Our Life Is Just a TV Show

Just like Me and You

Tara’s POV

That night as I laid in bed, Bill next to me, I suddenly felt much better. I wasn’t sick but I mean now I was scared. Life would be different now. God I was gonna have a baby. It felt weird knowing that.

I’d always been afraid of actually having the baby; you know stuff like that hurts.

And God how was I gonna tell my family? My rents would disown me cause we weren’t married yet.

I knew we’d be going down for Christmas. That was a month away. Did you show when you were two months along? Well I had to tell them, I didn’t want them thinking bad of anything if the baby came like seven months after the wedding, that the baby would be weak and born young or something.

God I was gonna be a mother, and Bill was excited to be a daddy. I could imagine him as a good daddy. Yes walking down the street with his heavy eyeliner and makeup, girls gawking at him because he used more hairspray then they did.

That was another thing. My rents knew he was my boyfriend but well they never expected me to marry him. They had never approved of Tokio Hotel and even though Bill was the sweetest guy in the world they wouldn’t think he’d be a good husband or father.

Agh screw them we’d get hitched in Vegas if we had too. Oh Lord that would be crazy.

No I wanted a nice wedding in Central Park. I wanted my family to come from Wilmette and the Chicago area and his to come over from Germany and hopefully I didn’t show much cause man I was having a shotgun wedding. Hmm…’Time to Dance’ by Panic.

My stomach was starting to feel weird, quivery like. I guess it had been like this for awhile but I didn’t notice. But now I was still and peaceful and just thinking nice thoughts.

Bill rolled over and woke up.

“Hey why are you still awake?” he asked.

I shrugged. “We’re gonna get married soon right?”

“Yeah, January. Is that okay?” he was smiled so cute.

I nodded. “I love the way you look at me,” I whispered and put my arms around him.

He snuggled against me. “Mmm…you smell good.”

“So do you,” I snuggled against him too.

“Do you think I’ll make a good dad?” Bill asked.

“The best,” I sighed and closed my eyes to get some rest and he started kissing me. “Ok Bill that’s enough I don’t wanna carry twins…”

He started to laugh and he had a gorgeous smile. “I don’t think it works that way hun. Yet twins do run in the family. But we’re gonna have a boy. No doubt.”

I pouted. “I want a girl.”

“Well we can have a boy and a girl. Names…we need to think of names!” he was getting quite into this.

“Bill we’ve got like eight months until then,” I closed my eyes and laid against his chest, just wanting sleep.

“We’re naming one Gussi,” Bill giggled.

“Uh…no we’re not.”

“But I’m the daddy!”

“And I’m the mommy that’s gotta give birth to them hun so I think I get to pick a name. Or names if that does happen.”

“Fine,” he whined.

“We’re waiting till the baby’s born to see if it’s a boy or a girl,” I also demanded.

“I wanted to do that too,” Bill replied and let out a sigh. “Does this mean no sex for a long time?”

“Well I suppose we could do it while I’m pregnant cause people do but that’s unhealthy. When the baby is born you don’t get to touch me for like four months, got it?”

“You’re very demanding today,” he pouted.

“I love you too Bill,” I whispered. God I was tired. I just snuggled into his arms and fell right asleep.
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