Our Life Is Just a TV Show

Don't you Lose your Trust..and your Belief

A week or so later Jeni came home and cried, “I got the part of Eponine!”

We started screaming and jumping around in excitement.

“We must go celebrate!” I cried after we had calmed down a bit.

“Don’t you have to leave for Chicago soon?” she asked. I had something for school there the next week, thank the Lord. I loved going home.

“Nah I need to leave by nine. It’s only five Jeni!”

“Okay. I already told Deidre and Sarah. We’re gonna go out to a club tonight,” Jeni smiled awkwardly.

“And you my dear are going to find a man there, right?” I declared.

“I’ll try,” she blushed. “Okay now go get ready.”

“Where are we gonna go?” I asked.

“Somewhere expensive baby! I’m gonna be rich with this part!” Jeni squealed.

We dressed in some of my newly designed evening clothes and went to get a cab.

“Where to girls?” the driver asked.

“Any expensive restaurant you know?” Jeni and I asked at the same time and soon we were off.

After dinner at this amazing seafood restaurant Jeni took a cab to the club she was gonna meet Sarah and Deidre at and I took a cab back to our apartment to pick up my car and start off for Chicago.

I called Bill as I was getting into my car and left a message cause I knew it was early morning over in Europe. I wasn’t even sure where he was at the moment.

“I hope you get this when you wake up. I just wanted to say I loved you and I hope your tour is going well. I’m on my way to Chicago for a week for some fashion classes there. Okay hun, bye,” I turned off my cell and threw in on the passenger’s seat.

I turned up the radio and tried to chug down some coffee. God I’d been up for fourteen hours straight and I’d had no coffee in between.

A Tok song was just ending as I turned to another station.

“Some Tokio Hotel news for you guys, their European tour is sellin out everywhere. These guys are dominating. And on TMZ rumor has it ‘Tokio Hotel girl,’ you know, the blonde from TRL, has a run for her money now. Story is up on TMZ now,” the DJ said with a little laugh.

“What the hell?” I whispered and changed it to a hip-hop station so I’d hear nothing about all that rumor shit that was not true. Bill cheating on me? He called me three times a day most of the time, told me he loved me, sent me gifts from all over Europe and sent pics of himself and the band during concerts and on the road all the time.

I loved looking at TMZ and ruining the lives of celebrities like the next girl but please everyone knew that all of this stuff was shit!

But God as soon as I got to Chicago I was gonna check that out.

Even better, I’d call Bea. I put it on speakerphone as soon as she picked up.

“Hey hun I’m on my way to Chicago now and I heard something about Tok on the radio. Something about me and Bill and TMZ. Can you like see what that’s about for me?” I asked.

“Sure,” Bea responded. “Hang on a sec I’ll put you on speaker and check my laptop.”


“So how far are you from Chicago?” she asked.

“Ha, about four hours. I need to be there for classes tomorrow though,” I sighed. This was really bugging me, whatever this rumor crap was.

After a few minutes Bea started talking again. “Okay TMZ equals untrue shit. It shows this picture of Bill or some guy that looks like Bill and…”


“He’s kissing some pretty brunette,” Bea said quietly.

I sighed. “Well look at the picture. I’m sure it’s like old Bill, like Zimmer 483 Bill. They’re just trying to split us up.”

“Hell yeah don’t worry about it. Relationships between celebs would last even less if they paid any mind to this shit. Seriously I don’t even know if that is Bill,” Bea calmed me down a bit.

I didn’t want to let her think that I was crying, even though I was. I knew I was just overreacting. I couldn’t even think to believe this.

“You still there?” she asked.

“Yeah I’m just afraid…that it is him…him now…”

“Tara no he loves you and he would never ever do anything like that. There is way too much evidence against that and I will prove it to you once you get here,” Bea explained.

I needed some proof myself. I pulled to the side of the highway and reached to my laptop. It was about the fifth story down.

God the picture just showed his hair, and it was a friendly kiss if anything. And it clearly looked like a fan. Bill was just a nice wonderful guy I didn’t know why I had ever doubted him.

I sighed and started off towards Chicago again.