Our Life Is Just a TV Show

Wenn Nichts Mehr Geht

Thursday was a fucking long day. And this is how it went…

So Bea ran into my room and started jumping on my bed at six in the morning. She had been in the apartment for already an hour or so and had gone on a Starbucks run. Bea handed me a Java Chip as soon as I got out of bed and I quickly changed into an outfit still half-asleep, grabbed my portfolio, and left for school.

Well the coffee didn’t help me, I feel asleep in class and got in trouble like three times. Damn I was gonna get in trouble with the company for that. If I didn’t do good in school then I didn’t get paid very well. See sometimes I really hated that.

And then at afternoon class Bill texted me and my cell went blaring with the wonderful sounds of Cansei de Ser Sexy. The teacher almost confiscated my phone, but then she didn’t cause she was nice and knew I was having a rough day already.

Jesus that was the first day a Java Chip ever let me down.

Then at the office Scott was yelling at me because he had an email from my morning class teacher about my lack of adequate sleep outside of the classroom.

For punishment Scott made me stay in my office and work not until five but until six. I needed that time actually to finish plans for the fashion show and thank God I got them done. Now I wouldn’t have to hear about my procrastination issues from anyone.

I went to grab another Java Chip at Starbucks as soon as Scott allowed me out of my office. It was six then, I was tired and sweaty and I needed a shower. Fuck it this day was not going well.

My cell was going off like crazy but I was in too bad of a mood to answer anyone.

By the time I got home no one was there, no notes from anyone, no nothing. I didn’t wanna check my cell and I just felt too weak to go anywhere anyway.

So I changed into my swim suit and headed off to the apartment building’s amazing indoor pool on the first floor. Even though I hated public pools no one used it ever and it was cleaned like everyday. So it was okay. There were no used icky band-aids in the murky waters. I made sure.

I dove right in and surprisingly it was pretty warm. It was a nice pool area, there was a huge flat screen on one wall and MTV was on.

I’d left my cell upstairs for a reason, just to get away for awhile. Even if Bill had just come back today I needed just a little rest.

Today had really been hectic.

I swam under the water for awhile, not caring if my makeup was now running all over my face, and when i came up and rubbed my eyes open Bill was standing at the edge of the pool.

"Hey I've been looking for you everywhere," he said, a slight frown on his face.

"I wasn't feelin too right, so I came here," I replied, looking into his gorgeous brown eyes. His hair was flat and we were wearing these amazingly tight black pants, must have been knew cause I didn't remember them, and a dark green shirt.

He bent down and looked at me. "Do you still love me Tara?"

"Yes Bill I love you," his face was close to mine and I really wanted to just lean in and kiss the heck out of him.

"I love you too Tara, no matter what anyone tries to say," he smiled and then kissed me. I kissed him back and it felt so good. I just wanted more. It was sorta awkward after a bit, since I was in the pool and he wasn't, so he took off his shirt and jumped in.

When he came back up from the water his eyeliner was running everywhere and his hair was not doing so well.

“You look adorable,” I told him.

“So do you,” he smiled and we started kissing again. It was getting really passionate and damn as if I already wasn’t wearing little enough he started to unhook my bikini top.

“You know there are cameras in here right? If we’re gonna have sex in a pool then we better do it fast,” I broke away from his lips to say.

“Sex in a pool. Sounds so dirty,” Bill laughed. “But I like it.”

“Can you get pregnant doing this?” I asked.

“No. I don’t know. I missed you so much and we just need to do this again.”

“I agree,” I had a naughty smile on my face. “Let’s go up to my room where no one can watch us on a camera.”

He laughed and picked me up out of the pool. We were both cold, soaking wet messes but as soon as we got onto the elevator we clung to each other again.

“No not in an elevator Bill, there’s probably cameras here too,” I said.

But we got to my apartment soon. Thank God, no one would be there but us. I threw myself onto the Bill.

Bill was quite feisty today, he jumped right on top of me.

I never felt anything like I did that time, God it was amazing. Both of us had been wanting it for so long and damn did it feel good.

We just laid there and talked for the longest time on my bed afterward cause we were both tired.

"So how was the tour?" I asked.

"It was amazing. Of course I missed you a lot. Every second of the day Tara I missed you. And now that I'm back I don't want to be away from you so much. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Even better than being a rock star?" I asked, snuggling up against him. I was still really cold from the pool.

"Sometimes I just sit and think that maybe life would be better if I wasn't a rockstar, if we could be together more and all these shit rumors wouldn't be going around about us," he sighed and put his arms around me. "I love you Tara."

"I love you Bill," I laid my head on his chest, right above his heart so I could hear the steady beating. It was lulling me to sleep. "What time is it?"

"It's ten. I should go I told the guys I would be back soon," Bill sounded reluctant to leave.

"No stay," I said half-asleep. "Stay the night they won't care, really."

"I'm too tired to leave anyway, and if they need me well screw them we need some time together," Bill smiled and reached up to turn off my bedroom light.

I kissed him and he kissed me back but we were way too tired to go any further.

It just felt nice for the world to be still for a moment. There in Bill's arms.

He started humming to 'Geh' when I was almost asleep. Bill stroked my long tangly hair and began to sing it. Even though it really didn't fit anything it just felt nice to hear him sing for me, it was such a pretty tune.

Why in the world had I ever doubted his love for me?
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