Our Life Is Just a TV Show

I Can Feel the End is Near

Tara’s POV

The next day I woke up quite early, before anyone else was up. Well my dad left for work really early, so he was already gone, but the rest of the house was still sleeping.

I hadn’t gotten much sleep that night, but since it was light out already there would be no point in me going back to bed.

So I went into the kitchen and sat down at the little table. Ah I desperately needed to take a shower but I needed to be at Illinois State Chicago Campus in like an hour and a half for my fashion classes. I’d be dropping Cam off in like an hour at school and then going straight over to class.

A lot of my friend had gone to Chicago Campus, so I hoped to see them there.

“What are you doing up early?” I asked Cam as he walked into the room.

“Girls aren’t the only ones that take forever to get ready in the mornings,” he poured some coffee for himself.

“What do guys have to even do to get ready?”

“Drink tons of coffee. Throw on clothes. That takes around ten minutes. I need to make sure I dump all my football junk in your car and then procrastinate for like the other half hour.” He plopped down onto a chair next to me and drank his coffee.

“Whatever,” I left for my room to get ready.

Another reason I liked being back home-I wasn’t really in the center of fashion anymore. Even for my fashion classes I could wear a Hollister shirt and shorts and not get in trouble.

When I was done putting on makeup and straightening my hair it was about time to go. I grabbed my portfolio and Cam and we were out the door.

“Don’t you have your license?” I asked him as I started the car.

“I get it this year. Remember, the age changed to 17 last year?” he answered.

I started to laugh. “Just in time for me to get it but not you.”

He pouted.

“You know I’m just teasing you,” I said and turned the radio up all the way.

“It’s seven thirty and you have the radio on full blast in a still half-asleep neighborhood. This is not New York Tara. You could get in trouble,” Cam explained to me in a serious voice, but I knew he was teasing.

“I am Bill Kaulitz’s girlfriend in case you’ve forgotten.”

“Yeah I haven’t forgotten,” he rolled his eyes. “How’s the sex?”

“Um I don’t want to talk about my sex life with my little brother.” Quite interesting questions these were.

“Well do you do the nasty often?” Jesus he was pervy this morning.

“No actually. We aren’t around each other much Cam,” I explained. Good we were almost at the school. No more awkward questions.

“You haven’t done in since Rome have you?” he looked at me and I hesitated. Damn.


“Jeez that’s such a waste of a relationship with such a sexy guy,” he used the voice of a gay guy there-surprisingly funny.

“Get out ass wipe,” I stopped the car right in front of the school.

He took his sweet time getting out his equipment and then pointed me out as the TH girl to some people and then went off into the building.

“Have a nice day at school Cameron,” I yelled quite loudly so the whole courtyard could hear and then left laughing.

Classes were pretty easy that morning, all we did was listen to this one old fashion designer talk about her career. I was falling asleep listening to this lady.

Then we had lunch in the college caf and I saw tons of my old friends there, which was pretty cool.

Afternoon class was easy, I just sat there sketching my winter designs cause I already knew all the things the teacher was talking about.

I went up to state campus, which was about an hour away, to go see Bea after school.

She had a dorm room to herself, she was one of the lucky ones that didn’t have to share a room, and it inside the campus. Being from a rich family she technically could have bought her own apartment, maybe even a house in the area, but I guess she just wanted to be close to campus.

As soon as I entered her dorm room she threw her arms around me and squealed.

“Yes Bea I missed you too,” I said trying to get some air.

“Sorry,” she let go of me. I could hear Instant Karma playing somewhere close.

I plopped down on her little couch. “Have you been missing Gussi?”

“Yeah,” she sighed. She started picking up the various articles of clothing she had on her floor. But no sense cleaning up, I didn’t care. My apartment only looked good cause Jeni was a clean freak.

“But he calls you right?” I asked.

She smiled. “Twice a day.”

Bill had been calling me less and less. But I knew he would get busier, more tired with each passing day. It was the second week of the tour and I’d be patient. As long as I talked to him about every other day I was fine.

“I really thinks it’s time that him and I got closer. You know, the next step. Gussi is a very sweet sensitive guy and I think we’d be ready,” she explained and sat down next to me.

“Is he a virgin?”

“Yeah, the last one in the band,” she blushed. “I’d have done half the band.”

“Well your limit is three fourths of the band hun. Bill is mine.”

She looked at me oddly. “Come on Tara do you really think I would do that? This is the new Bea.”

“You knew I was just joking Bea. Really.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Wouldn’t it be nice if Tom changed too, finally found a girl and settled down,” I sighed.

“I could have been that girl Tara,” Bea said quietly. I didn’t know if she felt regretful or not.

“Do you still have feelings for him?”

“I didn’t love him at first of course. But I did come to love him. When I told him I wouldn’t be his American booty call or whatever the hell he wished to call me back then I loved him. I can’t let myself love him because I don’t want a life like that again,” she explained.

We were quite for awhile. I could tell Bea was listening to Zimmer 483, An Deiner Seite was on now.

“Let’s go out to eat somewhere,” she suggested. “There is this pretty café in town.”

“Okay,” we got up off the couch and headed out the door.

That night I got home late but I still spent some time with my mom and dad. Cam was still at football and I’d volunteered to pick him up like the good older sis I was.

The rest of the week was pretty much the same. I dropped my bro off at school in the mornings, went off to school, and then hung out with either Bea or my friends from Chicago Campus after school.

I always made time to spend with my family and to do some work. I dropped off my sketches twice that week at the Chicago office and made sure to call Scott everyday to see how things were going. It was slow in New York he told me. Good, I wasn’t missing much.

I didn’t talk to Jeni much cause she was way busy with Les Mis practices. And Deidre and Sarah had school. I really wasn’t that close with them, but they were still my friends and they’d been my roommates for a few months.

Bill and I talked only twice that week, even though I’d left him tons of messages. He’d been really busy with the tour. I hadn’t heard a thing about those rumors in awhile and I knew they were stupid. We didn’t bring them up at all because they were just lies. I had no reason not to trust Bill.

I thought to myself as I laid in bed that Friday night that it was only a week longer and he would be home. I rolled over and smiled, snuggling up with my pillow. Bill would replace it soon.
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logan really needs a picture of jeni and photobucket is really letting her down at the moment.