Our Life Is Just a TV Show

By Your Side.

I opened my eyes slowly still feeling some pain and found myself in a hospital bed. My vision was blurry but I could see Bill’s hair. He was sitting off in the corner.

“Bill…” I called softly.

“Tara! Oh mein gott I was so worried about you. I was such a wussy and I should have been there I’m so sorry. You lost so much blood and I….”

“Where are the babies?” I cut him off.

“They’re fine. The nurses are giving them baths,” my eyes were adjusting and I could see that soft smile on his face, that tender way he looked at me. His hair was a mess but I didn’t care. I was sure he’d been worried.

“And they’re strong?” I asked.

He nodded and smiled again. “They both weighed almost six pounds. They’re small, but strong.”

I smiled and closed my eyes. God did I hurt. “And they expect me to feed them soon?”

“I guess so. But they said if you were too weak then they would substitute.”

“No they need to be healthy and me feeding them is the best way.”

“Tara you can barely open your eyes,” he argued.

I opened them again to prove him wrong. “I don’t feel like a mom Bill.”

He smiled. “Once you see them you will.”

“Are they almost done?”

“I think so.”

“Sophie and Kayden…” I whispered. “See, I even chose the name you wanted.”

“And Kayden was born ten minutes after Sophie. Isn’t that ironic?”

“I thought the same thing…” I wanted to feel him touch me, just to tell me this was worth it and I’d be through this hurt soon.

“Mr. and Mrs. Kaulitz?” two nurses walked in and when I caught site of our little babies I started to cry.

“They’re both hungry,” the one nurse explained and I sat up a bit as they placed Sophie in my arms. God I was crying like a baby when they put her in my arms. Her eyes were open, they were a gorgeous blue color, and there were tufts of black hair on her head. I cradled her in my arms. She looked like me, already I could tell.

They gave Kayden to Bill and his eyes lit up. He would be a great dad, I knew he would.

“He looks like me!” Bill giggled and cradled the little baby close to him.

I smiled and exhaled. Would this go fast, being a mom?

This was scary, to be a mom, but I knew with Bill I could do it. We could do it…
♠ ♠ ♠

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