Our Life Is Just a TV Show


About a week or so later we were at an ultra-sound.

God I hated those, that icky junk on my stomach, but I cried everytime I saw our baby up on that screen. And Bill was worse, he was always balling his eyes out.

"Well everything looks fine," the doctor said as she dragged that object across the junk on my stomach. "Except I see two hearts. Twins."

I squealed and grabbed Bill's hand. This was exciting, but God it would hurt like twice as much. Bill was almost crying already, a dumb smile stuck on his face as he looked at the screen.

"Would you like to know the sex?" she asked.

"Nope we're gonna wait," I explained and he pouted. "Well we said we were gonna wait till they were born from the beginning."

The doctor wiped all that icky junk off of me and I got off of the table.

"So can you give us like an estimate of when they're gonna be born?" Bill asked.

"To be honest with you the babies are almost fully formed as they are now. I'd say like a month and a half."

"But I'm only six and a half months along," I explained.

"Well it's just a month less you'll have to carry. Eight months is quite long enough."

"Won't they be premature then?" Bill asked, worried.

"No they will be fully formed in about a month. They'd be considered premature if they were born now, but there's no chance of that because they're not in the right position."

"But..." Bill objected.

"Bill I think she knows what she's talking about," I whispered.

The doctor laughed. "First time dads are always like this. You don't have anything to worry about Mr. Kaulitz."

Bill and I put on our big-rimmed glasses and walked out of the office, greeted by the flashes of hundreds of cameras.

"So how's the baby Bill, a boy or a girl?" TMZ reporter asked.

Bill just smiled and we walked along to our car.

"Tara I hear you're having twins, is that true?" another one asked.

"Hmm...maybe," I laughed and Bill helped me into the car. Dang it was fun fooling the paps.

"Bye guys," Bill closed the door and we sunk down into our seats.

"Jeez they're multiplying like everyday," I sighed and took off my glasses. "Why do we even wear these, we're the most noticable couple out there."

"Come here," Bill put his arms out and wrapped me up in a hug. "We're gonna have two little babies."

"Mhmm," I put a hand to my belly. God I was hugeeee. "I hope I don't grow anymore."

He put a hand there too. "We're gonna have to get another crib," well he didn't sound too happy about that.

"Oh I'm sure Tom will help you again."

"No I'll call Gussi. He's got like three younger sisters so I think he'd know more and wouldn't argue with me like Tom would."


We stepped out onto the street again when the car reached our apartment. Once again, greeted by cameras.

"How is the band Bill? Planning on a new CD soon?" one pap asked.

"Maybe the end of this year," Bill replied and we rushed inside.

When we went up Bill started to read his fanmail. Really we had piles of it in our room. At least one hundred letters and packages came a day.

I went and sat on the bed while he stuffed his face with chocolates from fans.

"Hey I want some!"

"They might be poisoned Tara," he said.

"Then why are you eating them?!"

"To make sure they don't have any poison in them," he smiled, his teeth covered in chocolate.

I threw a pillow at him.

He took up one of the letters.

"Dear Bill, I am your number one fan!!! I just have to meet you. Will you marry me? I know you have a wife but its legal to have more than one wife still in some countries...at least I think! Callllll me!!!!!!!" He fell over with laughter. "To bad she was about a year and a half too late. I already found my true love-Tom."

"Bill!" I yelled and tackled him.

"God Tara you know I'm joking! And don't tackle me you'll get hurt," he teased.

"Well I probably will," I said and sat back down. "I'm so huge I can barely walk."

"But these are the sacrifices we must make," he sat down next to me and put his arms around me as best he could.

"I don't see you carrying two babies. What's your sacrifice?"

"Reading all these rape-filled letters," he sighed and tossed and bunch of them in the garbage. "I don't need them. All I need is you."

"You're so sweet," I smiled and put my arms around him.

"I can't wait till you have those babies. Then I can hold you again."

"Like I said hun, when they're born you don't get to touch me for four months."

He pouted. "I can't even hug you?"

"Bill you know what I mean. No sex allowed!" I giggled. [heheh for you american idol lovers.]

"Names, we should think of names," Bill suggested cause we had nothing better to do.

"Okay. What about Bea for a girl?"

"If you have Bea then I get Gussi!"

"That would be weird if we had a boy and a girl and named them Bea and Gussi. I think they would probably wonder..."


"It has to be something original," I explained.


We talked all night but still came up with nothing. Oh well we still had some time.
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no seriously i cannot think of any names. please help i am stalling her having the babies cause of this.