Our Life Is Just a TV Show

The Scars will Stay Forever

I chugged my coffee as fast as I could. I was late for work, once again. Not like I would get in trouble, I was a boss after all. Only Scott would be the one to yell at me, and I didn’t like disappointing him.

I was looking quite terrible. It was a dreadfully hot day and I put my messy hair up and threw on shorts and a t-shirt.

“Tara, what at you wearing?!” Scott gasped and took the fabric, my design book, and my agenda book from my hands.

“What, it’s Hollister,” I explained and he pouted at me. “I’m sorry Scott. I woke up late.”

“Uh what will this show our employees, that they can wear whatever they want?” Scott asked and we started to walk up to our office.

I grabbed fabric and designs off the table and threw them into my arms even though I barely had enough room for it all.

“We need to have designs out to Chicago tonight and some more winter designs. H&M called and said they need some sweaters and jewelry. Tori and Bianca have been calling for you. Supposedly three sewing machines are broken hun and I cannot fix them. Cosmo just gave me a call and I need things ready for a photo shoot on Friday,” Scott explained.

I dumped everything on my desk and sighed.

Scott put his hands on my shoulder and looked me in the eye. “I’m scoldin you cause I love you honey, okay? I need you to get this done before school starts Wednesday.”

“I’m taking half of my classes online, remember?”

“Well you can’t do it on company time!” Scott called as he walked out of my office.

I dug through the pile of junk on my desk and sorted it by how soon it would be due. Agh I was starting to get a headache. A popped a few Advil and rubbed my temples.

I looked up and smiled as my eyes caught the photo of me and Bill on my desk. It was only from three days ago, from Bill and Tom’s birthday party at this really nice club in the city.

“Tara!” Scott snapped and then grinned widely. “Stop staring at that sexy beast of a boyfriend and get back to your work.”

I smiled and then left for the designs room where our clothes were actually put together for some NY stores.

“Cam, how many times have I told you not to call me at work?” I yell-whispered.

“I’m sorry Tara. I just needed some distractions from school,” Cam laughed.

“Junior year is like the best year ever. It’s the first day of school so don’t get caught with a cell. The year will be hell if you do,” I explained, talking fast and drawing designs for H&M at the same time.

“I’m out in the courtyard now so no one’s gonna see me. Hey people are still talking about you,” he declared.

“No one can forget the ‘Tokio Hotel Girl.’ I went to Starbucks this morning near the office and like five people noticed me there,” I sighed. At times it was annoying when everyone knew who you were.

“Well attention is good.”

“It happened like a year ago Cam,” I reminded him and took out another sheet of paper. “I gotta get working on some designs for H&M so I gotta go,” I explained.

“Okay have fun,” Cam said and I hung up.

I looked down and realized I was drawing Bill’s orange jacket.

I loved Bill so much, but damn sometimes I just had to sit and think for a bit.

Celebrity relationships were never supposed to last, none of them. And I mean its not like we would ever get married anyway. Nothing really was ever real in the celeb world. Was our love even real? Was it really gonna go anywhere?

“Hmm…” I sighed and flipped on the TV in my office. I couldn’t let myself pay attention to it, I had lots of work to do.
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