The Moment I Knew

This Isn't The End

Alesha chucked her clothes into her suitcase, she just wanted to get her stuff packed and leave, she couldn't stick around in Madrid for a Man that clearly didn't know what he wanted. The bedroom door opened, she didn't bother look to see who it was, she already knew who it was. She walked back over to the the wardrobe and pulled her clothes out and moved back to her suitcase and roughly shoved her clothes into it.

" When did you know?" Cristiano asked, as he watched Alesha pack her suitcases.

Alesha finally looked at him " What?" she asked confused.

" When did you know you loved me?" he asked, a small smile on his face.

Alesha shook her head there was no point in talking about this, she was still leaving, her flight was booked and there was no going back now, they couldn't take back what was said. He didn't want this baby, she did they couldn't be together right now.

" I would rather not talk about it" Alesha sighed.

Cristiano moved closer to Alesha " I deserve to know" he replied.

Alesha laughed, shaking her head " It doesn't matter now, we are done" she retorted.

" Well Humor me then" Cristiano said quietly,

Closing her suitcase, Alesha sighed deeply as she sat down on the bed " It was that night at my hotel room when I was drunk, the way you took care of me made me fall for you" she replied.

" So if you claim to love me like you say you do, how can you just leave?" Cristiano asked.

Alesha glared at Cristiano " You are being unfair" she muttered.

" You didn't answer my question Alesha" Cristiano replied.

Alesha stared down at the floor " What is the point in even talking about this?" she asked " I mean you know how I feel about you, that isn't the problem" she said quietly, placing a hand on her stomach.

Cristiano eyes briefly stared at her hand before he looked away " I told you we could sort that" he mumbled.

" I already told you I am keeping this baby Cristiano" Alesha sighed.

Cristiano moved to sit next to Alesha on the bed, she moved away from him slightly she just didn't know what was left to say, he didn't want this baby she did, so the best thing to do for everyone was go their own way.

" I still want you to stay, we can figure this out" Cristiano replied.

Alesha shook her head " No we can't" she said.

" So this is really over, you are just going walk away from me?" Cristiano asked with a bitter smile.

Alesha shrugged her shoulders a little " Unless you give me a reason to stay then I guess its over" she replied, looking at Cristiano willing him to give her a reason to stay.

" I can't have this child with you" Cristiano replied.

Alesha smiled coldly " But you can with Irina right?" she muttered sarcastically.

" The Irina situation is awkward I can't go into that right now" Cristiano replied.

Shaking her head Alesha, grabbed her passport and suitcase and headed for the door, she opened it and looked back at Cristiano" I hope you find someone who can break down that Icy wall around your heart one day" she said quietly.

Cristiano followed Alesha to the door, he closed the door and turned Alesha to face him , a puzzled look crossed her face, but he ignored it as he leaned down to kiss her, he wasn't sure what he hoped to achieve by kissing her but he just wanted her to know that his feelings for her were real he maybe not be in love with her just yet, but he was getting there, he just knew it was going to be too little too late to doing anything about it when he fell.

Alesha pushed Cristiano away " You shouldn't have done that" she said, her voice strangely detached.

" This is not the end for us" Cristiano warned, leaning his head on Alesha's.

Alesha smiled sadly at Cristiano, he would forget about her, it may take weeks or even months but he would eventually move on and she just hoped it was someone who cared deeply for him, all she wanted for him was to be happy.

" Goodbye Cristiano" she whispered, kissing is cheek one last night and then left the room and Cristiano's house without so much as backward glance, she was heartbroken in side but she needed to be strong and do this, she couldn't force Crristiano into anything he wasn't ready for.Maybe things would be different in a few months time but she doubted it, this chapter of her life was going to be closed for a little while.


Cristiano punched his punch bag in frustration, it had been a few hours since Alesha had left, almost five so she would probably be back in London, or just arriving. He shook his head at the way he had just let her leave, he wasn't ready for a baby, but he could have gotten used to the idea they had months to go before the baby was due, but he had just been in shock and insisted he would never be ready and drove Alesha away.

The gym door opened, Cristiano briefly looked up and saw it was Ricky, he had feared it would be Irina, all she had wanted to do all afternoon was talk but he was not ready to deal with her right now.

" God why is everything such a mess right now" Cristiano muttered angrily.

Ricky didn't know what had happened to make Alesha suddenly pack up and leave but he knew it must be serious if it had put Cristiano into such a foul mood.

" Do you want to talk about it?" Ricky asked.

Cristiano shook his head " There is not much to talk about, all you need to know is I am a idiot" he replied.

" What is wrong?" Ricky asked, as he watched Cristiano take his mood out on the poor punch bag.

Cristiano looked at Ricky " Alesha leaving is my fault" he admitted.

" Yeah I kind of suspected that" Ricky said quietly.

Cristiano laughed bitterly " You haven't heard the worst of it yet" he muttered darkly.

" What did you do?" Ricky asked, narrowing his eyes a little, hoping he hadn't cheated, he actually thought Alesha was the one for Cristiano.

Cristiano picked up his bottle of water and drank it all then threw the empty bottle into the bin " Alesha told me she was pregnant" he replied.

Ricky eyes widened at what Cristiano was telling him, he had a feeling that Cristiano had not reacted the way Alesha wanted him too. " Shouldn't that be happy news?" Ricky asked.

" Alesha was happy but I told her I didn't want the baby and that we were not ready for this baby" Cristiano muttered unhappily. " Which is the truth by the way, we have only been a proper couple for a few months, too soon for babies" he added.

Ricky sighed a little " So what did you do?" he asked.

" I sort of gave her a ultimatum, me or the baby" Cristiano replied " She chose baby" he added bitterly.

Ricky wanted to shake Cristiano for being an idiot but he could see he was already beating himself up " Maybe you just need to give her a little space to figure things out" he suggested.

" I think she is actually done with me, Irina turning up today pregnant probably didn't help me either" Cristiano sighed.

Ricky smiled a little " I have seen the way Alesha looks at you, there is no way she will ever be done with you, she loves you, its written all over her face" he replied.

" Well you should have saw her face today, she looked like she could barely stand to be in the same room as me" Cristiano laughed, shaking his head.

Ricky stared at Cristiano " You just need to give her time, she is just angry right now" he replied.

Cristiano nodded his head agreeing with Ricky as he took his frustration out on the punchbag, maybe in a few weeks once everything had settled down he would send Alesha a message. This wasn't going to be the end for them, he just needed time to figure out his own thoughts and feelings.


Robert looked over at Alesha, he was glad to have her home, but he could tell she wasn't happy, she had barely said more than two words since she arrived a few hours ago, he had tried to ask about the footballer but Alesha had quickly closed him down saying she didn't want to talk about it, so he knew something bad must have happened between them.

" So how long are you planning on staying?" Robert asked.

Alesha looked away from the TV program she had been watching " For a while" she replied.

" Has something happened between you and Cristiano?" Helen asked.

Alesha sighed a little " I don't really want to talk about him or what happened, all you need to know is that its over" she ranted a little.

" Oh sweetheart I am so sorry" Helen said, moving to give Alesha a hug.

Alesha pulled back a little " Please don't hug me, I will just cry and I don't want to do that" she muttered.

" Did he do something?" Robert asked, ignoring his wife warning look.

Alesha shook her head " No we just wanted different things" she whispered.

" Well Maybe its for the best" Robert said gently.

Alesha forced a smile on her face " For him maybe, but not for me" she sighed, as she stared at her phone, which sat on the table, she wanted to call him, but knew they would be no point they said all they needed to say to each other, they just had to get on with their own lives.

" Well its his loss" Robert said, smiling at Alesha.

Alesha smiled back at her dad " I think I am going to head to bed, I am pretty tired" she said, faking a yawn.

" You sure?" Helen asked.

Alesha nodded her head slightly " Yeah I will see you both in the morning" she replied, before she made her way upstairs to her old bedroom.


Alesha turned on her side and five minutes later she turned again, she couldn't sleep she had been awake for hours, she picked up her phone and groaned it was a little after four and she was still awakes. Slowly sitting up she scrolled down to Cristiano's name, she knew he would be up for training, shaking her head she angrily swiped the screen coming out of her phone book and then locked her phone, they were was no point calling him right now they would just get into another fight. Placing her phone back on charge she turned back on her side hoping that sleep would finally come.

A few hours later the sun shone brightly into the room, Alesha groaned as she opened her eyes, she glanced at her alarm clock and it was only a little after eight so she had four hours sleep, shaking her head she climbed out of bed, she looked towards her phone, she knew he probably wouldn't have called, but she decided to check anyways, she picked up her phone and unlocked the screen, she had been right he hadn't sent anything but his mum and sisters had, asking if she was okay, she locked her phone again, and placed her phone back on the table.She would send them a message later, right now she just wanted to spend time with her parents.