The Moment I Knew

The Ex

Dolores opened the door and she smiled at the sight that greeted her, Cristiano and Alesha were on the sofa sleeping, Alesha's head was his shoulder, with her arm laid across his chest, she was glad that they seemed to have sorted their issues out, she went to close the door, but as she did Cristiano slowly opened his eyes and looked at her.

" Morning" Cristiano smiled, as Alesha moved slightly in his arms.

Dolores stepped into the room " Did you sleep down here all night?" she asked.

" Yeah, I got in late and Alesha was already sleeping down here" Cristiano replied, as Alesha slowly opened her eyes.

Alesha rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and moved away from Cristiano a little annoyed with herself that she did not go to bed last night, she could still smell the perfume on Cristiano, shaking her head she stood up " I need a shower" she muttered.

" I will Join you" Cristiano smirked, as he followed Alesha, she couldn't really say no or make a scene in front of his mother.

Once they were back in Cristiano's room Alesha turned on Cristiano " You should have went to bed" she hissed at him.

" I fell asleep Alesha its not like I did it deliberately to annoy you, the world does not revolve around you" he snapped at her, the broken sleep he had last night affecting bis mood.

Alesha glared at Cristiano " I never said it did" she spat back at him.

" Everything has to be about you, Everything has to be on your terms, all I get is nothing but grief" from you all the time even though i am not doing anything wrong " he yelled.

Alesha was a little taken back by Cristiano snapping at her, she wasn't expecting it " I don't know what is wrong with you this morning, but don't take your mood out on me" she snapped back at him.

" You are what is wrong with me, nothing ever seems to make you happy, I try to do stuff to make you happy and I just get it chucked it back in my face every single god dammed time" he yelled at her, his frustration with Alesha finally boiling over.

Alesha laughed bitterly " Yeah because sleeping with different women every night is all about trying to keep me happy right?" she retorted.

" I have not been sleeping with different women every night, its been the same one" he yelled again, as he unbuttoned his shirt, taking it off and chucked it on the floor.

Alesha clapped sarcastically " Well done do you want a medal?" she asked, as reached for a clean towel, she needed to get away from this Cristiano, he was acting like a dick. " You only done one nice thing for me since I have been here, the other times you have been whoring around" she snapped at him.

" I am single I am not doing anything wrong" he muttered, as he undid his belt and yanked it from his Jeans and chucked it next to his discarded shirt.

Alesha moved towards the bathroom just wanting to get away from Cristiano " Do what you want Cristiano, I don't care" she replied, going into the bathroom and slamming the door hard behind her.

Alesha tried to calm herself down, she didn't know what had come over Cristiano this morning she had never seen him that angry before, she moved towards the shower, when the door opened, she turned around and saw Cristiano walking towards her a determined look in his eyes.

" Get out, I am going for a shower" she hissed at him.

Cristiano ignored Alesha as he reached out for her arm and pulled her to him, she gulped a little nervously at the look in his eyes " What are you doing?" she whispered.

" Something both of us clearly want" Cristiano muttered, as he kissed her.

Alesha struggled in his arms, wanting to push him away but she ended up just wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed him, he pushed her back against the wall, his hands sliding under her shirt, she shivered a little at his touch, she tugged his hair a little as he pulled away from her mouth and kissed along her Jaw to her neck, he bit softly, her eyes flew opened and she pushed him away roughly.

" No we shouldn't" she said, breathing a little too fast.

Cristiano smirked at Alesha as he leaned his head against hers " I know you want this as much as me why are you fighting it?" he asked.

" I don't trust you" Alesha whispered.

Cristiano frowned as he took a step back from Alesha " How can you not trust me?" he asked.

" I just don't, this will never work out for real, I am not going deny I want you, but I can't do this with you, I just can't, you will hurt me not intentionally, but you will" Alesha

" I am not asking for anything serious " Cristiano sighed.

Alesha rolled her eyes " That right there is why it won't work, You just want sex without the relationship, it might work for a while, but eventually I will want more, can you give me that?" she asked.

Cristiano slowly shook his head " I don't do relationships not since Irina" he replied.

" I don't want to know why, that is your business, I think we need to just keep things strictly professional now until the contract is over at least" Alesha smiled weakly.

A hard look Crossed Cristiano's face " If that is what you want" he said, and left Alesha standing alone in the bathroom, hating that she had allowed herself to get close to him, even when she swore she wouldn't. It was never going to work between them he couldn't give what she wanted, it was best to stop things before it progressed and someone got hurt.

Cristiano barely said two words to Alesha all morning, he would walk out a room, whenever she walked in, his family had picked up something was wrong, but they didn't say anything about it. Alesha had enough and decided she was going to go back to her hotel room, it was probably for the best. Cristiano clearly didn't want to be around her right now, she was just about to go upstairs and get her stuff when she heard someone knock on the front door, since she was nearest to the door, she decided to go and see who it was.

Alesha pulled the door open a smile on her face, and it dropped when she saw who was standing on the doorstep. She was surprised to see the model she thought that Cristiano was done with her and had been for months.

" You must be Alesha, Cristiano latest toy" Irina smirked unkindly at her.

Alesha forced a polite smile on her face " You must be the ex that screwed him over" she replied, as she stepped aside to allow Irina into the house.

" Irina what are you doing here?" Alesha heard Cristiano asked, as he moved towards his ex completely ignoring Alesha.

Alesha stepped back and watched Cristiano with Irina and it all made sense to her now, he was still sleeping with his ex, she laughed softly shaking her head as she walked away from them, Cristiano didn't even notice that she had walked away, she was so glad that she had put the brakes on anything happening between them this morning, it was clear just by looking at Cristiano he was still hung up on Irina.

" Are you Okay?" Katia asked, seeing the look on Alesha's face.

Alesha nodded as she sat down " Irina is here" she replied

Dolores looked up from her magazine " Irina is here?" she asked, sighing she knew the reason why her son was so messed up was because of how things ended with Irina.

" He is over her, my brother is with you he won't do anything" Katia smiled.

Alesha smiled a little, she already knew he was still sleeping with Irina, that is who he had been going to every night. " I think am going to leave now" she said quietly.

" No you stay, it should be Irina who is leaving" Dolores muttered.

Alesha shook her head "Its fine I need to go back to my room anyway, I will see you all later" she replied, then quickly made her way upstairs to get her stuff, she heard voices coming from Cristiano, room, she pushed the door open and saw that Cristiano was sitting on the bed, with Irina in his arms she was leaning down to kiss him, his hands were working on taking Irina's shirt off.

She let out a bitter laugh, Cristiano immediately pushed Irina off him, " Don't stop on my account" she muttered " I have just came to get my stuff" she added, sparing a cold look at Irina she was sure she read the model was all loved up with Bradley Cooper in a trashy magazine a few days ago.

" I don't know what is more tragic, what you said to me this morning, or you fooling around with someone else's girlfriend" Alesha said, looking right at Cristiano, completely ignoring Irina.

Irina smiled coldly at Alesha " This is really none of your business, Cristiano has told me all about your arrangement" she said.

" So you telling everyone about our arrangement these days" Alesha said,an unimpressed look on her face.

Cristiano stared at Alesha, he could see the hurt on her face " Irina is right this is none of your business" he snapped at her, completely closing himself off from her.

" Are you really that stupid, anything you do with her, risks our arrangement" she yelled back furiously.

Irina smiled smugly at Alesha " We have been very good at hiding what we have been doing, we have done if for weeks" she replied.

Alesha shook her head at Cristiano " I don't know what hold she has over you, but you deserve better than her" she mumbled, as she picked up her bag.

" Better than me, who is better than me?" Irina laughed as she walked over to Cristiano and sat on his lap

Alesha watched as Irina sat down on Cristiano's lap, she really wanted to just over there and pull her away from Cristiano " You deserve better is all I saying" she said, as she headed to the door.

Cristiano pushed Irina off his lap and hurried after Alesha, he grabbed her arm and turned her around " Promise me you won't say anything about this to anyone" begged.

Alesha laughed bitterly " Don't worry your dirty little secret is safe with me but if it gets out to the press you are on your own" she replied.

" I meant what I said this morning" Cristiano whispered into her ear.

Alesha just shook her head " You are more messed up than me, you don't even know what you feel she said, before she walked out the room, leaving Cristiano to deal with Irina. She had a feeling Irina being around was going to mess everything up for everyone.