Our Life Is Just a TV Show

You're My Angel

Tom didn’t die. Nope they saved him. And he’d really been drugged. I mean really.

And he was different after that day. No one knew he’d been taking drugs, but after he was out of the hospital he went to rehab for a few months and he was genuinely a nice guy again. I mean Tom had always been a nice guy at heart, but now he wasn’t a pig, none of that sex addict stuff. He was more like Bill, except he didn’t have Bill’s natural playfulness.

“We’re going to do the tour,” Bill announced one night at a small party in our apartment.

It was August, the album was about to be released-and it was amazing no doubt, more emoish and different from their other stuff, it was half German half English-and the tour would start soon.

The band sure seemed excited and I think Tom was the most excited. Tours were good for him.

Of course Bea wanted to come along, she was inseparable from Gussi this whole summer. But she had school. And Jeni couldn’t go, she had Les Mis and her third year at Juilliard would be starting. And of course there was no way I could go, though I thought it would probably be the most amazing tour in the world.

My two favorite bands and one I’d never heard of…oh wait didn’t they have that one single Shake It back in 08? One hit wonders, poor dears, but they were good too.

The band was busy with signings and talk show appearances towards the end of August and I went back to work. It felt good to go back, I had missed the big summer fashion show thanks to the twins but hey they were my life now.

Scott was happy to see me back.

“How are the little ones?” he asked.

“Good, growing fast and sleeping through the night already,” I explained and went up into my office. God it was dusty. I hadn’t been at the office in ages.

“You lucky girl!” he smiled and handed me some papers. “Your designs were in Seventeen honey.”


“Tons of them from H&M,” he explained and handed me an issue from last month. “Great sales came after that and the company gave you a raise.”

“That’s great!” not like I needed extra money or anything. Jeez.

“So you can gather some ideas. Not too many, cause I did many fall things already. Abercrombie called though, I think they want you to do some winter stuff.”

“Oh mein gott! Abercrombie!” I squealed. Gott this was a dream. But I was already missing the twins…

“Well I guess you’ll need to work on those designs,” Scott smiled and left my office.

God I needed to go to the gym too. I still had some of that baby weight.

I started decorating my desk with tons of photos of the babies and some new ones of me and Bill.

I turned on the TV. Bill said they’d be on Ellen today. Three o’clock came around fast and not only were they singing they were being interviewed too. And Ellen Degeneres was the coolest talk show host ever.

Ahh Bill and his exploding hair…

They all took their seats on the couch and Ellen asked the generic questions-how have things been? when is the CD coming out? And then she turned it to Bill, who loved interviews and answered most of the questions anyway.

“So Bill I heard you just became a daddy,” she smiled.

“Yah,” he smiled wide and giggled. Gosh he was adorable.

“And twins wasn’t it? Kayden and Sophie. Let’s have a picture of them,” they looked to the screen behind them and this adorable picture of the twins popped up. A big ‘aww’ came from the audience.

“Yes Tara and I have our hands full,” he smiled.

“Your wife Tara is a fashion designer?” she asked.

He nodded.

“And you two are an adorable couple, the paparazzi is always following you around. Let’s show a picture of the happy couple,” a picture of me and Bill flashed on the screen. Aw it was from after the twins were born. We did look adorable together, I knew I was smiling like an idiot.

Bill was just smiling along, the rest of the guys wondering when they would be getting such attention.

“What about you guys, any of you getting married soon?” Ellen asked with a smile.

They all shook their heads in unison. Well that was a waste of a question.

When break was over I quick checked my e-mail. Sometimes Bill liked to e-mail me while he was getting ready for a show.

Yay there was one. Entitled ‘Songs from the New Album…’

“Hey Tay, we were getting ready for the show and the band and I came up with the titles for songs on our new album. We’re going for a Panic at the Disco/Fall Out Boy theme this time, with titles that have nothing to do with the songs. And here they are…

tom's an attention whore he did crack and almost died

I wish you weren't a better fuck than me but you are

my girlfriend slept with my twin brother and all I got are these damn twins

the world dies a little bit inside when he talks

the drummer in my band looks like a teddy bear

tom put that crack down

bill can't fuck his wife cause she's pregnant


how long have Bea and Gussi been dating?

she was emo and promiscuous, but now she's been dating him for two years

i fucked you when you had a boyfriend, my bad

i love my wife, and i'm never going to marry you, you crazy fangirls so stop eye raping me even tho my wife used to be just like you I like her better!!!

i got raped by crazy fangirls, and my wife still doesn't know about it

Okay, feel free to tell us what you think. Love ya, Bill.”

Ah I knew it was a joke, but still I was laughing.

“Bill should I worry about this?” I wrote him back just as the show came back on.

“And here’s Tokio Hotel with a song called ‘You’re my Angel’ off their new album ‘Just Beginning.’”

“Angel, you’re my angel…” Bill’s sweet voice sang, it sounded quite reminiscent of ‘Geh,’ with the pretty tune and everything. I knew all their new songs by heart already. Bill sang them nonstop. But this sound he saved for me, when we were alone. God I loved it when he sang to me.

Hmm…wouldn’t it be so amazing if I got to go on tour with them and Panic? That would be like the adventure of a lifetime….
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well not really. i can feel a second sequel coming on =]

thanks anna for wasting the time you would already spend talking to me and coming up with such hilarious song titles!! me loves you!

can you guess what it will be about???