Our Life Is Just a TV Show

On and on and on

“Now remember our stories okay, we only tell them our ‘news’ when it’s absolutely necessary. My father is big into that you have to ask him first before you take my hand but I guess they’re gonna get it when they see the ring,” I looked at my engagement ring adoringly. It was huge and had cost Bill a fortune. But, he had a fortune.

“It’s only gonna be your mom, dad, and brother right?” Bill asked.

We were almost at my house, driving slowly along the road so that I could remind him of everything.

“My grandma might be there too. She’s really old so if she calls you a girl just smile,” I added, and Bill laughed.

“She sounds like fun. Can I get her drunk?”

“Um…no she’s like a hundred years old Bill. Oh and talk about the band’s success. My dad likes successful guys.”

“And your mom? What does she like?” he asked reluctantly.

“Good Catholic boys,” I smiled slightly.

“Well I used to be Catholic. I haven’t gone to church in ages though,” he explained.

“Your gonna tonight. It’s Christmas Eve and we always go.”

“Won’t I be kinda shocking?” he giggled. “I mean I’d be kicked out probably.”

“They can’t do that!”

He shrugged. “We are telling your parents tonight. After church, that would be better.”

“Fine and no talk of your dream wedding. I don’t think they’d agree to me wearing a black and red dress and having TH music playing in the background. Even though that would be pretty cool we’re gonna do it original.”

“Let’s have a themed wedding!”

“What kind of theme?”

“Those Tudor people!!!!” he cried.

Hmm…that didn’t sound half bad. But when I imagined the band dressed up in medieval clothing I sorta threw up a bit and scratched that out.

I would sure like to dress like them but the clothing was really tight, you know, corsets and all, and that stuff would hurt the baby.

Cam opened the door just as it was starting to snow outside and attacked me in a hug. I just realized that I hadn’t told him about the baby. Wow I told him everything.

“Hey big sis,” he hugged me and nodded towards Bill. “Did you know someone was following you?”

I slapped him. “Where’s mom and dad?”

He shrugged. “Oh I told mom awhile back that you two were gonna get married. She said something about over her dead body…” Cam had a smirk on his face, so he was probably lying. But Bill shot me a worried glance anyway.

The three of us came into the living room. I could see my mom cooking stuff in the kitchen. My dad and grandma were sitting watching something about Christmas on TV. Grandma was half asleep.

“Hey dad, Merry Christmas,” I gave my dad a hug and my grandma a little peck on the cheek cause she was like half asleep.

I saw Bill shake my dad’s hand out of the corner of my eye. My dad had that smile on his face. Ugh he wanted to have a ‘talk.’

“Bill come and join me in the dining room,” my dad said and Bill followed fast not wanting to anger my dad in any way.

I walked into the kitchen and gave my mom a hug. “Merry Christmas madre.”

“Oh hello dear!” she hugged me back. “Here, help me with the casserole.”

I put my scarf and keys down on the counter and lifted the casserole from the oven.

“You look cute honey, wearing your own clothes?” she asked with a smile.

“Yep.” My mom was giving me a once-over. I was wearing a baggy sweater so she wouldn’t be able to see my small tummy. She could sense things out of the blue and it scared me.

“Is your father already talking to that boyfriend of yours?” she asked.


“Well he better hurry up. We have to leave for church in a half hour,” she bent down to get the bread out of the oven.

I needed to talk to Cam and escaped before she could ask me anything else.

I stole Cam away from where he was sitting next to grandma listening to some really old Christmas songs. Grandma was like half deaf so we had to turn them up like all the way.

I pulled him out into his room.

“Thank you for saving me,” he sighed. “What did you want? It seems urgent.”

“I’m pregnant,” I whispered, and his face went pale. “I’m gonna tell mom and dad later but just don’t tell them now.”

“They’re gonna kill you,” he was shaking his head sadly.

“See this,” I showed him my ring. “It’s Bill’s baby obviously and he’s marrying me.”

“Yeah like that helps a lot.”

“Well I’m telling you cause I’m gonna need a little backup if they want to disown me right there,” I explained.

“Don’t tell them in the middle of dinner,” he sighed and started to laugh. “So Bill is actually a guy.”

“Yes Cameron very much so!” I cried and stormed out of his room.

I went back to helping my mom in the kitchen.

“Honey make a salad….oh my God!” right, she’d caught sight of my engagement ring. “Tara oh…my girl is getting married.” She started crying right there. Thank the Lord she didn’t mention Bill or anything.

“Bill proposed two weeks ago,” I explained and held my hand out for her to gawk some more.

“And you love him don’t you?”

I nodded.

“Good, but why so sudden. You are so young my dear.”

“Well we’ve been together for awhile now…” Good Bill and my dad were coming into the kitchen. Bill was smiling and he gave me the thumbs up. Good.

“Oh honey our daughters getting married!” my mom squealed.

“The wedding is January 22 in Central Park,” I explained as my dad whispered something to my mom.

I was glad this was all going well.

“You guys are ready for this?” my dad asked. He was smiling. Thank God, he liked Bill.

Bill and I both nodded and he grabbed my hand. His hair was deflated and he had worn almost no makeup. Good choice.

“Well its time for church. You’re a good Catholic boy aren’t you Bill?” my dad put his arm around Bill’s shoulder. I was so glad they were allowing him into the family.

“Yes, sir.”

“And well mannered too,” my mom smiled at me. “Good job Tara. Just don’t get hurt so young.”

“I won’t,” I replied.

We all piled in the car and headed off to church.

About half way there my stomach started to quiver. Me and Bill were sitting in the way back of the minivan.

I took his hand and put it on my stomach.

“Can you feel that?” I whispered.

He nodded and smiled sweetly, but took his hand away fast cause my rents were looking. Wouldn’t want them wondering before church and dinner, they could do all the wondering they wanted after that.

“Do you remember what to do?” I asked as we pulled into the already filled parking lot.

“I think,” he smiled and we reluctantly piled out after Cam and grandma.
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