Our Life Is Just a TV Show

This is our Final Thunder

It was a long and draw-out week full of nothing special at all. I was just a lump all week, I didn’t go out to the gym at all and barely made any effort at work. No new designs were needed for awhile, the big thing coming up was our winter fashion show and I had mostly everything done but was just procrastinating on the rest.

I didn’t know what was going on with me. Something needed to happen, something exciting. I called Bill so many times that he got a bit annoyed with me waking him up while he was trying to sleep.

“I’m sorry, I just miss you, and I’ve got nothing to do,” I said.

“It’s okay. Just let me get some sleep okay?”

“I love you.”

“I wuv you too,” he sighed and hung up. No saying I love you back and forth for an hour. But of course he would have if he had his right amount of sleep.

It was Wednesday night and Sarah was over having dinner with me and Jeni.

“So they come back tomorrow,” Sarah said.

“Yeah,” me and Jeni said at the same time. We were both waiting quite impatiently for them to come back. She was going out with Georg tomorrow.

The next day would be quite busy. Bea would be coming down in the morning yet I would be cooped up in classes in the morning and afternoon and then Scott wanted me to come to the office till five. God no one understood how much I needed some Bill like right then.

“It went pretty fast-those three weeks,” Sarah declared.

Jeni and I really weren’t in the mood for talking. Things had been so dull there was nothing to say.

That night I heard the TV still blaring in the living room. Jeni couldn’t get to sleep. She was probably nervous.

I rolled over in bed and took out some my camera to look at pictures of me and Bill. My favorite one was from a few months ago. We were kissing on my bed and Bill had given me this beautiful bracelet with our initials on it. I hadn’t taken it off since that day actually; I always had it on to think of him.

I smiled as I looked over all the pictures of us and then put my camera away. Tomorrow would be good…