Our Life Is Just a TV Show

Ich Liebe Dich

The next morning Bill woke me up early despite his promise that he wouldn't.

"It's Christmas," he started jumping on the bed.

"I don't care if this is your first Christmas in the US, let me go back to sleep," I groaned and buried my face in my pillow.

"I don't think your rents got me any presents anyway," he sighed and pulled me out of bed.

"Go get me some coffee," I sighed and forced myself up.

I didn't think my rents got me anything either. I mean I had everything, and I was a pretty rich fashion designer. Technically I could get whatever I wanted.

Bill came back within five minutes with a huge cup of coffee. I got up and walked with him into the living room, where the tree was. God he was so hyper.

"You're like a five year old," I sighed and sat down on the couch. My head was killing me. Damn I hated morning sickness. "I doubt any of those presents are for you anyway."

There were barely any presents there. Well I didn't need anything, grandma didn't need much, and Cam probably wanted just one big present like other years. Probably one of those new iPhones or something.

Bill went to wake up Cam, who was not very happy about waking up early either.

"You know its six in the morning?" Cam pulled the curtain in the living room back. The street was covered in inches of snow. "Well looks like we're stuck here for awhile."

"Someone go wake up mom and dad," I looked at Cam. There would be problems if Bill started jumping on my rent's bed.

Bill was humming Freunde Bleiben.

"My rents don't really like your music by the way," I explained. "So just don't sing it."

He pouted and started going through the presents. "Nope, none for Bill."

"They probably have something big for us to share."

"Next Christmas we're going to Germany with my family," he explained.

"No we're gonna have Christmas in New York. With the baby, remember?"

"Oh, right."

My parents came in with huge cups of coffee about a half hour later. Cam started ripping through the presents, since most of them were his and me and Bill just sat back watching in a very bored manner.

"Tara we didn't get you and Bill anything persay because well you already have money and clothes and special things like that," my mom explained when Cam was done opening and was playing with his new laptop. "But we wanted you to have something. Tom go get it."

"Fine honey," my dad left the room and came back in like five minutes with a big box.

I opened it up and it was this gorgeous wedding dress.

"It was mine," my mom explained as I unfolded it and held it out in front of me. It was beautiful, with little pearls and a really low-cut front.

"It's gorgeous mom," and Bill agreeded. He started humming along to Wenn Nichts Mehr Geht and I elbowed him. "No singing."

"I was humming," he pouted.

"Well who wants breakfast?" my mom asked.

All hands went up.

"We've got bacon, eggs, sausage. All that good stuff," my dad explained.

"Good then it's not healthy!" Bill whispered.

I elbowed him again.

The rest of the day was quite boring. We watched White Christmas, which we always did on Xmas morning, and then Bill wanted to go play out in the snow but it was really icy and he fell on his ass like five times and then came back in.

Grandma didn't wake up till like twelve and she opened her presents there. It was quite hilarious cause I'd given her some of the Forever 21 clothes that I'd designed myself.

"So you can go for a party night out," I explained with a giggle. Grandma never left the nursing home except for Xmas with us.

"Wear a sexy outfit to bingo," Bill whispered to me and I started to laugh.

"Well what do you guys wanna do all day?" my dad asked. "We gotta stay in the house though since it's crappy outside."

"How bout Bill sings for us?" Cam suggested with a mischevious smile.

"Uh..." Bill only sang at shows. Not in a room consisting of three people over forty. One over ninety.

"No," my rents said fast at the same time.

"Well I'm gonna go take a shower," I declared and got up.

The rest of the day was pretty boring, cept it was funny when we were all sitting down at lunch and Bill was taking a shower and singing various TH songs at the top of his lungs including Gegen Meinen Willen and Break Away. My rents were a little worried about him.

"Is he okay in there?" Cam laughed.

"It's German dumby. That's why it sounds weird," I stuck my tongue out at him.

I went into my room to try on the wedding dress when Bill came out of the shower.

"It looks gorgeous on you," Bill said as he walked in the room, smiling.

It was a corset-like thing at the top and then a huge skirt that had a big train at the end. The sleeves were short and covered in little pearls like the skirt. There was enough room that it wouldn't need to be let out even if I was a month more along.

"I'm gonna wear it," God I knew I was gonna cry when I wore this on my wedding day. I placed the tiara on my head and put the viel over my face and closed my eyes...