Our Life Is Just a TV Show

Before its too Late

After going to Cam’s game-which I didn’t much pay attention to-on Saturday morning I said goodbye and was off to New York again.

I’d gotten a text from Bill at the game. They’d be back on Thursday. That wasn’t too long to wait but God did I really need him.

I stopped off at my office when I got back to the city. Scott was at a Cosmo photo shoot but otherwise our employees had nothing to do. There was no work to be done at all.

So I went off to our apartment. Jeni wasn’t home. I called her but she didn’t pick up. She was probably off at practice.

I went out to Starbucks, craving a Java Chip. About three people noticed me on the way back.

The day was boring and it was pretty crappy outside so I just stayed in the apartment watching Fresh Prince reruns and drawing Bill’s clothes.

Jeni came home around five. There was something different about her; I noticed it as soon as she walked in the door.

“What? Stop looking at me like that!” Jeni giggled and plopped down next to me on the couch.

“You seem different Jeni,” I declared.

She shrugged. “Three days ago Georg called me.”

I smiled. I knew where this was going.

“And we talked for awhile. He’s a nice guy Tara, I don’t care what you say. We’re gonna go out somewhere when the band comes back,” she explained.

“Aww Jen that’s so cute!” I hugged her. “Georg is a pig with Tom, but he’s a pretty good guy otherwise.”

“Well most guys are pigs anyway,” I laughed.

“Not Bill though.”

“Nah Bill can have his moments.”

“But he’s such a nice guy. I mean I don’t know anyone nicer than Bill,” Jeni said.

“Yeah,” I exhaled. Bill was the sweetest guy.

“I’m just afraid. You know, to get attached to him.”

“If he does anything I’ll make Bill beat him up. Don’t worry he won’t try anything stupid. There would be too much to mess up. He must really like you if he wants to put stuff at risk,” I explained.

“Yeah,” Jeni smiled.

We sat watching Fresh Prince for a few minutes.

“What are we gonna do this week?” I asked.

“Um we’ve got school.”

“Yeah but I’m so bored. We need to go to a concert or something!” I cried.

“Let’s see I’ll just have to schedule that right into my seven hour school day and six hours of play practice a day. I’m gonna get no sleep once we start doing shows. I barely get enough now.”

Tomorrow was Sunday. The office was closed and it just a day to unwind.

I was starting to feel lonely without Bill. Nothing was ever interesting anymore.

I went into my room, got my iPod, and laid down on my bed. It felt good to hear Bill's voice again. I knew things would be better once he came back. I knew it would.
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