The Moment I Knew


Alesha had waited a couple of days before she flew back to Madrid, she still had doubts about coming back to Madrid, but she knew she had to try even if it was only for her unborn child's sake, if it ended badly then at least she could say she tried. The last two days Alesha had barely spoken to Cristiano, he had been busy with football and she didn't want to distract him from that as they were important games coming up which could affect the teams season.

Walking into Cristiano's house, she placed her suitcase against the wall, hoping Cristiano would still be at training, so it gave her a couple of hours to prepare what she was going to say to him. If they were going try again, she wanted to do it on her own terms, and that meant going slow so she could trust him again, because right now she didn't trust him one little bit.

" Alesha, you are back" Ricky smiled as he walked towards her and gave her hug, he was glad Alesha had come back as Cristiano really had been unbearable to be around these days.

Alesha hugged Ricky back and smiled a little before she pushed him away gently and stepped back " Yeah I am" she replied.

" Cristiano is at training, but he should be back soon" Ricky smiled when he noticed Alesha was looking around for him.

Alesha was relieved to hear that, it gave her a little more time " How has he been?" she asked, as she followed Ricky through to the kitchen, she was feeling a little peckish.

Ricky wasn't sure whether to tell Alesha the full truth as it would just make it a lot worse for Cristiano " When you first left he was hurting and was just acting out" Ricky said quietly.

" I know what he did, you don't have to lie for him" Alesha sighed, as picked up apple and took a bite out of it.

Pulling out a stool Ricky sat down " He was only with those girls as a distraction, he missed you" he said gently.

" Yeah he told me that in London" Alesha replied. " I am just not sure if I fully believe him yet" she added.

Ricky didn't blame Alesha for not trusting Cristiano, but she was going have to eventually if she wanted to gives things another go with him.

" I saw him Alesha and he was hurt that he pushed you away" Ricky smiled a little.

Alesha laughed bitterly " He was so hurt that he jumped straight into bed with another woman" she snapped back at Ricky.

" That is just how Cristiano is, you know that" Ricky replied " He acts first and thinks later" he added.

Staring down at her half eaten apple in her hands, Alesha sighed loudly " It doesn't mean I have to accept his bad behavior" she said.

" You don't but surely you being here means you are willing to try again" Ricky smiled.

Alesha just shrugged her shoulder " I am not doing this for me" she replied, as she placed her hand on her little bump. It wasn't just about her and Cristiano anymore, they needed to find a way to make this work for their unborn child's sake, she or he came first.


Cristiano stifled a yawn as he made his way to his car, today's training had been tough, Zidane wanted to make sure they were all prepared for the upcoming games, he was actually looking forward to them, they would take his mind of the problems had had going on with Alesha, he knew she said that she would think about coming back to Madrid, but a few days had passed and he had heard nothing, so was starting to think she was not coming back at all.

" Cristiano"

Cristiano lifted his head to see Isobel standing by his car,he groaned quietly, this wasn't going to end well, Cristiano had thought he had seen the last of her months ago. He didn't need her back in his life especially with things with Alesha still to be decided.

" What do you want Isobel?" Cristiano asked.

Isobel took a step closer to Cristiano " I heard about you and Alesha" she said with a smile on her face, she wanted to give things another go with Cristiano, she knew she could make him happy.

" Well you heard wrong, we are working things out" Cristiano replied.

Isobel smiled again and it unnerved Cristiano a little " I have missed you" she said completely igoring what Cristiano had just said.

" Well I haven't missed you" Cristiano replied, trying to be cruel to be kind, he didn't want to give Isobel false hope.

Tears welled up in Isobel eyes " I want us to be together" she replied.

Cristiano shook his head as he stepped around Isobel to get to his car " That is not going to happen" he told her.

Isobel watched as Cristiano opened his car door, she moved closer to him " You will regret rejecting me, I will make sure of it" she hissed quietly at him.

Cristiano laughed at Isobel not taking her seriously at all " Goodbye Isobel" he said, climbing into his car and slammed the door behind him, just wanting to get away from Isobel, the way she was looking at him, unsettled him.

Isobel watched as Cristiano drove away, she would make sure he would pay for rejecting him again, if she couldn't be happy she was going to make sure Cristiano couldn't be happy either, she was going to cause all sorts of trouble for Cristiano over the coming months and she would enjoy every single minute of it.

Cristiano arrived home an hour later still a little distracted by Isobel's threat he really had thought he had seen the last of her months ago, so the fact she was trying to force herself back into his life could not be a good thing, shaking his head he made his way through the house and came to a stop when he saw Alesha in his room sitting on his bed.

Alesha smiled weakly as she looked over at Cristiano she could see he was surprised to see her " Hey" she said.

Cristiano stepped into his room, closing the door behind him, he flung his bag down by the door and slowly made his way over to Alesha a wary expression on his face.

" So you are back" he said quietly.

Alesha nodded her head slightly " For now" she said.

Cristiano heard the threat in Alesha's voice, he knew this was probably his last shot with her, anymore screws ups and she probably would be gone for good" I am happy you came back" he smiled.

" I want to take things slow, we have a lot of things to work on" Alesha replied, as she stared up at Cristiano.

Cristiano nodded his head in agreement " That sounds like a very good idea" he said.

" I also think I should look somewhere else for me to stay" Alesha said, she didn't want to jump right back in with Cristiano.

Cristiano shook his head " No you can stay here, in the guest bedroom if you like" he replied.

" Its probably for the best if I don't stay here" Alesha sighed a little, not wanting to move as quickly as they had before, this time they needed to take their time.

Cristiano moved to sit down next to Alesha " I would rather you stay here, I promise I won't do anything you don't want to, we can go as slow as you want" he replied.

Alesha stared doubtfully at Cristiano she was undecided about what to do, her head was telling her to get her own place but her heart was telling her to stay " Fine I will stay for now, but I will be sleeping in your guest room, while we work things out" she finally said.

Cristiano smiled, glad that he had gotten Alesha to stay " I am so happy you are here, I never expected you to come back so soon" he said.

" I wasn't planning on coming back soon but I.... she trailed off not wanting to admit that she had missed him badly the last few days.

Cristiano reached for Alesha's hand and linked it with his " I promise you won't regret coming back, I will make it up to you" he said, then looked down at her slight bump " To both of you" he quickly corrected himself.

"I had better not regret this" Alesha smiled a little, as she pulled her hand away from Cristiano and got up from the bed and moved to the other side of the room, she didn't want to get too close to him until she could trust him again.


Alesha yawned a little as she sat beside Cristiano later that night, after they had talked they had decided to spend time together watching a film, she hated that she could not say mad at Cristiano for long, he always found ways to make her warm to him, like pick a romantic film he knew she would like and watch it with her without complaining even though he hated these types of films.

Just as Alesha was about to fall asleep Cristiano's phone vibrated on the table, she slowly opened her eyes to watch Cristiano, she heard him curse as he stared down at his phone.

" What is wrong?" she asked sleepily.

Cristiano looked at Alesha knowing he would have to tell her, they had promised each other to be totally honest with each other " Isobel won't leave me alone" he said, showing Alesha the text message he had been sent.

Alesha read the message her eyes narrowing slightly at each word, she looked at Cristiano " Did you tell her you wanted to be with her?" she asked.

Cristiano shook his head " No she came to see me after training today and I told her that I am not interested but she warned me I would regret turning her down" he sighed, hoping Alesha would believe him, he hadn't done anything wrong.

" Why has she came back into you life after months of silence?" Alesha asked doubtfully she wasn't sure if she believed Cristiano.

Cristiano saw the doubt on Alesha's face she wasn't sure whether he was telling the truth " Isobel read that we were having problems, I didn't get in touch with her" he said.

Alesha stared at Cristiano looking for any signs he was lying but she couldn't see any " I believe you" she said, hoping that Isobel was not about to make life difficult for them, it was the last thing they needed.

A relieved look crossed Cristiano's face, glad that Alesha had believed him " I don't want nothing to do with Isobel" he muttered.

" Have you thought of getting a restraining order out on her?" Alesha asked.

Cristiano shook his head " Isobel is pretty harmless she won't don't anything stupid" he replied.

Alesha shook her head a little, she saw how unhinged Isobel was and didn't believe she was harmless, but knew it was not her place to do something, If Cristiano believed Isobel was harmless then she would have to take his word for it, even if she didn't believe it herself.