Our Life Is Just a TV Show

Raise your Hands

Bill was having a really hard time putting together a crib.

I walked into the living room and saw him surrounded by tons of tiny pieces and started to laugh. "Would you like some help? I can call Tom if you want."

"No, you sit down," he jumped over the pile of stuff and sat me down on the couch. "You know I don't like you exerting yourself."

"Bill I've got like three more months. Don't confine me to a chair the whole day cause then I'll get fatter." Bill was quite concerned that even if I walked down the stairs I would hurt myself so for the past probably month or so since I'd been like really big he'd confined me to my bed.

"Just don't hurt yourself," he sighed and started piecing stuff together.

I started to get up cause I was having a craving for something sweet but there was a sudden sharp pain and I plopped back down.

"Are you okay?" Bill ran over to me. God that worried look in his eyes made me want to laugh.

"I'm fine hun."

He raised his one eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

"I'll be better if you'll get me some ice cream," I smiled.

"Ugh, fine," he went into the kitchen and I took one look at the floor. Well, not much progress. I quick texted Tom and told him to come over.

"Here you go Your Majesty," he handed me a Ben and Jerry's container and a spoon and sat down next to me.

Erg the baby was kicking again. At times it could be a real pain cause it hurt. But at times like these...

"Gimme your hand," I said to Bill.

I placed it where he'd be able to feel the baby and he had a huge smile on his face. It really made him happy to be a dad.

"Our boy is strong," he giggled.

"Maybe our girl will be a dancer then," I smirked.

Knock on the door. Jeez Tom was fast.

"What is Tom doing here?" Bill asked, looking through the peephole.

I shrugged.

"Hey Tara said you needed help putting something together," Tom said and walked into the apartment.

Bill glared at me.

"Well you were having a hard time," I smiled.

While they put it together and argued about where things went I went into the room we'd converted into a nursery. I sighed and sat down in the rocker, one hand on my tummy.

"You're gonna have a good home," I said, like the baby would hear it. "And a good mommy, and a good daddy, and a good uncle too. You'll grow up in music too, I'll make sure of it."

I started humming something, God I didn't even know what the song was called but it was something slow and relaxing and I almost fell asleep but my cell was ringing.

'georg and me are bf/gf officially,' Jeni texted me.

'aw thats so cute =]'

'yeah i mean we've been going out for awhile so we just wanted to go for the next step.'

'so ur gonna sleep with him?'

'god tara no! maybe in a month or two.'

'well good, ur happy right?'


'just as long as ur happy.'

'are you happy tara?'

'happier than i've ever been in my life.'

And I wasn't lying. God was I happy even if I couldn't walk out the door without being flooded by paparazzi.

But I was good, life was good and the baby was healthy. That's all I could have wished for.