In The Shadows


Imagine that there is no such thing as HIM (I know, scary thought!) and imagine there is no such thing as Castle Bam....JUST IMAGINE THAT EVERYTHING TO DO WITH BAM AND VILLE IS NOT SO...ha.

Bam Margera was born in the 1700's. And he's a vampire.
Ville Valo was born in the 1700's too, but before Bam. He was changed into a vamp before Bam.

One day, they meet down a dark alley way. Ville spares his life, but keeps watching him. He's in love...
Bam feels the same. he eventually tracks Ville down and they become friends...which leads to more...which leads to Ville changing Bam.

ANYWAY, this story is set in the present, with random flashbacks mixed in too.
Bam and Ville are legendary killers and are feared by all other vampires. They are brutal and cruel and love to torture their victims.


I came up with this while reading random Vam stories...I got this idea from a story called 'Join Me In Death' by your_pretty_face. Read it, it's not finished but it's really good so far. And I'm sorry if it's shitty, I'm coming up with this idea at 2:50am.

Warning- there will be boysex, boylove, blood, death, torture, swearing...etc

Disclaimer- I do not own Bam or Ville, if I did. I wouldn't be here on this goddamned computer, I would be raping them. :) I wish I did own them.
I do own the random victims that they kill along the way and maybe the odd slayer here and there.

A bit more info

Ville Valo- Born on November 22nd 1724. He's 284 years old.
Bam Margera- Born on September 28th 1789. He's 219 years old, making him 65 years younger than Ville.

Ville looks like he's 18 or 19. Bam met him when he is 17 (in 1806).
  1. A Little Bit Of History.
    Bam tells us about how he met Ville...
  2. I'm Sorry.