Voices in My Head

He Really Does Not Remember

Just as Randy was about to go on, Ana’s earpiece came to live and she was asked to meet Steph near her office.
She gave Randy a quick thumbs-up as he disappeared down the ramp and turned to meet with Steph. It was her last night at Smackdown so maybe she wanted to run through a few things or even saying goodbye before leaving. The second she rounded the last corner though, all those thoughts came crashing down as she saw both Steph and Shane stand with the members of Stone Sour, idle chats and laughs being exchanged. She tried to backtrack again but it was too late.

“Ah, here she is! Ana!”

Hollered loudly, causing everyone to look at her as he was waving one arm wildly in the air to signal her down. Steph’s eyes went wide as her brother sidestepped the drummer to walk towards Ana with a smirk on his face. She really had no idea what he was trying to pull but she didn’t like it.

He met her halfway and put an arm around her shoulder, cameras instantly on them as she tried to pull up the best smile she could muster.

“This is my girlfriend Ana, I was told you guys may know her as she has worked with you before.”

Ana’s eyes widened at his comment, not wanting to disagree with him though seen that all of them turned towards them with smiles and intrigued eyes. Everyone but Steph.

“She isn’t really his girlfriend. Just another make-believe for the cameras to aid a growing story line we have.”

She made a cutthroat gesture to the cameras and one by one they disappeared.

“I remember you. You were running the tightest backline we ever had on a festival tour. Our roadies hated you for it but we never had a better run since. Whatever happened, you kinda disappeared on us!”

The guitarist voiced as he reached out his hand to shake hers after she managed to separate herself from Shane.
Roy copied his actions with a big smile on his face, embracing her as soon as she was free of Shane and laughed.

“It was my first festival tour with the band and you were the one to talk to me before a show to get me set, I remember! You disappeared after the Texas show…no one knew what the fuck happened until someone said you got involved with someone?”

She laughed it off, some of the guys followed suit but some eyes were obviously still on her as she tried to make the best of the situation.

“Guess we’re all young and stupid at 21, right? Worst mistake I ever made but it taught me for future gigs. Looks like you boys have definitely not stopped though, good to see you here.”

Her eyes were searching for Steph, needing to be rescued from this awkward situation, but she seemed to have gone M.I.A. and it was only she, Shane and the band.

“Well, it was nice meeting you again, but I have to get back to work. I really hope you had a good time meeting the wrestlers, you gonna stay and watch the show?”

She couldn’t be rude and just leave, she was an employee of the WWE after all and needed to act the part, no matter how much she could feel Corey’s eyes burn holes into the side of her head. She had avoided looking at him altogether this entire time.
Shane sprang to action, assuring the band that they had box seats for the remainder of the show and that no penny would be spared to look after them. He asked them to follow him and she sighed a breath of relief as they left, only to realize that one person stayed behind.


She stood a few feet from him, not looking at him but seeing those damn beat-up Converses in her peripheral vision.

“I’m sorry.”

Those words had her eyes shoot up right to his, making sure that she had actually heard what he had said. Was he apologizing for what he had done to her after all these years?

“I should have kept tabs on you, you were amazing as a stage manager and as Roy mentioned, it was much more than that.”

Tears were now running freely down her cheeks as she looked at the man she had once adored. Had he really forgotten about what he had done to her or was he just playing along to his band mates’ sentiments.

“So does much more include violating her? Making her feel so dirty that she leaves a job without getting paid for any of the work she has done for you?”

She felt a strong set of arms wrap around her body and she finally allowed herself to sob loudly.


“What the fuck are you talking about, I don’t even remember her!”

Ana’s heart shattered all over again as she heard these words. Granted, it had been a long time ago, but who would forget the sobbing and bleeding mess she had been?

“Oh, so you’re telling me that all your band mates remember the wonders she worked for you guys but after fucking raping her you forgot her name and face? I was advised earlier today not to interact with you…but seen that we’re face to face right now, why don’t tell me how many-“

Ana slapped her hand in front of Randy’s mouth, avoiding eye contact.

“Leave. Go to be with the others now!”

Corey Taylor looked confused but he knew he would be no match to the raging bull currently held back by the woman in front of him. He knew he had done wrong in his bad times and a shudder went down his spine as he looked at the woman in front of him.

“I’m sorry if I did anything to hurt you in the past. I was fucked up at the start. I have been sober for almost a decade now.”

Randy was about to break her hold: the time line went back to whatever he had done to her but he was not admitting it to himself, he couldn’t even remember.

“Go to your friends, enjoy the rest of the show.”

Corey turned and started walking, wishing he could remember the woman standing behind him, holding back a much larger man. He would remember and make it up to her.

As soon as Corey rounded the corner, her body went slack, allowing Randy to break free.

“He seriously has no clue.”

He said, as he looked after the vocalist, rubbing a hand over his shaved head.

“I told you as much.”

Ana responded, pulling her earpiece out and pocketing it; tonight really hadn’t gone the way she had expected.