ll meet you in like two hours.’

‘thanks hun.’


God I knew I could trust Bea with everything but I was afraid that even she wouldn’t be able to keep this one in. But she was the only one I could tell, she would understand more than the rest cause she’d slept with Tom herself.

I threw my hair back in a ponytail and wrapped my sweatshirt around myself as I slid down to lie on the floor. I felt like shit and I was starting to cry again. I just hoped this would all work well, that there would still be a Bill and I.